The day blacks robbed my dying Marine dad, a big country-club Republican who, in front of others, had rejected my “racism”

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My father, a double war veteran, was a Marine Corps major in the Reserve in 1965 (damaged photo) and Establishment conservative who condemned to his liberal friends and family members my national socialist views.

…..My politically-correct Republican father robbed in his hospital bed

Because I advocate a wartime alliance with anti-jewish blacks (29% of blacks are antisemitic, according to a 2009 ADL study;, some accuse me of being, as the infamous troll Carlos Porter claims, a “n—-r-lover.”

In their blind hate and jealousy, they have no idea of my true feelings.

My goal is to win. For that we may need allies.

Margi, whom I love and would defend to the death, was mugged twice and raped once by blacks in Washington DC. How dare they defame me as a “n—-r lover”? The truth is just meaningless to such vile people.

Now here is another story about race, and those whites who 1) keep their mouth shut and say nothing versus 2) those who do speak truth to the people and to the power.

I have often discussed my father, James Waddell Nugent, of Norman-British stock.

I wrote this after he passed in July 2012:

Reagan repeatedly asked my father to serve on the National Security Council…..


….but he smelled a rat in Colonel Ollie North, and he remained furious with Reagan over his incompetence in connection with the Marine Barracks Bombing in Beirut, Lebanon in October 1983, when over 220 Marines (plus 18 sailors and 3 soldiers) were killed unnecessarily.

Incredibly, the Marines guarding the barracks, in an outright war zone, were ordered to carry unloaded M-16 rifles, and thus were unable to even shoot at the suicide bomber whose pickup truck was barreling straight into the lobby of their building.  

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His view, and mine, is that no man should be permitted to become Commander-in-Chief (President) who has not served in military uniform.

Civilians live in a different world.

The first thing I would do as President is restore universal military service for all young white men:

1) most of whom have not had a male authority figure in their teenage years at all, not in this age of rampant divorce and “shacking-up,”

2) and for the reason that every man must know how to defend himself, his family, his race and his true country in a hostile world, and that means to kill wicked men who cannot be reasoned with.

Dad was a distinguished Marine Corps veteran of World War Two, and fought the Japanese as a sergeant, later staff sergeant, at the battles of Iwo Jima, Tinian and Saipan.

Iwo Jima; the Marines raise the flag on Mount Suribachi.
Since America was then a 89% white nation, this was the best of the white race beating the 
best of the yellow race (in the form of the Japanese, who fought to the death, almost all 20,000 of them).

Later, my dad served with distinction as a lieutenant, then captain, in the Korean War.

In his dress-blue uniform as a Marine captain; my father was both a kind man to the deserving, and yet actually a very scary dude — and as people have found out, or yet will, I am just like him.  

Letter from a corporal about my father as a leader, written to his widow, my stepmother.

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My father’s final rank was lieutenant colonel. He did not make a career out of the Marines after the US no-win-war policy began. It started in Korea, it disgusted him, and it has never stopped. In fact, the US has not won a major, war-deciding battle since D-Day in June 1944.

My father kept telling me how 50% of his officer class was killed or wounded, some severely, and asked “What was it all for, John? So many good, good men died.”)

Anyway, this is the shocking truth. While my father secretly agreed with me about almost everything, of course never ever in public would Mr. Country-Club Republican say anything about it.


The country-club-Republican played gold every weekend at Bent Pines Golf  Club (initiation fee $10,000 and the same in annual dues)






Dads teach their sons the game of golf, but it is also where one can make friends and meet potential clients. 



Of course, one is not a racist or antisemite, just there are no blacks or Jews around 😉 ..


In one’s golden Cadillac one drives past the black section, past the Mexican neighborhood, and past the lousy houses of the poor Whites, who cannot afford to live in a lily-white neighborhood; their kids must attend school with blacks and browns;  black boys will try to seduce their daughters and bully their sons.


And I was the black sheep of the family for talking about the blacks and the Jews. In fact, I was disinherited and not even notified when my father died. I learned about it from a member of his church.

But no one can escape their karma, and while some of our bad karma is sins of commission (my father committed precious few of those sins; he was a good man, and helped many people), other bad karma is our sins of OMISSION, when you fail to do what you should and must.

My father never put his money seriously behind me, the white nationalist, his own son who was saying the truth. (He was a bit helpful in 1990 when I ran for Congress, but not as much as he could have been.)

And so his silence on the black danger finally caught up with him as he lay ailing in a Vero Beach, Florida rehabilitation clinic before he died.

I respect my father for what he did in life, but it disappointed me that he failed to do other things that he knew were right, and would admit were right — after a few Beefeater martinis. 😉 I still love him, and miss him, and ask my sins be forgiven, and may God forgive him his.

Henry Kissinger (former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State/foreign minister under Presidents Nixon and Ford); Providence (Rhode Island) mayor Buddy Cianci; and my father and Canadian stepmother Helen (a very nice lady, like most Canadians). (Father would say to me:”John, you can’t take on the Jews.” Nor did he. So just let them exterminate us?)

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Anyway, two blacks, and then another, came into my father’s hospital rehab room, and stole his things. Clearly the black staff had tipped some other negroes off.

Worse, because my father suffered from insomnia from tinnitus, a ringing in his ears that began during the Korean War (from the noise of constant nearby explosions) and it worsened as he aged, he was awake, if groggy, as these crimes happened.

