My deepest gratitude; PayPal travails; when “Minnesota nice” is just plain COWARDICE

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(On the uncensored, Russian-owned VK)


Andrew Mcbride
Nice picture brother

John De-Nugent
Andrew, I hope we meet some day, Scottish brother! Lots of Americans of Scottish blood up here, and Cornish too, with unusual Keltic names like Rosemurgy, Chenoweth, Fezzey and Penagore. Sounds a bit like King Arthur’s court. 😉 They introduced the pastie, [pron. “pae (as in “rat”) stee”], a meat pie made from beef, pork, rutabaga, potatoes, carrots and onions. Dee-lish!

Chris Young replied to John
John, You look like a million bucks.

John De-Nugent replied to Chris
Thanks. A Jew posted on a free-speech forum (, which they shut down in 2009), a good 12 years ago, jealously and hatefully:

“What’s it like to be such a God-favored man?”

I replied: My looks, brains, education, military background, mate, kids —everything came from God and for a purpose, to free my people from the likes of you.
I know that “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.”
I take to heart what Jesus said in Luke 12:48:

“The one who does not know, and then does things deserving punishment, will be beaten with just a few blows.

But from everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

I feel a gigantic obligation — and that is to start my new Aryan religion so we are TRANSFORMED from slaves to heroes again!



……Thanks for donations to Margi’s cancer fund


It has been a great response, around $1600 between PayPal (despite misadventures) and the FB fundraising page (like just below), though we urgently need more.


I have come to realize that, yes, one can and should talk about the Holycost fraud, 9/11, the Khazars — everything — and it is all good.

Not many whites face a passenger jet (or missile) hitting their building….

BUT now cancer affects 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women, and the rate keeps increasing.

And the pain can be TERRIBLE. This was Margi trying to smile in January. She could not open her mouth and was “eating” with a straw.


By March it was worse. This was a “smile.” (Don’t cry for ME but let me tell you, if your loved one is hurting, so are you.)


A far cry from my beautiful lady 18 months ago….

This CANCER is an issue that affects us ALL. 🙁

But Margi is feeling and doing much better, with YOUR help for additional supplements she takes! They strengthen the chemo’s good effects and reduce the side effects. She is paying a Florida MD totally out of pocket.


After complaining, Margi got FB to fix her cancer fundraiser page (after receving about $800) so it again is successfully receiving donations.

Thanks just now for a generous $150 donation!

We’re driving 374 miles to the Mayo Clinic again on Sunday.


Then Margi started another PP account; it took in some funds, and they froze that as well, knowing full well it was a cancer fundraiser.


Listen, PayPAL JEWS; THIS IS LEGIT:  We have run many photos of her with her doctors, showing her weight loss, her shaved head FROM THE HAIR FALLINGOUT AFTER CHEMO, her in the Mayo Clinic, and even her latest PET scan!

May of last year at 115 pounds

now, 90 pounds, bald (at the piano)


Want to make some money while helping Margi? I want a large pool of “conduits.” There is some risk of PP shutting your account down, but if you are low-profile yourself, you can usually get another with a different email & postal address and cell-phone number. Use that of a friend or family member.


The funds flow from your acct. to another person, not us, who then sends us a money order or outright cash.

F–k the genocidal, hypocritical Jews. They wail about boycotting Israel, but all they do for thousands of years is boycott gentiles who dare to be free!



……Rockwell on “niceness”


Muslims raping white girls all over England; Jew and Masonic politicians raping English boys:

I worked in Rockwell’s NSWPP in 1978-80 as a writer, street activist and duty officer (security guard with a loaded .45 and in full Stormtrooper uniform).

Everyone there remembered Rocky so well, who had been assassinated by (talk about “Revenge of the Nerds“!) a jealous, hate-filled, white-nationalist loser.

Blinded by their tyrannon, white people (and the other races) do the most insane, self-destructive things — and the foreseeable misery ensues.

Henry Ford gave up trying to awaken America to the Jewish Peril in 1927, muttering: “The American people don’t want to hear the truth!”

Congratulations, “Greatest Generation” – you beat Hitler, ignoring and despising us awful antisemites, so….


……”Minnesota Nice”

Minnesota, which we visited in mid-July or its Mayo Clinic for Margi’s cancer, has some amazing,  beautiful and friendly people.

Here at this Aldi’s in Rochester, near the Mayo Clinic, I and Margi chatted with and took this snapshot of a gorgeous, naturally blonde mom with her little child. She is of pure Norwegian ancestry, like my distant ancestors.

