Peter Tabellion
Die ARD Tochter DEGETO produziert und kauft Spielfilme und Serien für das Erste, KIKA, 3sat, ARTE, PHOENIX, Einsfestival und die Dritten Programme.
Wolfgang Schäubles Tochter, Christine Strobl (geb. am 5. August 1971) ist seit Juli 2013 Chefin von DEGETO, einer 100% Tochter der ARD, die für Filmbeschaffung und Produktion verantwortlich ist.
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17 Jul at 8:06 am
Dennis Schäfer
Abschaum, beide sollen brennen
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17 Jul at 8:50 am
Kurt Lauer
das Deutschen feindliche Judentum postiert seine Agenten an allen wichtigen Stellen!!
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17 Jul at 4:03 pm
Hermann Matthias
solche “Verquickungen” sind eindeute Zeichen einer Diktatur
Lena, Dann genügt es, zu sagen “Ich denke, sie sind jüdisch”, nicht “sie sind jüdisch”.
Es ist ein gefährlicher geistiger Fehler zu glauben, dass alle Weißen von Natur aus in Ordnung und alle Juden böse sind.In Wirklichkeit sind viele Weiße (mindestens 10%) selbstsüchtige Verräter, die keinen einzigen Tropfen jüdischen Blutes haben, sondern nur unbändige Lust auf Reichtum, Ruhm und Macht, die sie sich vom mächtigen Judentum erhoffen und auch erhalten….Und es gibt Rasse-Juden, die ungeheuer gelitten haben (Mordechai Vanunu, 12 Jahre in Einzelhaft) oder die getötet wurden, weil sie die Wahrheit übers eigene (ehemalige) Volk sagten (Jack Bernstein).
John, das mag sein. Jedoch so lange sie an ihrer Tora und ihrem Talmud festhalten, sind sie schuldig und nicht nur in meinen Augen. Wenn Juden sich vom Judentum lossagen, sind sie keine Juden mehr – doch bitte nicht in andere Juden-Glaubens-Richtungen konvertieren, wie
Katholizismus, Evangelismus Protestantismus und weiteren von Juden “gemachten” Glaubensrichtungen. Außerdem hieß >my nose< das ich weiß und nicht vermute.
John, sei gewiß – sie sind Juden. Schau sie Dir ganz genau an, mit allen verräterischen Merkmalen und seien es nur angewachsene Ohrläppchen oder eine stark ausgeprägte “Rotzrinne” Nase zu Mund oder oder oder. Da sie sich so vermischten sehen sie heute fast weiß aus, doch sie sind es nicht und das geschulte Auge findet die verräterischen Zeichen.
Viele Deutsche haben ein bisschen Neandertalerblut in den Venen. Die Semiten (Araber, Juden, Armenier, Chasaren z.T., usw.) gingen hauptsächlich aus diesen hervor. Das Vorhandensein des Neandertalergens bei gewissen Deutschen (das Neandertal liegt ja in Norddeutschland!!!) erklärt so gewisse Gesichts- und Körperzüge, die nicht germanisch-arischen Ursprungs sind, aber nicht durch jüdische Vorfahren erklärt werden müssen: (Hier 4/5tel nach unten scrollen auf “Wahrheit über Eiszeit-Arier und das Neandertalergen in Juden, Arabern, und Kaukasusvölkern “
Arier müssen emporschwebende Strukturen bauen (hier z.B. an einem Strand in der Nähe von Margis Haus in dieser nordisch besiedelten Gegend) Würden Schwarze oder Chinesen dies “zum Spaß” tun?
Hitler’s War: What the Historians Neglect to Mention. An English translation of “Hitlers Krieg? Was Guido Knopp Verschweigt” by Alphart Geyer (Germany 2009).
Hitler’s WarThis is a 96 minute long “Made in Germany” underground documentary film. It’s the first documentary ever to unabashedly explain from the German perspective, how World War II really began, and the many efforts that were made by Hitler to avoid it, and to establish a lasting, viable and mutually acceptable peace, but how he was ultimately left with no choice but to invade Poland. It documents many facts that have been deliberately left out of the “official narrative” as presented by the victorious Allies, which we have all been taught since 1945, and which Germans especially have been constantly reminded of since the war ended; with the blame entirely upon Germany’s shoulders. Many of the claims of the Allies that have been widely accepted as fact are refuted here as patently untrue, distorted, or ignored completely.
The film is largely based upon a book entitled “Der Krieg der viele Väter hatte” (PDF) (English: The War that had Many Fathers) by German author and historian, Gerd Schulze Rhonhof and “Ein unvermeidlicher Krieg? — Der Weg zum 1. September 1939” (An Unavoidable War – The Path to September 1st, 1939). Rhonhof is a former high-ranking, German military officer (Brigadier General in the Panzer Division) who has done, as any honest historian should, his own deep research in the war archives, and has been assisted many other historians. His website contains all of his documentation. His books and assertions, not surprisingly, have not been so well received by many politicians, academia, the Left, and the mainstream media.
The making of this film seems to have been prompted primarily by some comments made by Chancellor Angela Merkel, speaking to a live audience and the various Heads of State from many nations, gathered at a ceremony in Danzig in 2009, to remember Hitler’s (allegedly) senseless and unprovoked attack on Poland, paying respects to the Polish victims on behalf of Germany, and as always, expressing gratitude to the Allies, for their sacrifices in the victory over National Socialism. Merkel, like all other German chancellors since the end of World War II, accepted full responsibility and with it, the perpetual guilt for the entire war on behalf of all Germans, and unquestioningly accepted, again: the villain role ascribed to National Socialist Germany by the victors, which many Germans, to this day, deeply resent, yet have silently endured it all of their lives. Merkel’s comments, however, struck a raw nerve for many Germans who know “the rest of the story”.
