100% erroneous — and a classic case of the Jewish “Big Lie” technique, which was denounced specifically by Adolf Hitler in his magisterial Mein Kampf.
If you’re gonna lie, lie boldly and shamelessly, bursting with bravado toward the goy as you trash the truth. And that truth about Frank is this: Three juries and every level of the US court system found him guilty, as did all three detective teams that Frank himself had hired! In fact, the grand jury had two Jews on it.
And the top Jew lawyer in the US, Louis Marshall, rightly advised the top New York Jews to stay away from the unwinnable case.
The US Supreme Court, in fact, twice refused to hear his appeals, since the evidence of Frank’s rape and murder was overwhelming AND all proper court precedures had been followed.
The US Supreme Court chamber in 1915 (then located inside the US Capitol)
Jason Lovasz Yeah world congress is certainly twisted obviously gain more funding by stupid retards… Theirs been 20th century films produced on this and they just keep twisting the facts.
Kenny Rogers When I see Frank’s stupid looking face, the first thing I think of is Daffy Duck. That is so weird.
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Let’s put it this way, Frank is just as innocent as Epstein. 😉
Kenny Rogers (((They))) will never forget about Frank, nor will they ever stop to think that it was his fault what happened to him..
The only thing they want is to use it to learn how not to get in trouble for their behaviour later on down the road..
Never to change their behaviour.John De Nugent Aufdeutsch “incapable of change” is part of the diagnosis of a psychopath — uncurable and even untreatable.-
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Yes, punished by three juries and a lynching party consisting of the top citizens of the State of Georgia, including the sheriff, the previous governor, and the then sitting Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives.Wesley Ervin Vidarson The good old days…….😉Archibald Leach Leo Frank rapes and kills a girl. a jwsh group forms to impose the inversion of reality ever since. He was punished for his crimes despite elite corruption.
Kenny Rogers Rest in peace Mary Fagan.
Jason Lovasz Can’t believe Jews following the page believed the post. He’s then considered a victim and hero to many jewsJason Lovasz I jump on their pages listen to their crap and try stir them up.
Trevor De Luca Leo Frank and the rest of the Talmudists will burn in the lake of fire on Judgement Day.
Avrian Bran is this advert sarcasm?
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch No, though I asked the same question, Brian — just straight-up, flat-out, shameless lying, “the Big Lie” technique exposed by AH. This meme is from the official Facebook page of the WJC: https://www.facebook.com/WorldJewishCong/?__tn__=kCH-R&eid=ARDfIcV1j53q1encjAISPKo-fRpQpIOOmyySqVQlOD3mM6NDm-ikfQo7m52uKD9frX6byEXI1DDwLah2&hc_ref=ART27L8nOQ51wkY4cW4Le4EpMr7926FJaVRWkBeM-kWZ7z5WGRHUKCv_zRB3_LJkUug&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBNzUo1gSDfKfDPOZX6r39kW46ydk5DPSZO-Lhp_wt0zqOKbeDtVsZ-AAVkpAcmWWFeKZ2PuKyK6_-wwdarLdMIKq-2eaw56D-L1zSNC9L0-PQ1gqLs2UhaR5Q1cmBTBxT8JZS2LHl1W2EJUBo_o3TTI1gJ2BwufJbwKpAb00qY29kgGB-tRnJKhiFFyGR2ic9ca1UW90J4td-URqwi8UIVeND2FBL7xA2ekRQ8rtivXjrIHeIa5OLZzV5D45nFs-2CVGVfg_F88F6Ms5D6G_dM_XaoFfazgrEZf_U_jssuiwf3niNNWOgpUeg9jd6VOXB-Q634xMacP0X8MxZ6DeU
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch In point of fact, there was very little antisemitism in the Deep South before this trial. Many Southern Jews owned slaves and supported both slavery and the Confederacy, and Judah Benjamin was a key official in the Confederate Cabinet. As Bible Belt Protestants, many Southerners saw the Jews as God’s Chosen People.Avrian Bran Follow the link, John, and check out the comments. I can’t believe how many ppl actually believe the ADL story. That’s some serious Koolaid. I hope I don’t get deleted for my comment. 😉.Avrian Bran I‘m just floored how many ppl actually believe this story, and there are no dissenting opinions. The admins must be going through any dissent and deleting.
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Floored? Understandable at the beginning, brother Brian, and we all were floored at first, but time to not be any longer. Until humanity rises above the egoic-mind stage, PEOPLE (of all races, religions and cultures) LOVE LIES that say they are superior and wonderful. 😉
Avrian Bran im floored that so many ppl — read the comments — believe it, esp. Christians posting there.
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Avrian Bran I have been in Pentacostal Christian churches, and the people were so God-and-luvvy-duvvy, they looked to be literally high. Don’t confuse ’em with the facts! 😉 Religion can indeed be a drug.
Avrian Bran They are dangerous. They endanger you and me.
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Avrian Bran The most vicious looks I have EVER gotten in 41 years as a WN have been from Born-Again Christians. That Scofield Bible did a number on them..I think that they WANT to see “Bible prophecy” being fulfilled to feel God is really. really REAL, not some fairy tale ….And so Israel HAS to be righteous and good, and the J-Team all gifted and wonderful..Their fragile happiness as Bible Thumpers depends on their illusions not being shattered.
Janet McKay John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Absolutely spot on observation of Christian motives!!
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Janet McKay thanks, Janet. I was a Jehovah’s Witness from age 15-21, when I got out, and remember well how luvvy-duvvy I felt then. It really was a DRUG!
Janet McKay John De Nugent Aufdeutsch I’ve been telling people for awhile now: it’s not “prophecy,” it’s a game plan!John De Nugent Aufdeutsch How right you are. My friend Hervé Ryssen over in Paris, a Sorbonne graduate, wrote this book on the three game plans of the Abrahamitic religion: https://johndenugent.com/…/ryssen-guerre… Judaism and Islam have an aggressive one, the Pauline version of Christianity a passive one involving becoming a martyr and going to heaven. 🙁JOHNDENUGENT.COMwww.johndenugent.com
Janet McKay John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Has it been translated into English?
Janet McKay John De Nugent Aufdeutsch I was a “born again” Christian for many years. Thoroughly brainwashed and manipulated for most of my life. I only came out of the mental fog about 10 years ago.
…..For complete information: -
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