Scottish fascists giving the Roman salute. If fascism means safe streets; good schools; well-paying jobs; law and order; clean films, music and books; national pride and unity — and “democracy” delivers the opposite, hmmmmm. Is the goal of all life to hold an election?
Are You a Fascist?
September 10, 2019|App, Austin J PHD, American Mercury [source:]
The American Mercury magazine was published by the late, great Willis Carto, for whom I worked 1987-92 and 2005-08.
His widow Elizabeth, born in Germany. is continuing his work with
Speaking of “fascists,” here is one of Léon Degrelle’s books, Persiste et signe [ = “Persist and sign, meaning Degrelle remains defiant and retracts nothing] (1985), Degrelle was a dynamic Belgian fascist leader and highly decorated Waffen-SS hero. Willis Carto’s widow, Elizabeth, sent me this.
In it I was amazed to discover this personal dedication by Degrelle to Carto:
“À mon cher ami et camarade américain Willis Carto, en souvenir fidèle et affectueux de son compagnon de combat, Léon Degrelle. En exil, 15 Nov. 1985” [Transl. FR-EN:] “To my dear friend and American comrade Willis Carto, in loyal and affectionate remembrance of a combat companion, Léon Degrelle. In exile, Nov. 15, 1985″
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