Cannabis and lessening PTSD; the tragic Horner girl

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I had PTSD for decades from years of severe molestation as a child in the US Deep State’s ultra-wicked MK-ULTRA program, founded by Henry Kissinger and other German Jews.

It affected me in many ways, most notably via terrible and recurrent nightmares and insomnia until I got professional counseling in 2003. I have not had one single nightmare since then, and am now, in fact, at my calmest when crisis erupts, as per my Marine Corps training. It is called “the combat mindset.”

What all those without PTSD do not understand is that the nightmare seems totally real — it is a vivid reliving of the horror —  and thus completely retraumatizes you, even if the events it refers to stopped happening decades ago. It is like picking the scab off a wound — over and over and over again.

Both my first and second wives witnessed me going through these alarming dreams (1976-89 for the first wife and 2002-04 for the second) and were awakened from the sound sleep they needed by my screaming, thrashing, and in several instances, literally going on the offensive. I got out of bed in a kind of militant sleep-walking, grabbing anything among household items which could shield me and/or be used as a lethal weapon, and went through the house on a search-and-destroy mission, looking for my attacker in order to kill him.

Today, these are always on me or nearby.


Let any government agent, such as the self-designated “Harriet Maki,” and “Turd Ferguson,” who posts comments on this website to try to intimidate me, and arrogantly reveals he is tapping our phones and bugging Margaret’s house in violation of the Fourth Amendment, remember that my mindset has not changed one iota about

–killing my attackers, and

–my hatred for those who harm, threaten, rape, torture and kill innocent little children (and adults).

BLOOD PASSOVER Ariel Toaff 2007

Who is Ariel Toaff? Just son of the Grand Rabbi of Rome, and a professor at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv, Israel.

He proved that, yes, some Jews have always kidnapped and ritually murdered white children (and adults), and slowly drained their blood out via up to one hundred scalpel wounds, and then used the adrenalin-enriched blood of the fully conscious torture victim to make adrenochrome (to prolong the life of old jew billionaires) and as a powder in their matzoh bread.



Come after me, filthy kikes — and I will kill you. If I die, I leave this shithole world you have made out of our once wonderful white nations.

“For a thousand years,” and I will return again and again until the job is completed. I have not had PTSD since 2003, 16 years ago, just a calm, determined hatred for Talmudism. 





…..the Horner case

The tragic 1948 story of Sally Horner and her kidnapper, the hooknosed Frank La Salle, who was apparently not a Deep State agent, just a filthy creep — so they did nail him.

The newspapers wrote a lot about it. The story is absolutely horrendous, and I get choked up just typing this. Parents, watch your kids.


Florence Sally Horner (April 18, 1937 – August 18, 1952) was a girl abducted by serial child molester Frank La Salle in 1948. The kidnapping, captivity and repeated rapes of Horner allegedly made her the prototype for the title character of Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita.

In March 1948, 10-year-old Horner attempted to steal a five-cent notebook from a Woolworths in Camden, New Jersey. Frank La Salle, a 50-year-old mechanic, caught her stealing, told her that he was an FBI agent, and threatened to have her sent to a reform school unless she reported to him periodically. In June 1948, he abducted Horner. 

[….] Death: Horner died in a car accident near Woodbine, New Jersey, on August 18, 1952.[1] As the Associated Press reported on August 20, 1952: “Florence Sally Horner, a 15-year-old Camden, N.J., girl who spent 21 months as the captive of a middle-aged morals offender a few years ago, was killed in a highway accident when the car in which she was riding plowed into the rear of a parked truck.”

This is yet another example out of thousands why all sex-crime convictions should carry a death sentence. The people who commit these crimes can’t be cured. The authorities know this, yet continue to let them loose to prey on women, girls and little boys.

Just kill them. Done deal.

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Horrible. Child molesters know what they do is wicked and illegal, so they always threaten the child. They should be cooked slowly in a man-sized microwave oven for hours until expired, then their corpses should be dumped from an Air Force plane into the ocean for the sharks.
I was molested as a kid and had horrific nightmares well into adulthood, when I, a former Marine, decided even a tough guy can use some counseling for stuff that was not his fault.
A child’s immature brain is “fried” by being molested. I would rather have been hit in the head by a baseball bat, or be shot and put out of my misery, than suffer this violation of my innocent childhood.
  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch to NW Jesus did say this about the wicked — millstone around the neck and into the sea. Thanks.

…..What is PTSD?

Overview: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. [not in the advanced MK-ULTRA program called “Manchurian Candidates” — it is blocked out.]


Most people who go through traumatic events may have temporary difficulty adjusting and coping, but with time and good self-care, they usually get better. If the symptoms get worse, last for months or even years, and interfere with your day-to-day functioning, you may have PTSD.

Getting effective treatment after PTSD symptoms develop can be critical to reduce symptoms and improve function.

TSD symptoms are generally grouped into four types: intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, and changes in physical and emotional reactions. Symptoms can vary over time or vary from person to person.