“Hitler’s War” is also a sharp rebuke to well known German “journalist”, author, filmmaker and commentator Guido Knopp (to whom the original film title actually refers), and who many Germans regard as “Uncle Guido” (in the English sense of an “Uncle Tom”), as he has a reputation for being a domestic Propaganda Minister for the World War II Allies, regarding the Third Reich and National Socialism. For he, like Merkel and the others, continues to ignore many facts, and only dutifully reminds Germans of the guilt of their forefathers (and by extension, their own “inherited” guilt), based upon a highly sanitized “official version” of history.
There are always two sides to every story, and now the Germans are finally telling theirs. This film is a “must see” for anyone with a sense of justice, honour, fairness and dignity, who have respect for ALL of the victims of World War II (not merely the “politically correct” ones) and who are interested in an accurate account of history. Indeed, if we are to learn from history, and not be doomed to repeat it, then we must also have a fair and accurate account from which to draw our conclusions and upon which to make decisions in the present, and for our future.
This film has broken through the 60+ year old taboos. Truth has breached the barbed-wire fences of “political correctness”, and is making a desperate run for it’s life.
Translation, narration, sound mixing, over-dubbing of the original soundtrack by Justice4Germans (2011)
Kann es sein, dass es Hoffnunf gibt?
John, hier ist eine absolute Filmempfehlung. Gibt es davon schon eine Version mit englischen Untertiteln? Erstklassige Doku (1914-1945)!
Englische Version existiert. Ist von Youtube aber wegen Hassrede gesperrt werden.
mithilfe der waybackmaschine hab ich den Link aber wieder aktiviert bekommen!
Hitler’s War: What the Historians Neglect to Mention. An English translation of “Hitlers Krieg? Was Guido Knopp Verschweigt” by Alphart Geyer (Germany 2009).
Hitler’s WarThis is a 96 minute long “Made in Germany” underground documentary film. It’s the first documentary ever to unabashedly explain from the German perspective, how World War II really began, and the many efforts that were made by Hitler to avoid it, and to establish a lasting, viable and mutually acceptable peace, but how he was ultimately left with no choice but to invade Poland. It documents many facts that have been deliberately left out of the “official narrative” as presented by the victorious Allies, which we have all been taught since 1945, and which Germans especially have been constantly reminded of since the war ended; with the blame entirely upon Germany’s shoulders. Many of the claims of the Allies that have been widely accepted as fact are refuted here as patently untrue, distorted, or ignored completely.
The film is largely based upon a book entitled “Der Krieg der viele Väter hatte” (PDF) (English: The War that had Many Fathers) by German author and historian, Gerd Schulze Rhonhof and “Ein unvermeidlicher Krieg? — Der Weg zum 1. September 1939” (An Unavoidable War – The Path to September 1st, 1939). Rhonhof is a former high-ranking, German military officer (Brigadier General in the Panzer Division) who has done, as any honest historian should, his own deep research in the war archives, and has been assisted many other historians. His website contains all of his documentation. His books and assertions, not surprisingly, have not been so well received by many politicians, academia, the Left, and the mainstream media.
The making of this film seems to have been prompted primarily by some comments made by Chancellor Angela Merkel, speaking to a live audience and the various Heads of State from many nations, gathered at a ceremony in Danzig in 2009, to remember Hitler’s (allegedly) senseless and unprovoked attack on Poland, paying respects to the Polish victims on behalf of Germany, and as always, expressing gratitude to the Allies, for their sacrifices in the victory over National Socialism. Merkel, like all other German chancellors since the end of World War II, accepted full responsibility and with it, the perpetual guilt for the entire war on behalf of all Germans, and unquestioningly accepted, again: the villain role ascribed to National Socialist Germany by the victors, which many Germans, to this day, deeply resent, yet have silently endured it all of their lives. Merkel’s comments, however, struck a raw nerve for many Germans who know “the rest of the story”.
“Hitler’s War” is also a sharp rebuke to well known German “journalist”, author, filmmaker and commentator Guido Knopp (to whom the original film title actually refers), and who many Germans regard as “Uncle Guido” (in the English sense of an “Uncle Tom”), as he has a reputation for being a domestic Propaganda Minister for the World War II Allies, regarding the Third Reich and National Socialism. For he, like Merkel and the others, continues to ignore many facts, and only dutifully reminds Germans of the guilt of their forefathers (and by extension, their own “inherited” guilt), based upon a highly sanitized “official version” of history.
There are always two sides to every story, and now the Germans are finally telling theirs. This film is a “must see” for anyone with a sense of justice, honour, fairness and dignity, who have respect for ALL of the victims of World War II (not merely the “politically correct” ones) and who are interested in an accurate account of history. Indeed, if we are to learn from history, and not be doomed to repeat it, then we must also have a fair and accurate account from which to draw our conclusions and upon which to make decisions in the present, and for our future.
This film has broken through the 60+ year old taboos. Truth has breached the barbed-wire fences of “political correctness”, and is making a desperate run for it’s life.
Translation, narration, sound mixing, over-dubbing of the original soundtrack by Justice4Germans (2011)
Original German version:
Danke, nur darf hinter diesem Zweiten Dreißigjährigen Kriege mehr als bloß “Engländer” vermutet werden. 😉