I feel so sorry for dad that he lost some precious WWII photos when the negroes stole his wallet.

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What is shocking is that this did not happen in the ghetto but in a very affluent area. God only knows how many other white, elderly patients have been robbed. How can you recuperate when you have to keep one eye open at 3 am for your things?

It is just psychopathic, and when I think of all the wars and battles my father went through, supposedly for his country, and how he treated the black Marines under him in Korea very, very well, this is sickening. Sickening COWARDICE.

DAD — from the beyond, bless me, at least now and from the next world — as I carry this message to our people and to our military.

The oath of every American serviceman is to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”



by Irish-British comrade and writer Mike Walsh


Are you fed up with government and eager for change? If your intention is to enter the world of protest expect your life to be exciting, inspiring and colourful. I did so in 1968 and I would change nothing. However, this ˜old  soldier’ would wish you to enter the fray armed with the right information  and skills. In EUROPE ARISE (Amazon) a section sets out the reasons  why the naà¯ve need to be aware of the true nature of the state-police, state- journalists and state court system; this is the coin with three sides.

Journalists assassinate the character whilst the police and judiciary set out
to make anti-state dissent ineffective.

Let me explain by example: On the day of a protest march through  London, the News of the World, then the biggest circulation newspaper in  Britain, carried a headline; ˜Israel’s MOSSAD to assassinate British
Movement Fuhrer’. The front-page was salivating at the prospect of me  becoming George Lincoln Rockwell No. 2.


***JdN: Rockwell was murdered by a vengeful, psychopathic nerd named Patler whom he had expelled from the NSWPP party; the FBI had fired him up with lies that Rockwell was secretly working for the Jews, and that he wanted only blond, blue-eyed members, unlike the Greek immigrant Patler. The fact that Rockwell had dark eyes and hair, as did his successor, Matt Koehl, or a stormtrooper, the Italian-American Ralph Grandinetti (my very close friend and collaborator in the 1990s), became irrelevant in Patler’s nerd need to do something famous. “Primitive people believe what they wanna believe.” This is why defamation WORKS. Evil people project their own baseness on the pure of heart.

The fearless Rockwell confronted everyone, including the liberals’ darling, “the Reverend” Martin Luther King, a plagiarist, serial adulterer, and whoremonger.

Matt Koehl, Rockwell’s successor


Prior to an outdoor public meeting the local radio’s newscaster hysterically  urged the city’s united left to ˜engage the fascists’. The hard left did so.  Bloodied but unbowed, we were fortunate to escape with our lives. In both  cases the media incited violence and might easily have been accessory to murder.

In 1979 I published six fliers, the content of which, in perfectly reasonable manner, criticised Britain’s immigration policy. No way could the wording  be described as inflammatory. One leaflet was mostly a copy of “The White Man’s Burden,” Rudyard Kipling’s 1899 poem. Tens of thousands of the fliers were distributed without protest.

One day a knocking on the door; Special Branch officers handed me the  fliers. They wanted to know if I was the publisher. Naively, even proudly, I  agreed that I was and asked the two officers where was their problem?  They didn’t have a problem ~ I did. Charged, I was brought to trial; not a  magistrates court mind you. This was the full Mariinsky Theatre  performance, wigs and jury. The proceedings were as fixed and the  outcomes as predictable as any Stalinist show trial. It was me against the  state. I received 6 x 4 month prison sentences.

Down to the cells and onwards to Liverpool’s HMP Walton Gaol, a dark,  forbidding Victorian prison.

*** JdN: a recent headline about Walton Jail

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Strip-searched and ˜medically examined’ I  was shown into a cell holding a clearly deranged, confrontational inmate.

For an encore he had smeared his excrement over the cell’s brick walls.

During breakfast, a fellow prisoner expressed surprise at my difficulty. He  directed me to a prison warders’ information board placed at the end of my  wing. Clearly stated was the wording that under no circumstances must  anyone be placed in the cell with the unstable inmate. Only when I protested that the world would soon hear of what they had done was I  moved to another cell.

The outwitted prison officers then informed the coloured inmates the reason for my being a guest of Her Majesty. This resulted in violent   kicking of my cell door and their telling me ~ colourfully ~ of what they   planned to do to ˜a racist’.

No psychiatrist, I leave it to others to figure out the reason for such base betrayal of one’s own kind. Did prison officers want me isolated to reduce  ˜contamination of fellow prisoners’? How does one explain such police,  journalist and jurist wickedness?

I think this experience teaches valuable lessons. The police officers who charged and arrested me were White as was the presiding judge and  prosecuting counsel. The journalists, who lied and accused me of inciting  race hatred, were White as were the prison officers. Never make the  mistake of thinking the STASI or Khmer Rouge state-employed terrorists are an alien aberration of state hatred towards dissent. The West has their  state-employed self-haters too.

Here is the rub; I received much sympathy from our poor unemployed, the working class. I even won the grudging respect of members of the radical  left Socialist Workers Party. All my tormentors were White and wore state-purchased suits and uniforms.

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… We must have a new, organized spiritual community to root out the moral rot, cowardice, gossip, infighting and stupidity in ourselves!

Someone asked me why God does not intervene to save us from the Jews.

Maybe because this planet consists of selfish, stupid, cowardly people? 😉

Or those who in a previous life were that way — and now need to improve their karma ASAP?

With your financial help, I will finish my religious project.




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