Intrusive memories

Symptoms of intrusive memories may include:

-Recurrent, unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic event
Reliving the traumatic event as if it were happening again (flashbacks)
-Upsetting dreams or nightmares about the traumatic event
-Severe emotional distress or physical reactions to something that reminds you of the traumatic event

Symptoms of avoidance may include:

-Trying to avoid thinking or talking about the traumatic event
-Avoiding places, activities or people that remind you of the traumatic event [for me, anytime I see a human being dragged or sliding along the pavement, as after a motorcyle accident, I still feel something]
-Negative changes in thinking and mood

Symptoms of negative changes in thinking and mood may include:

-Negative thoughts about yourself, other people or the world
-Hopelessness about the future
-Memory problems, including not remembering important aspects of the traumatic event [which is the whole goal of the very extreme Manchurian program]
-Difficulty maintaining close relationships
-Feeling detached from family and friends
-Lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed
-Difficulty experiencing positive emotions
-Feeling emotionally numb
-Changes in physical and emotional reactions

Symptoms of changes in physical and emotional reactions (also called arousal symptoms) may include:

-Being easily startled or frightened
-Always being on guard for danger
-Self-destructive behavior, such as drinking too much or driving too fast
-Trouble sleeping
-Trouble concentrating
-Irritability, angry outbursts or aggressive behavior
-Overwhelming guilt or shame

For children 6 years old and younger, signs and symptoms may also include:

-Re-enacting the traumatic event or aspects of the traumatic event through play
-Frightening dreams that may or may not include aspects of the traumatic event
-Intensity of symptoms

PTSD symptoms can vary in intensity over time. You may have more PTSD symptoms when you’re stressed in general, or when you come across reminders of what you went through.

For example, you may hear a car backfire and relive combat experiences [or attend a Fourth-of-July fireworks display and freak out].

Or you may see a report on the news about a sexual assault and feel overcome by memories of your own assault.

[I have no conscious memories, because it was the Manchurian program. But I become deeply moved by seeing a child cry who was not just misbehaving and got punished.]

I thank the gods/angels that I know more than anyone else on this planet from personal experience how wicked the jews are, which is unimaginable, and that PTSD forced me to examine more deeply the nature and cause of  evil.

(As the book Unshackled by Kathleen Sullivan lays out, among the very worst things the Jews do, and designed to “short out” the brain and create “dissociation,” is forcing children to torture and kill other children or be tortured and killed themselves. Another is to make a mother kill her own child or, upon her natural refusal, be punised by being forced to watch as it is slowly tortured, screams frantically, and then is killed.)

MK-ULTRA and “Unshackled — A Survivor’s Story of Mind Control” by Kathleen Sullivan

Torture also made me study the nature of the psychopathic personality.


Henry Kissinger, one of the premier monsters of our time, is seen here photographing a child, Nicole Cianci, who later killed herself using heroin, ( …. With his hand on her head is her father, the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, Buddy Cianci, who later did five years for extortion; next to them is my father, James Waddell Nugent.



Torture induced me to discover the non-marijuana, non-drug ways to overcome PTSD, such as the spiritual teachings of Eckhart Tolle.






…………..Research on marijuana for lessening PTSD

Call for More Research into Cannabis as a PTSD Treatment

September 6th, 2019

By Nikki Harper

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World


A new study by UCL in the UK has found that cannabis compounds hold promise as treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder but has highlighted the difficulties with obtaining sufficient evidence.

Cannabis is already an approved treatment for PTSD in US states which permit medicinal cannabis use. In the UK, however, although medicinal cannabis was legalised in September 2008, there have been major practical problems with its implementation, and it’s thought that fewer than 100 patients have actually benefited [2].

UCL researchers found that significant numbers of PTSD patients – it’s a condition thought to affect 1% of the UK population – already self-medicate, some with prescriptions obtained from the US. However, few previous studies have been undertaken, due to legal restrictions, and researchers found that the quality of the evidence in those previous studies was poor. With insufficient clinical evidence, the UCL team concluded that they were unable to make any recommendations about its use for PTSD in the UK [1].

Nevertheless, the study reports that cannabinoids appear to be effective in treating PTSD in a number of different ways, and importantly, the study, published in the journal Dual Diagnosis, calls for further research to be undertaken, citing a significant clinical need [1].

How Does Cannabis Treat PTSD?

It is known that the body’s own endocannabinoid system plays a role in memory consolidation and retrieval [3]. By activating receptors in this system, cannabinoid compounds from cannabis could prevent the retrieval of traumatic memories or create neurotransmitters which promote happiness and wellbeing [4].

The studies looked at by UCL researchers do show evidence that cannabinoids appear to help reduce nightmares and help healthy sleep in PTSD sufferers, as well as influencing how the brain accesses the underlying memories [1].

Two Options: THC or CBD

Researchers note concerns that cannabinoid use may be dangerous for people with a history of psychosis [5]. Since previous studies mostly focused on veterans, a population which reports high levels of hallucinations [6], it is likely to be important moving forwards to focus on CBD as a potential solution.

