Lessons from the great AfD victories in Germany

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Jürgen Elsässer is a German writer and publisher who was formerly a sincere, self-hating white liberal. He woke up, and is excellent at understanding, explaining and converting liberals.

Just read this on VK: Keep this in mind: The goal of globalism is not to integrate migrants, but to destroy the natives. It’s not about making the migrants like us, but about making us like the migrants: without rights, uprooted from their culture, and working for starvation wages. That is the goal of those behind this mass immigration.

….AfD grew with the under-30s, and because of wasted taxes, rapefugees, gender mania, and REAL conservation; Women reject AfD – why?

[JdN: The good Elsässer here analyzes very well (in German) the rapid rise of the AfD in eastern Germany with an AFD district chairman and member of the provincial legislature.
He is especially valuable, since formerly (in the 1990s), he as well as Horst Mahler, whom I know) was a really sincere left-winger and liberal ggdo-gooder, and therefore knows the leftie and do-gooder mindset very well and how to leave it.
His sad statement: how many East German (correctly: Central German) women – probably estrogen-influenced – reject the AfD which is the one vialbe party that strenously fights against the muslim rapists and murderers who are making life into hell for white German women!
In many ex-GDR federal states, the AfD has become the strongest party – but with just the men and those under 70!
I note here,  politically incorrectly,  that for generations in all white countries women were banned from voting.
France only granted the franchise to women in 1945! America in 1920. Male Negroes in the US were able to vote from 1865 on — white women only 55 years later!
In Ireland too there are countless Rapefugee-welcoming females
I am not in favor of re-establishing such a thing — the prohibition on women voting — but women must be clearly taught the truth that the hormone estrogen can make them far too soft-hearted, mothering and compassionate toward outright monsters.
A German wife in Ravensburg, Germany in September 2018 holds and consoles her husband, who, just minding his own business, was literally stabbed in the back in the main city square by an insane muslim “asylum-seeker” who was roaming about with a steak knife. But let’s be brutally honest: if this woman continues to vote for Angela Merkel’s CDU party after this tragedy, she is just as crazy as that Muslim!
However, there are countless counter-examples of Aryan women living, working and thinking with both feet on the ground, women who are practical and realistic.
In my experience, if a girl grows up with a loving, rightwing father in the house, she usually follows his ideas as an adult.
If the relationship is bad, or absent due to divorce, she goes leftwing.
Incidentally, the conservative Charles de Gaulle introduced women’s voting rights in France only because he rightly believed that Catholic rural women would listen to their priest and vote anticommunist, a strategy that worked for him.
De Gaulle had realized with horror in 1945 that half of “his” French Resistance forces consisted of communists! He therefore put them all in the uniform of the French Army, so that he could keep them under army discipline and thus control them better. And he gave women the vote because most –back then — were very anti-communist.
Too bad that De Gaulle did not recognize the true enemies of Europe and the white race until the end of the war, the Jews and communists, just as did US Army General Patton …… De Gaulle actually did much that was quasi-NS for the workers, he got rid of Muslim Algeria, and he also criticized the Jews and Israel 1958-69 as president.
But, out of French nationalism, he helped defeat the German Reich that was fighting for the very values he believed in!
The tyrannon is when you, or something in you, a mind out of control that controls YOU, makes you do things that you know will harm you.
The purpose of the coming religion is to get our minds and hearts under OUR control. And then act on the basic of the reality right before our nose, and grasping the even more horrific reality of the white genocide that is approaching.


  1. The leader of the French Green Party wants to put limits on the number of children that white families can have so France can have even more Muslim immigrants.

    That is actually illegal under international law. Preventing native people from having children or trying to put limits on them is classified as genocide under UN law.

    I’ll hold my breath waiting for him to be charged.

  2. Dear John – as much as I admire your knowledge of history and the the details of the German revolution of 1933, I would like you to think over twice, what you write about Elsässer and his “patriotic moneymachine”. He is not what meets the eye. His ties to Israel and his personal political history should alert you. Sieg dem Licht!

    • Everyone does his best with the situation he is in, comrade. Would you prefer he go to prison like Horst Mahler or Alfred Schaefer, whom I both know?

      Elsässer is a conveyor belt (Trotsky’s phrase), moving people from the moderate center toward the radical position.

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