Egoic mind makes us fear and deny UFOs

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This CEO (in the “Sixty Minutes” interview below) is at the same stage in life I am (65 in ten days) — older, acccepting most people have always been wilfully ignorant, and not really caring a whole lot what hopelessly closed-minded mental cowards think:

This overt Jewboy in the video below IS amusing, and he raises a serious issue –cattle mutilations.

His style is conversational and scientifically inexact, because he is seeking to entertain as well as teach, and that is ok, since UFOs rightly make people nervous — both that and the US government lying about them and OCCASIONALLY KILLING WHISTLEBLOWERS.


Fact is that the Grays who do these mutilations are seriously NOT nice.


Democratic senator Floyd K. Haskell contacted the FBI asking for help in 1975 due to public concern regarding the issue. He claimed there had been 130 mutilations in Colorado alone, and further reports across nine states.[8] A 1979 FBI report indicated that, according to investigations by the New Mexico State Police, there had been an estimated 8,000 mutilations in Colorado, causing approximately $1,000,000 damage.[9] […]

Some mutilations are said to occur in very brief periods. A 2002 NIDS report[15] relates a 1997 case from Utah. Two ranchers tagged a specific calf, then continued tagging other animals in the same pasture. The ranchers were, at the most, about 300 yards (275 m) from the calf. Less than an hour later, the first calf was discovered completely eviscerated—most muscle and all internal organs were missing. There was no blood, entrails, or apparent disturbance at the scene. Independent analysts both uncovered marks on the calf’s remains consistent with two different types of tools: a large, machete-type blade, and smaller, more delicate scissors.

The absence of tracks or footprints around the site of the mutilated carcass is often considered a hallmark of cattle mutilation.[citation needed] However, in some cases, strange marks or imprints near the site have been found. In the famous “Snippy” case, there was an absolute absence of tracks in a 100 ft (30 m) radius of the carcass (even the horse’s own tracks disappeared within 100 ft (30 m) of the body.) But within this radius, several small holes were found seemingly “punched” in the ground and two bushes were absolutely flattened.[16] In Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, June 1976, a “trail of suction cup-like impressions” was found leading from a mutilated three-year-old cow. The indentations were in a tripod form, 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter, 28 inches (70 cm) apart, and disappeared 500 feet (150 m) from the dead cow. Similar incidents were reported in the area in 1978.[17][18]

And it scares earthdweebs to face this reality, that surface earthlings are the low man, techwise, on the totem pole. Were it not for other aliens (some of them advanced humans, such as the Nordics) who are benevolent, and also do not want reptilians to take over this planet for their own galactic reasons, we could have been exterminated and literally eaten long ago.

Be glad the Nordics put up with us, their lowly, reprobate, backsliding cousins. The Third Reich was just a brief ray of hope in millennia of gloom.

Scary, yes? True? Yes, that too.

Lots of unpleasant things are true, like my Margi, who never smoked or drank and has eaten only expensive health foods for 40 years, getting THROAT cancer right when she, a hardcore WN involved with me, an ULTRA-hardcore WN, got her inheritance.

And it is also an unpleasant truth that revisionist Fred Leuchter stiffed her in March on a $20,000 personal loan, knowing she was battling cancer and paying for expensive natural treatments out of her own pocket.

If I look at Margi’s bank statement I can see she is nearly broke. Numbers don’t lie. Me mowing five lawns a week is now a sweaty reality.

And while her cancer is maybe retreating a bit, it is still there, a mortal danger.

Again, sad, yes — and true, yes.

If she dies, from a lack of funds,  Fred Leuchter will then be guilty of indirectly murdering her. But an atheistic asshole like that does not believe in karma — or WANT to.

And he is definitely guilty of blowing her off, not telling her he could not repay the loan, and never once apologizing.

It is time to just grow the fuck up that unpleasant realities must also be faced.

Like white genocide.

  2. And we have to DO something about it that involves sacrificing everything now — our health, our money, our marriage, our relations with hopeless dweebs, and our very life — so future generations of our race can live.

Sorry, this Marine is never in a mood to tell you some soothing bullshit. 😉




We as a race need temporarily to go through a kind of Marine-ization for a while — until every honkey out there learns to fight, obey orders, and believe in something even higher than his sacred belly and gonads:

duty, honor and country.


Someone usually steps in during a crisis and makes a large donation to me.

Sad for you — that it was not you.

REAP what you sow. — Jesus





  1. The best cure for cancer is fasting. The body first burns fat cells then turns on unhealthy cancerous cells and burns them as fuel.

  2. I recall you saying that Margi was a vegetarian, or near-vegetarian. Below are some links that may be of interest. It’s now being theorized that a plant-based diet is actually very unhealthy for humans, and that wild animals, in addition to ancient hunter-gatherer humans, instinctively valued the organs of animals they had hunted, due to the essential vitamins and minerals found only there. I’ve read elsewhere that the physical decline of the human species began with the advent of agriculture and plant-based diets. It turns out that ancient hunter-gatherer humans may have been onto something:

    • Thanks for the info but no, Margi has never, ever been a vegetarian, though to fight her cancer we did resort to juicing. But her and my diets are high in meat, eggs, cheese (less for her now, since some say dairy products are used by the cancer tumor), etc.

      I have blogged myself on how our ancestors were bigger, stronger and much healthier in the Old Stone Age of hunter-gatherers (meat-eaters) than in the New Stone Age of agriculture.

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