Both as a national socialist and just as a red-blooded American male, my jaw literally dropped when I  saw her:  Perfect, sculpted bone structure, starry blue eyes, golden-blond hair, rosy complection and a gorgeous little daughter. I wish I had dared ask if I could take a picture of her face, but somehow, she not knowing us, I demurrred.

There is, after all, much human traffficking in Minnesota.

Blond women and children are abducted all the time, and have been for generations, from the Upper Midwest to be raped and killed by organized, Luciferian Jews from Chicago, Washington DC (see “The Franklin Coverup”) and New York City — who hate not just the white race in general, but nordic blonds in particular.

Franklin S&L Coverup — the gigantic heartland pedophile scandal — was crawling with Khazars

I saw this sign in several places.

Outside this same Aldi’s, two Somalis — the worst migrants anywhere on earth, Muslim Black Africans with no useful skills whatsoever — are invading Rochester now: beating, raping, burglarizing, selling drugs, and abducting blond boys, girls and women and men  for rape and human sacrifice by big-city Khazars. (Henrik Holappa told me and Margi way back in 2008 how the Somalis were committing horrors on white Finnish women, including both rape and cutting out their clitoris.)


Many Rochester stores now sell a panoply of anti-rape devices for white women:







Minnesota is also known for its super-hardcore libtards, and how N-I-C-E everyone seems proud to be. (Actually, Trump almost carried it in 2016, AND IT DID ELECT anti-NWO truther Jesse Ventura as governor.)

But you know what? People don’t need just nice words.

They need practical advice how to cope with harsh realities or change them, how to change their life, how to lose weight and get healthy again, make a decent income, and be physically safe.
The Minnesota lady who took this nice pic of Margi and me in Soldiers Park in Rochester, near the Mayo Clinic, was really nice. She had already told us about the park, because we wanted to get away from the hospital, breathe some fresh air, and have a change of scenery. Then she happened upon us again, taking pix of each other, and offered to take this photo of us just as this gorgeous hot-air ballon got filled up and (and, along with two others, off-screen) took off.

But while it was genuinely nice of her to be helpful and friendly, I also noticed the slightly self-satisfied, self-congratulatory look on her face as she handed me my camera/smartphone back, as if she were thinking or feeling this sentiment:

“Boy, am I doing a good deed.

Gee, I sure am a helpful person.

Gosh, what a nice person I am.” 😉
And now that is “Minnesota nice” for you, and classic libtard — getting off on how good you are.

It’s really an ego trip. And fooling yourself.

You did the nice deed mostly to boost your own self-image.

And so, in the worst-case scenario, as a liberal, you can do any number of stupid and even terrible things to others, including your fellow whites, as long as they boost your self-image.


Pat yourselves on the back, greatest generation. You slaughtered 16 million innocent Germans to give your race to the Jews and half of Europe to the bolsheviks. “Thank you for your service — in Dresden.”



Minnesotans….. Margi and I stayed in Rochester, Minn. at an “AirBnB” place. (It’s a good deal — a common kitchen and common bathroom in a nice, modern house, and separate bedrooms with lockd doors for each party.)

Next door was a lady named Lisa, who had worked at the Mayo for 20 years and knew a lot. She was from Illinois, a conservative, and we got to talking about Minnesotans — who are among the most liberal people in America.

(Not all of them are, Jesse Ventura having won there, after all, for governor, but many are libtards to even violent leftists.)

The same kind that vote en masse for this horrible, white-hating crypto-Jew, the Demonrat Mark Dayton, as governor:
Dayton slanders Minnesota Whites as “B+ citizens” — and says “Get out of the state” if you don’t like the Muslim Somalis coming in.

Anyway, Lisa said to me:

“Minnesotans ARE nice and they ARE friendly, but they are so liberal, and it is so hard to really become friends with them. I’ve tried for twenty years to make friends here. They have their little cliques, and agree with them on everything, and just do not let strangers in.”

I said, “Yes, well, they gotta stay away from that rough Illinois crowd.” She laughed. “Maybe they saw you coming and said” That gal must have been the gun moll for Bad, Bad Leroy Brown.” 😉 (Being blonde and blue-eyed, she chuckled at that, too.)

So, since libtards are not free from the egoic mind at all — the goal of the coming ARYAN religion — but instead (IMPORTANT POINT COMING) their “good deeds” actually make them all the MORE egoic and “into themselves,” they are capable of atrocious and insane crimes that ultimately hurt them, their loved ones, their nation and their race.


