Threat to enter my house and tamper with items to harm me

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The latest Deep State threat — to enter my house and put something in my shampoo. This is part of a pattern that began days ago, including distorted details of private phone calls between me and Margaret Huffstickler They demand I quit the cause.

If I’m taking flak, I’m over the target.

Comment under this blog. I guess the Deep State boys like Taylor Swift (in the video) having a black hubbie.


[John de Nugent] Please moderate: “Taylor Swift is married to black in “Lover” music video; black sets own pitbull on fire”

So illegally entering my home. Why not put some poison in the shampoo, too, or on my toothpaste?

So you boast about knowing about Margi’s life insurance, about caretaking arrangements for Margi, who is sick with Stage III throat cancer… and that you are tapping my phones.

Nice guys.

If you rape little kids — like me when I was a child — Deep State boys, why not pick on a sick woman, too?

Margi can now open her mouth again by several inches and eat regular food again! But maybe you boys will give her a wrong dose of chemo next time to kill her?


UPDATED Deep State contacts me, boasts AND CONFIRMS it is tapping my phones, and tries out a few coming slanders; Salvini falls in Italy


Sebastian Brandt Maybe they have put something into Margi’s tooth paste or something like that… perhaps it would explain the throat cancer… 🙁
  • Kenny Rogers Cowards.. They are all cowards. I truly have no words for how deeply I truly despise them.
    • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Psychopathic child molesters, killers, and luciferians.
      Kenny Rogers John De Nugent Aufdeutsch yes..Of this I am fully convinced. I wish I could say it was not real, but I know better than that.
      • Miltiadis Michalopoulos Isn’t it OBVIOUS that someone is joking ? come on.This is obviously a kind of very bad joke John …
        • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch You are a fool. This is fucking serious. Just because you are a nobody and they don’t care what you write or do (which is likely nothing) does not mean I am in your category. I’ve had enough of your long series of inane comments.



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