Why most people, sadly, have to DIE to learn anything at all; Patton, Trump and I

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You can see in both pics that the baby and then the little boy feels skeptical about his dad.


This story is why most people actually do NEED to DIE, then see a life-review video, learn from their sins and their effect on others, and get a fresh start by reincarnating into a new life:



And why is it that people cannot do an honest life-review while they are alive and just make changes?

The egoic mind, or what I call the tyrannon.

We know the phrase: someone is “their own worst enemy.”

Actually no one is. Why would the real you be your enemy?

Your egoic mind is not you. This bundle of thoughts, hangups, complexes, and excuse-making garbage about the past and the future is a monster that shows the humans on this planet are an inbetwixt and inbetween thing.

Unlike animals, we can think using words.

Unlike gods, we cannot control our thinking.

Our “thinkings” control us. And they are out of control.

IF people could overcome their tyrannon, their egoic mind, and actually they CAN….then they could do an honest life review in the here-and-now — without having to die. 😉

They could change, grow, really live, truly love and profoundly learn, and be proud of their own courage! Proud to be honest and frank to themselves ABOUT themselves.

They would sense with a quiet satisfaction their own moral seriousness.

They would know that every day, learning from pain,  they ARE progressing.

….wiser, happier, better, more effective and more caring every day.

But most people waste entire incarnations — and learn little. (A major example follows, below.)

Many take one hundred incarnations to graduate to a higher world.

And some that do, choose to become spirit guides (“guardian angels”) for us who are still stuck here, thrashing about in our own muck. 😉

When I think about Trump, I see a man who was a warrior and conflict-addict for many, many, many lives.

How is he any different in the slightest from when he was Patton?

Troubling Trump interview 1999; narcissism in the Oval Office led to a world war

Patton (murdered 1945, reincarnating as Trump in 1946) blasted Jews, Russian bolsheviks and the American press, government and Eisenhower in his 1945 diary entries

Was Hannibal a previous incarnation of George Patton, who now is Trump?

It hit me one day in the kitchen. I had talked with him in 1945 after he was murdered. I had died eight months before.

I requested to see him, the one general we Germans feared for his generalship, incredible energy, fearlessness and mastery of our specialty, the blitzkrieg.

And I knew the jews had murdered him once they realized he hated them and was going home to America as a war hero to wake it up about Jewry, Bolshevism, and the fact that the Germans,  folks, were in fact “the best race in Europe.”

When I encountered Patton, there was NO repentance in him for having been instrumental in Germany’s defeat.

For in effect fighting for the Jews.

He would not admit to me that he had been wrong.

I was ready to start off by praising him with genuine, sincere respect for his outstanding generalship.

I wanted to then ease into a heart-to-heart with him, based on some new common ground.

On Jewry, Bolshevism and Germany.

But he was just arrogant and dismissive.

This is just not the kind of guy who admits to making gigantic mistakes, neither then — nor now! 😉

And so the meeting was frosty and short.

And now he is kissing the ass of the very Jews who murdered him!

….Jews that he knows (present tense!) are evil.

….and via George Soros, who is crucifying him now as Trump,  these Jews are STILL crucifying the “best race in Europe,” the Germans

1) with Holocaust guilt for a crime they never, ever committed, and

2) with muslim immigrants who are beating raping and killing them, because WE AMERICANS disarmed the German people in 1945! We took their guns!

George, it was you who killed Maria Ladenburger!

”Merkel, you have this girl’s blood on your hands!” ISLAM IS MENTAL RABIES – Even the sheeple in Germany outraged as college girl is raped and drowned by Afghan ”refugee”

YOU pushed that German mom and boy onto the tracks at Frankfurt train station!

Black African migrant shoves white German mother and her little 8-y/o son in front of a train at Frankfurt station; boy turned into mush; German onlookers, shrieking, had to be treated by psychiatrists for shock

Patton, you helped destroy what you yoursself called “the best race in Europe”!

I hope that soon I can try talking sense again to him.

Trump, remember what you learned when you were Patton


Pittsburgh Jews yell “President Hate, Leave Our State” at Trump

Or he and I will have to be enemies again 🙁  …. for as things stand, according to the prophecy of Nicholas Van Rensburg, Trump will not stand up the Jews and neo-con warmongers.

It’s not “realistic.” It’s not “feasible.” It’s not “doable.”

As my dad said to me (here, on the right, kowtowing to Henry Kissinger)

“John, you can’t take on the Jews.”

What I learned from the cowardly “America First Committee” rejecting the great General Moseley in 1940 for demanding ALL-OUT CONFRONTATION with the Jews

Well, if you cannot take on someone who is trying to murder you, then you might as well just shoot yourself — or, after torturing you, your wife and kids before you, he WILL.

In Soviet-occupied Czechoslovakia after WWII, the Jews would seize both anti-communists and their wives. They would then lead the wives out of their dungeon and “just happen” to turn a corner so the wives would suddenly come upon their own husband, hanging from a tree!

The jews wanted to hear their scream, and see them faint!

And this not-standing-up-to-Jewry as president, to Israel and the American jews,

….will lead to a scenario Trump does not want, but will happen as the karma of the white world,  and that karma is World War Three.

2/5ths down — to Van Rensburg…..

Especially important blogs


Why is this most especially America’s karma?

1) It refuses to grow spiritually, chasing instead sex, money, cars, clothes, and an endless supply of expensive gadgets,

2) America avoids facing the overwhelming Jewish Peril, and

3) The US will not formally apologize to the German people for two horrific world wars, which slaughtered the Germans by the MILLIONS,

and, almost worse, since 1945 the endless, vicious defamation and psychological torture of an innocent, noble and great people.

….a people from whom Trump himself descends!

And if America refuses to learn, repent and change, then America too must die by the judgment of God and face what it has done since the year 1917 to the world by obeying the jews.

The day is coming when I will step before the world again, and I am not here to argue with the blind, just inform those willing to listen.

Then you must believe the facts, obey your leaders, and fight to the death.

Massive chemtrailing over Berchtesgaden


A wolf age is coming.



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