Honest black man says to Antifa punk “Make America White Again”!

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Black man tells off Antifa punk: “To make America great again, make America white again. America was great in the Fifties when it was white. Or do you want to live in a black or Hispanic neighborhood?”


I was on a radio show last night and said exactly this: Many blacks know they are inferior and WANT white rule — IF it is ethical and truly Aryan, not Jewish EXPLOITATION.


Sebastian Brandt

Hahaha! Great! Hell yeah! 😀

John De-Nugent

Birgit Weissmann

that’s because he`s smarter than the rest of them !

Carrie White

I do not hate those (non whites) that fight for us.

Bill Roop

Finally someone talking sense.

Oliver Tremont


Oliver Tremont

I honestly feel bad for him. Could you imagine feeling exactly how we feel except being born black? I would be so embarrassed about my culture. I would probably drink myself to death in embarrassed shame. Poor fucker 😔

Carrie White

Oliver, Sheriff David Clarke is another one tells it how it is.

Oliver Tremont

As long as he agrees to sterilization, he will be spared during the upcoming race war. I was friends with a based Jewish chick on FB, who had her tubes tied because she didn’t want to spread her Jewish blood. She was later disowned by her own family for being “antisemitic.” These people really exist.

John De-Nugent

Oliver, hunh, wow. I have a Jewish supporter from New York City who is totally NS.

Carrie White

Oliver, I remember Frame Game based Jew, he did some excellent you tube videos that woke so many people up. It really does help when the normies hear it from someone like that. He kind of disappeared, been hoping for him to come back into the scene. I can’t even find his old vids.

John De-Nugent

I have know this about blacks for decades, also that many are antisemitic and admire Hitler.

Birgit Weissmann

John, da muss man nur nach Namibia schauen !! [just look at Namibia!]

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent replied to Birgit
Birgit, ja oder Südafrika… wenn man gleichzeitig bedenkt, dass die Buren zur Hälfte Norddeutsche sind. [yes, or South Africa … if you also consider that the Boers themselves are half North-German.]



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