THC is the psychoactive compound in cannabis, and its use is intensely restricted in the UK. CBD, the non-psychoactive compound which can be extracted from hemp, is more widely accepted.

Studies have shown that people suffering from PTSD have significantly lower than normal levels of anandamide [7], a natural endocannabinoid which has a role to play in depression and memory.

It appears that CBD can act as a natural booster for anandamide, offering a potential route towards PTSD treatment which would eliminate the concerns which tend to mask possible treatment with THC.

Furthermore, UCL researchers acknowledge that treatment with cannabinoids could well be a clinically safer option than current pharmaceutical treatments for PTSD.

As the report says, “the use of cannabinoids may be more effective and with less risk of addiction in comparison to alternatives such as benzodiazepines or opiate-based medications, thereby providing a safer therapeutic alternative.”

Potentially good news indeed for PTSD suffers in the UK, whose treatment options are lagging behind those of their US counterparts.

Article sources:



…….Recent donations



–5 September 2019 $20 Australian, and a very nice card

–30 August 2019 $75 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–30 August 2019 supportive letter and 20 Euros from C in Germany

–21 August 2019 book by Joseph Goebbels (the last one he wrote — in 1945, a brilliant collection of short essays given to the frontline troops called  “The Law of War”) and 20 euros from C in Germany

–20 August 2019 five Australian silver dollars and a kind greeting to me and Margi from M in Ohio


–19 August 2019 $20 cash from P in Florida

–16 August 2019 check for $75

LOL, photo with donation reveals my “Hitlerian” forehead

–14 August 2019 $150 from J in New Hamshah 😉 (New England pronunciation of “New Hampshire”)

–9 August 2019 Check for US$75 from J in Nevada und 50 Euro in cash with a card from A in Germany

Translation from German:

Dear John de Nugent,

Belated heartfelt greetings and all the best for your [65th] birthday!

And also for Margi my wishes for further improvement!

Enclosed are 50 euros as thanks for your great work in the service of historical truth. — A

I published this in German (Engl. transl. follows)

Zum netten Lob der Kameradin, die mir seit Jahren hilfreiche Spenden schickt, kann ich nur sagen, mit Pontius Pilatus: “Was ist Wahrheit?!” Sie ist wertlos, wenn die Leute Zombies sind. Mir geht es nicht nur und die geschichtliche Wahrheit über Deutschlands Größe, Unschuld und Jahrtausendleistungen, sondern um die radikale Veränderung der weißen Menschheit, damit wir nie wieder auf die verrückten, wahnsinnigen Lügen der Juden hereinfallen können!


To the nice praise of the lady comrade, who has sent me helpful donations for years, I can only say, with Pontius Pilate: “What is the truth ?!”

It is pointless if people are zombies.

I am not only concerned with the historical truth about Germany’s greatness, innocence and incredible achievements, which have benefited all mankind, but my goal is nothing less than the radical change of white humanity so that we can never again fall for the ridiculous, insane lies of these Jews!


–8 August 2019 US$45.60 from T in Australia via PayPal to

–8 August 2019 a valuable, health-related gift for Margi from J in Massachusetts

–4 August 2019 PayPal of $36 to from G in Germany

–3 August 2019 PayPal of $500 to from F in Holland

–2 August 2019 PayPal of $50 to from M in Florida

–2 August 2019 check for $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–25 July 2019 $75 check from G in Nevada

–22 July 20 euros, birthday card and note from S in Germany

–20 July 2019 $59 MoneyGram money order and touching letter from J in Maryland


–19 Juli 2019 Check from G. in Nevada


–13 July 2019 $20 cash in aluminum foil from O in Florida

–11 July 2019 $100 cash from DD in NYC and $20 Australian from J

–9 July 2019 Cash from C in Maryland


  1. Ciao John,ho letto con entusiasmo quasi tutto,il tempo dice la verità,la ruota gira sulla stella del Nord…tutto ritorna al suo posto prima o poi!Giustizia sarà fatta.
    I bambini non si toccano…questa gente è spietata,ho sempre pensato che per loro non esistono rimedi perché sono letteralmente contro Natura.
    Questa verità fa male…fa ancora più male scontrarsi con gente disposta a difenderli senza porsi le giuste domande.E’ terribile!Dire che mi dispiace per quello che ti hanno fatto serve a poco…ma la Provvidenza è dalla tua parte.Lo è sempre stata.Namaste’Ps:Spero tu riesca a tradurre l’italiano!Sono più propensa ad imparare il Tedesco!Sieg Heil.

  2. Io ne ho viste cose che voi umani non potreste immaginarvi:
    navi da combattimento in fiamme al largo dei bastioni di Orione,
    e ho visto i raggi B balenare nel buio vicino alle porte di Tannhäuser.
    E tutti quei momenti andranno perduti nel tempo,
    come lacrime nella pioggia.
    È tempo di morire.»
    Dal film Blade Runner,Rudger Hauer.

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