Cool, Voltaire but why do people believe in absurdities? They don’t. Their egoic mind does. And it controls THEM.




I saw these wise words at the entrance of Soldiers Park in Rochester, Minnesota, home of the world-famous Mayo Cancer Clinic that we will revisit Wednesday (unless murdered en route).

This inscription reminds us that no Jew will ever GIVE us our freedom back, only warriors.

We must take it back. I will be heavily armed as always, and both Wisconsin, which we must cross over, and Minnesota (and 32 other states) recognize the Michigan Concealed Carry Permit.

I feel really sorry, however, for all the American fighting men who fought, sweated, thirsted, starved, and died or were mutilated (blinded or had their eyes shot out, or their genitals blown off by a “Bouncing-Betty” landmine, a feared outcome in WWII and Vietnam; the “Springmine” — was a German invention and very feared). Then they found out they were not fighting for our freedom at all.


He doesn’t really look too happy, does he?

Since this soldier was wearing what my dad wore in WWII and Korea (and so did our men in Nam), it harkened me back to what my dad would say about his year in Korea:

“So many good, good men were killed, John, and for what? For what? Half my officer class was killed or wounded and evacuated from Korea, as I was. Three days in a coma from a Chinese mortar round, then I woke up in Tokyo.”

This part of the memorial was especially touching. This soldier’s wife just got the bad news — the dreaded Western Union telegram — and it is lying on her lap, as her boy looks up at her: “What’s wrong, mommy?”.










Jason Lovasz Why would anyone be part of the military… education is good but nothing else.

  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Two practical reasons, aside from sincere patriotism:
    1) in many rural areas, especially in the American Rust Belt, there are/were no good-paying jobs;
    2) boys who, due to divorce or abandonment, grow up without dads, are raised by their moms, are around their sisters all the time, and feel from al that feminine environment, craving a way to test and develop their own masculinity, experience male authority figures, and learn from male role models.

It is not enough to be “nice.” We need “truth.” And we need “action.”

Or the psychopaths will finish the job of finishing us off.

I got this PM from a friend and donor who is about to visit me, Margi and the UP of Michigan soon:

M: We are all just sitting ducks.

John: Yes, and so we must go on the offensive before they tighten the noose that already is around our necks, and strangle us all.

Their lives also need MEANING, and the answer to the question “Why am I here?”[/caption]

Ultimately, people want, and have a right to, a country where almost everyone they encounter will be honorable, friendly and decent.

In this video, among other things, I talk about how Hitler’s SS, by one stern warning at the factory gate on a Friday at quitting time, saved a German working-class man from further boozing, and thus rebuilt his marriage and his relationship with his kids. 🙂

But I go back to what Rockwell said:

and this:


In the new religion I am creating, we will learn about the harsh masculine and gentle feminine energies -and how we really need BOTH.

When I was living in Aix-en-Provence, France in 2004, I had a painter friend create this for me. It is my modification of the Taoist symbol of yin and yang:


The colors and middle band refer to the two great energies and blending them.

So Adolf Hitler could be, and usually was, the nicest guy…

..and tear up, his eyes all moist, when he saw sweet little children (as Mussolini gossiped to his mistress, Clara Petacci, tsk-tsking that he was “sentimental” in a letter to her)…

Hitler’s maid at the Berghof was Rosa Mitterer, who worked as a maid for him at his mountain retreat in Bavaria in the 1930s.

Rosa made it to 92, dying in 2010, and only in her final year of life, at 91, did she open up about her experiences. She realized she was the very last of the 1930s staff. The very last staffer (1940-45) was SS guard and telephonist Rochus Misch, who died in 2013.


And her verdict on her former boss was exactly what Misch said: ‘He was a charming man, someone who was only ever nice to me, a great boss to work for. You can say what you like, but he was a good man to us.’

Rosa went into Hitler’s service at the age of 15 in 1932 when she was Rosa Krautenbacher. Her sister Anni had worked as a cook at Hitler’s Berchtesgaden retreat since the late 1920s.

Bavarian girls visiting the Führer at the Berghof


‘She said he needed a housemaid and I would fit the bill,’ Rosa recalled. ‘I remember so clearly the first day I spoke to him in the kitchen. I said I was Anni’s sister and that made him smile, because Anni was his favourite. I only knew Hitler as a kind man who was good to me.’

He still grieved over his niece, Geli Raubal, who shot herself in September 13, 1931. I was told as soon as I went to work for him that he was not to be approached on that anniversary each year,’ said Rosa. ‘My sister and I shared a room that was directly over Hitler’s. We could hear him crying.’

