ENGLISH Minister Farrakhan returns to the attack on Neanderthal Jews

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As I wrote yesterday, the white nationalist discussion forum “Stormfront” banned a magnificent video presentation by the gifted female graphic artist Supralicious because 1) it glorifies the beauty of the Nordic branch of our race (Don Black’s people says it “offends Mediterraneans” — why?) and also 2) my image was on it. (It is being modified now.)

Here is a photo of Derek Black (left), son of “Stormfront proprietor” (his word)  Don Black, with the person (on the right) who calls himself (screen name) “Jack Boot” (what a great name — err, NOT – to attract high-caliber white people into the white nationalist movement). Jack Boot is titled by Don Black as “Stormfront Chief of Staff.” He and the moderator Bjarni (recently divorced) ran a poison thread on Stormfront (until David Duke intervened) suggesting I was 1) delusional, 2) an embezzler and 3) a homosexual. The thread was started the day after Henrik Holappa, my assistant, was arrested by Homeland Security, and spent 86 excruciating days in solitary confinement before being expelled back to his native Finland.

Another old man wrote me an email suggesting I was a “metrosexual.”

Now I ask you: who is more likely to attract white women, and attract them to our Cause — these two who hate my guts, others like them, or your servant?


(This entry is also published on my webpage above “For African-Americans II”.)


In letter, Farrakhan accuses Jews of hurting blacks
June 30, 2010

(JTA) — Minister Louis Farrakhan in a letter addressed to U.S. Jewish organizations accused Jews of hurting blacks and called for dialogue to “repair” the damage.

The Nation of Islam leader sent the letter, as well as a two-volume copy of “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” by the Nation of Islam Historical Research Team, which he said proves “an undeniable record of Jewish Anti-Black behavior,” the Associated Press reported Tuesday.

“We could charge you with being the most deceitful so-called friend, while your history with us shows you have been our worst enemy,”

he reportedly wrote in the letter, dated June 24. In the past, Farrakhan has called Judaism a “gutter religion.”

The letter was sent to several Jewish organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League, American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the American Jewish Committee, and the Orthodox and Reform movements, according to the AP.

Farrakhan called for dialogue with Jewish groups and their supporters.

“This is an offer asking you and the gentiles whom you influence to help me in the repair of my people from the damage that has been done by your ancestors to mine,” he wrote in the letter.

Abraham Foxman, ADL’s national director, received a copy of the letter and the books.

“Never, in our more than 20 years of following Minister Louis Farrakhan, have we seen him so obsessively devoted to his hate crusade against Jews,” Foxman said. “His anti-Semitism is obsessive, diabolical and unrestrained. He has opened a new chapter in his ministry, where scapegoating Jews is not just part of a message but the message.

[JdN: Err, Abe, calm down. “Scapegoating” is a Jewish custom par excellence, putting the nation’s sins on a goat and driving him off to die of thirst in the desert. No Aryan people ever practiced scapegoating., That is YOUR ultra-Jewish custom.]

“Dialogue does not begin with bigoted accusations. Farrakhan’s call for dialogue with Jews is so outrageous and disingenuous that you can’t believe anyone would take him seriously.”

In a news release, the ADL pointed out that Farrakhan, in an address to followers in Atlanta on June 26, announced that he had sent the book to the media and members of the Obama administration.

He also continued to speak negatively about Jews.

“Today the Jewish people have developed a new strategy,” Farrakhan said, according to the ADL release. “They have always tied themselves to black people. They attach themselves to our talent. They are the managers, the agents, and they are the accountants, and that’s why our black artists loved fame and got fame but died poor because somebody else got their money.

“No black man or woman becomes a multimillionaire without friendship in the Jewish community.”


[SOURCE: http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/opinion/columnists/guests/s_688728.html]

President Obama finally is uniting the left and the right — in joint opposition to his administration’s chronic sabotage of transparency and public-disclosure rules. It won’t be long before liberals disillusioned by Dear Leader’s reveal-as-we-say-not-as-we-conceal policies link arms with me and join in on my 2-year-old chant: Obama lied, transparency died.

Watchdog groups and Republicans on Capitol Hill want an investigation into hundreds of White House meetings with corporate lobbyists at D.C. coffee houses. K Street influence peddlers told The New York Times that they’ve met routinely with Team Obama officials over the past 18 months to discuss policy matters — at Starbucks, Caribou Coffee, even on a side lawn — with the express purpose of circumventing the public’s right to know.

“Lobbyists say some White House officials will agree to an initial meeting with a lobbyist and his client at the White House,” The Times reported, “but then plan follow-up sessions at a site not subject to the visitors’ log.” Said one financial lobbyist who has met more than a half-dozen times off-campus with White House officials:

“I’ll call and say, ‘I want to talk to you about X,’ and they’ll say, ‘Sure, let’s talk at Starbucks.'”

In addition to carving out the coffee house loophole and using personal e-mail accounts to communicate with the influence industry, White House officials have been advising lobbyists looking for administration jobs to de-register — shedding their K Street status — to get around Obama’s vaunted lobbyist hiring ban. With more than 40 ex-lobbyists working in the administration, Obama’s no-lobbyists executive order already has more holes in it than a moth-eaten sweater.

The self-puffery of the double-talker-in-chief on disclosure ethics is inversely proportional to the amount of real transparency he has delivered. In January, irked by criticism of private health care meetings with Big Labor cronies at the Oval Office, Obama lectured Americans that “it is important to know that the promises we made about increased transparency we’ve executed here in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.” His legal counsel trumpeted the release of more than 25,000 White House visitor logs (many incomplete, vague and useless) as “a milestone in the president’s commitment to change Washington.”

The Obama administration’s incomparable hype and hypocrisy have at last proved too much for good-government liberals. Washington-based Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has asked the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to investigate and hold hearings on the coffee house loophole. CREW head Melanie Sloan lambasted the White House: “This is what all the administration’s anti-lobbyist rhetoric gets you — less transparency.”

Now that citizen activists are staking out D.C. caffeine hot spots, the White House/special-interest trysts may soon be headed to Washington street corner hot dog stands. Keep your eyes and ears open. On the upside, coffee-gate is rousing slow-learning Americans from their Obama-as-Messiah stupor.

The best part of waking up is reality in your cup.

Michelle Malkin is the author of “Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks & Cronies” (Regnery 2009).



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