Roman Catholic Vlad Tepes: Impaled The Muslim ‘Brotherhood’, Thus Saving His Country From The Ottoman Empire’s Islamic Headcutters.
The Most Honorable Person In Romanian History
Vlad Dracula is credited with impaling 100,000 Ottoman Headcutters aka; Muslims and probably more.
Vlad DRACULA vs Ottoman Empire – The Forest of The Impaled
In 1462 when the invading Muslim Sultan Mehmed II reached Tirgoviste, he saw a terrifying scene, remembered in history as “the Forest of the Impaled”, there, outside the city, were 20,000 Muslim prisoners, all impaled.
Sultan Mehmed II sent his envoys to speak with Vlad Tepes and when ushered into the presence of the prince, the Turks refused to remove their Phrygian caps.
When questioned, they answered that it was not the custom of their fathers to remove their hats.
Dracula then ordered their hats nailed to their heads with three nails so that they might never have to break such an excellent tradition.
Dracula stated that when in my presence you will obey my customs. The envoys were then sent back to the sultan with their caps nailed to their skulls.
Vlad-imir Putin
Vlad (III) or Vlad Tepes, meaning “Vlad the Impaler”, the Muslim Turks called him Kaziglu Bey, or “the Impaler Prince”, was the prince of Walachia, and was born in Transylvania, which at that time was ruled by Hungary.
Walachia was founded in 1290 by a Transylvanian named Radu Negru, or Rudolph the Black. Dracula’s grandfather, Prince Mircea the Old, reigned from 1386 to 1418. He fought to keep Walachia independent from Islamic Turks but was forced to pay tribute to them.
He and his descendants continued to rule Walachia, but under the suzerainty of the Islam Ottoman Empire (Turkey).
The prince was elected by the country’s boyars, or land-owning nobles ‘We The People’. Eventually the royal House of Basarab was split into two factions — Mircea’s descendants, and the descendants of another prince named Dan (II). Dan’s descendants were called the Danesti.
Mircea’s had a son named Vlad (II), born around 1390. He grew up in the court of King Sigismund of Hungary, who became the Holy Roman Emperor in 1410, and founded a secret fraternal order of knights called the Order of the Dragon to uphold Roman Catholicism and defend the Empire against the Islam Ottoman Turks.
Its emblem was a dragon, wings extended, hanging on a cross.
Vlad (III’s) father Vlad (II), was admitted to the Order around 1431 because of his bravery in fighting the Islam Turks. From 1431 onward, Vlad (II) wore the emblem of the order and later, as ruler of Wallachia, his coinage bore the dragon symbol.
The word for dragon in Romanian is “drac” and “ul” is the definitive article.
Vlad (III’s) father thus came to be known as “Vlad Dracul,” or “Vlad the dragon.” In Romania the ending “ulea” means “the son of”. Under this interpretation, Vlad (III) thus became Vlad Dracula, or “the son of the dragon.”
The sobriquet thus took on a double meaning for enemies of Vlad Tepes and his father.)
Sigismund made Vlad the military governor of Transylvania, a post he held from 1431 to 1435. During that time he lived in the town of Sighisoara or Schassburg. You can still visit the citadel there and even the house where Vlad’s son Dracula was born.
Today there’s a restaurant on the second floor. There’s also a mural in the house that depicts Vlad Dracul or Vlad (II).
Dracula was born in November of 1431. His given name was Vlad. He had an older brother, Mircea, and a younger brother, Radu the Handsome.
Their mother was a Moldavian princess or a Tranyslvanian noble. It is said that she educated Dracula in his early years. Later, he was trained for knighthood by an old boyar who had fought the Islamic Turks.
In 1462 when the invading Evil Muslim Sultan Mehmed II reached Tirgoviste, he saw the terrifying scene, remembered in history as “the Forest of the Impaled”, there, outside the city, were 20,000 Muslims prisoners, all impaled.
The sultan’s officers were too scared to go on – Dracula had won again.He’s remembered today as a patriotic hero, who stood up to Islam (Turkey) and their expansionism. He was the last Walachian prince to remain sovereign and independent from Islam’s Ottoman Empire.
The Real Castle Dracula
The Real Castle Dracula
The Real Castle Dracula
Remember, The Discovery Channel Is A Tool Used For Reprogramming By The NWO, Who Also By The Way Utilize The Headcutters In Their Moves To Destabilize Nations.
This Is Why They Labeled Vlad Tepes As Evil – When In Actuality, He Was The Hero Saving His Country From Evil Headcutters, Who Were Practicing Expansionism Throughout Europe.
The Headcutters Of Islam Were All ‘Johnny Come Lately’, As Europe Was Either Already Roman Catholics Or Barbarians!
