Trump-bashers, remember the witch-bitch he stopped

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Now, you see, all you blind Trump-bashers (and yes, the man has tremendously disappointed us all with his Israel suck-up, et alia), that under President Lesbillary this Antifa a–hole would not even have been arrested (or the charges would have been dropped).

Exactly this is what happens daily in Germany under Angela Merkel. Turn ’em loose for more skull-bashing “open season” on the White Right! But thank God that Trump — warts and all — is in the Oval Office, not that cackling witch-bitch Hillary. (Remember: Antifa hates Trump too, and he knows it.)


I want everyone whining about the Trumpster as if he were the first prez to fear the Jews (Kennedy didn’t, thinking his Irish good luck would last forever, and you see what happened), to read this below and see what a MONSTER in the Oval Office DJT has spared us!!

In 1975 lawyer Hillary Clinton got a child rapist named Taylor off for time served — two months in jail — after he and another man raped a 12-year-old Arkansas girl, and beat her SO BADLY she was in a COMA FOR FIVE DAYS and her female organs were so damaged she could NEVER HAVE KIDS after that!

The woman today is 55 and she is hooked on drugs, with her whole emotional and physical life shattered by the tragedy.

This is one of the saddest videos I have EVER seen!

This is what happened to German Parliament (Bundestag) member Frank Magnitz of the anti-migrant party AdD! NO ARRESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Under Hillary, the same Antifa with a lead pipe or a can of gasoline would have come, without fear of the cops, to YOUR HOUSE!


A July 31, 2016 blog I did:

Empty seats everywhere at Dem convention; The Lady Macbeth of our times, Hillary Clinton, as an attorney in 1975 got a fiendish child rapist off on a technicality — just in case you ever get blasé about her winning the presidency

With her mom
This is Kathy Shelton today, so GRATEFUL that the “Hilldebeast” was not elected, thanks to (warts and all! warts and all) Donald John Trump:

……Reality tv about Demoncrat convention

Bernie gave Hillary a hug, but his supporters are GONE from her campaign.  They even put the delegations in the front that Hillary won and the states Bernie won way in the back, because the seats are empty!




The whole thing is just terfifying. You thought Obama and Bush were bad? Hillary is Satan incarnate.

This was the 2014 Daily Mail article:

‘I never trusted a polygraph again’: Hillary Clinton LAUGHS in 30-year-old interview as she recalls how she helped a suspected child rapist walk free after the prosecution lost crucial evidence

  • Hillary Clinton defended Thomas Alfred Taylor, 41, in 1975 in Fayettville, Arkansas
  • Then aged 27, Clinton found a loophole in the prosecution case and Taylor walked free
  • Newly unearthed audio interview from the early 1980s has Clinton discussing the case with Arkansas journalist
  • Recordings throw into question Clinton’s claim to be a champion of women and children’s causes
  • Taylor died in 1992 and his alleged victim is now a drug addict still in Fayettville, Arkansas

Jew article raving about Hillary :

The woman is Jewish on her father’s side, as I have constantly blogged, and can only be described, with THAT cackle, as a stone-cold psychopath:

click here:


Psychopaths in Power

The young Tony Blair with that malevolent, icy Hillary look




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