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This is Bran Castle which is used for Dracula Tourism ~ Vlad did sleep here on his visits, but His Castle is the one above.
Vlad the Impaler was a great strategist, incredible leader, congratulated by the Roman Catholic Pope and Christian Kings for his victories against the Islamic Ottoman army.
Vlad Tepes imposed the ultimate honesty among his people. He was loved by his peopled, feared by his enemies. Vlad Tepes is one of the most known leaders of the medieval period and the National Hero Of Romania.
This is Holger The Dane
At the Battle of Poitiers in 732, the Frankish King Charles Martel defeated the Saracens (Muslims) and pushed the forces of Islam back into the Iberian Peninsula.
It was not until 1492 that the Moors (Muslims) were finally thrown out of Europe, but in the meantime the Islamic virus was contained in Spain and Portugal, and thus kept out of the heart of Western Europe.
One of King Charles Martel’s comrades-in-arms at Poitiers was a warrior of the North known as Ogier le Danois, later Holger Danske, or Holger the Dane. Although Holger was a historical figure, little is known of him, and most of the written material about him is drawn from legend.
Inside Kronborg Castle Is The Statue Of Holger The Dane.
Kronborg Castle or ‘Hamlets’ Castle was immortalised by Shakespeare. Kronborg is situated at Helsingør or “Elsinore” and built by King Frederik II in 1574-84 (King from 1559-1588 – ruled Denmark and Norway).
According to the chroniclers, Holger had previously done battle with the Franks over their incursions into Danish territory. But in 732 the menace of the Saracens forced him to set aside his differences with Charles Martel and journey southwards to fight side-by-side with the Frankish forces against the common enemy.
At the end of his days, Holger, like King Arthur, retired to a secluded keep to enter a twilight sleep from which he will awake in the hour of his country’s need. The location most frequently cited for Holger’s rest is Kronborg castle at Helsingør.
It was within the first 100 Years after The False Prophet was born, Mudhead’s Islamic Headcutters began deceiving and murdering their fellow man.
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You forgot to mention that as a boy, Vlad Tepes was held as a hostage by the Turks for many years in a Turkish prison, where he was repeatedly sodomized by his Turkish jailers. That’s why he had such a visceral hatred for the Turks, and loved to impale them by running long sharp spikes up their anuses, which only stopped at the tops of their skulls. Vlad Tepes personified the saying, “Those to whom evil is done, do evil in return.”
If true, very understandable.
What is the source of this information?
It’s more likely that it was Radu the Handsome, Vlad’s brother, who was the butt-boy of the Turks. In all of the books I’ve read about the Impaler I’ve never read on instance of him being, ahem, used by his Turkish jailers.
Vlad actually lived under what was effectively house arrest in Adrianople, which was the Turkish capital at the time before the horde conquered Constantinople.
Thanks for your comment. On the one hand, that would make sense, because Vlad was so “bad-ass,” while sexual abuse can be emotionally devastating to a male — and in some cases, not all, makes them homosexual and effeminate, a topic I have blogged on repeatedly.
On the other, Vlad acted so harshly in every area (including toward his Romanian subjects) that there was something borderline psychopathic or at least icy-cold about him, which severe abuse and trauma can cause.
I remember reading years ago that his punishments for any and all crime were so savage that if you dropped a purse full of gold coins on the streets of anywhere in his kingdom, you could go and pick it up there three weeks later, still absolutely untouched. People were terrified of him.
But then again, Romanians do have a dishonesty problem, whicn Romanians concede and the great fascist leader Codreanu openly discussed and denounced.
(There was for centuries a huge ethnic-German, “volksdeutsch” area of Romania, called Siebenbürgen or Transylvania, and I have read works by them, including one by a Waffen-SS man, criticizing Romanians as being unreliable and dishonest, and full of envy ands hatred toward the ethnic Germans for being the opposite, honest, hardworking, clean, neat, and reliable. The author, who after the war somehow moved to England, married and raised kids, described how things went downhill fast when the Romanians came in and took over.)
Vlad the Impaler is remembered to this day as a very great man, the leader the Romanians needed, and they all wish he would return!
I have blogged on Vlad myself on several occasions, such as these:
Btw, I saw once an interesting episode of the original “Star Trek” series where the Enterprise crew enounters a very Aryan planet where the death penalty is applied for any infraction, and that world was totally crime-free, orderly and perfect. No one even thought of committing crimes. No one was impaled with a stake up their anus, jsut picked up and efficiently killed with chemicals. One of the Enterprise crew commits an infraction, and they come for him, explaining that the long happiness of their world depends on there being no exceptions made.