Recalling her first direct request from her boss, she said she was drying some porcelain cups when he came down the stairs. ‘Hello,’ he said softly. ‘Sorry to trouble you, but could you make me some coffee and bring some gingerbread biscuits to my study?’

Coming into such close proximity to Hitler made her feel almost faint, she said, but she soon became accustomed to life at Berghof.

‘I rose at 6am every day and put on a red-green dirndl with a white apron. My first task was to feed his dogs – he had three German shepherds at the beginning, Wolf, Muck and Blondi.


‘In those days, Hitler slept in his study. In it was just an iron bed, one wardrobe, one table, two chairs and a shoebox. It was very modestly furnished. Beside the bed hung a picture of his mother.’


She added: ‘I didn’t have to be a NS party member or anything. After a while I relaxed a bit. Apparently it was Hitler’s orders that Anni and I be taken to church every Sunday because he thought this would be “good for us”.

‘Another time he came into the kitchen, saw me and said, “Ahh, I see our little one has grown a little plumper!”

Part of her duties involved sorting out the fan letters and presents that were delivered in their thousands to the house. ‘There were cigars, jars of jam, flowers, pictures,’ she recalled. ‘We gave most of them away to poorer peasant families nearby on Hitler’s orders.’

In 1935 she fell in love with local businessman Josef Amorts and handed in her notice. ‘I only met Hitler once more, on December 10, 1936, when Anni married Herbert Doehring, manager of the Berghof. He came to the wedding and was nice to me, saying how he missed me.’

Rosa married in 1939 and had three daughters. She later remarried. A great-grandmother, she lived in Munich. After the war she had to confront the lies about the man for whom she had worked so willingly. ‘That he could ever have ordered such terrible things, I just couldn’t believe it,’ she said.

Rochus Misch:

Hitler, for me, was always a completely normal person. He spoke completely normally to me. I lived together with him for five years. I only knew him as a wonderful, really good boss, okay? I could talk with him. He was always satisfied with us.

No, he was never authoritarian. And we were with him day and night; we knew him. He was never without us, day and night. If he wanted something in the night, if his servant was asleep, he called one of us. If he wanted to be awoken an hour later, or to call Eva, anything.

We just had a wonderful boss. We couldn’t have wished for anyone better.


And yet…. (or because of this love) Hitler had 20,000 cowardly German deserters hanged, guillotined or SHOT in WWII.


Because, actually, it is not NICE at all to save yourself. It is also not nice to just TALK when our women need protection from being raped by an invading army!

The NICE thing then is to kill the enemy!



A young German comrade and former soldier came to visit me on a tourist visa with his last Euros in February 2015 and was arrested in Chicago O’Hare Airport — “on suspicion of intent to immigrate” — and was brutally sent right back to Germany, penniless.

Anyway, he sent me this week a superb essay by Swiss German activist Bernhard Schaub on the realities Germans must face about their government.

I ran it ( and yet said it was all insufficient.

I wrote:

The genuinely excellent essay of this brave and highly intelligent comrade Schaub, who is not even German, but Swiss, but has a noble heart and feeling for the neighboring Germans, could just as well have been written in 1970, 1980 or 2000 — and likewise they all accomplish almost nothing.

For 41 years I have read such great writing.

This was a GREAT 1970s book, for example…“required reading”…. Dispossessed_Majority_Wilmot_Robertson

Basically, it was how Jews took over America and were turning it brown, while reducing the whites in both quantity and quality. It was a great book — for the 1/10th of 1% that read it. 😉

(I met the author in the fall of 1990 and stayed at his home for a night in the mountains of western North Carolina, not far from Margi’s home in Asheville, but I did not know her then.)


Now I ask you this, worried and sincere comrade, who also have made sacrifices (we know each other), and I ask you to respond, not in a superficial and habitual way, but from the depths of your own soul:

Why, after a negro migrant pushed a white German mother and her little son, the eight-year-old Leo Stettin, on July 29 onto the railroad tracks at the Frankfurt train station, killing the boy before his mother’s eyes, was there not a landslide victory for the well-run, moderate, anti-migrant AfD party?

Look, the public murder of an innocent little kid — reporters said onlookers were “wailing” and “shrieking” as the train slammed on its brakes too late and hit the boy, cutting him in half as his mom watched in horror — was really the crime of the new century.

Black African migrant shoves white German mother and her little 8-y/o son in front of a train at Frankfurt station; boy turned into mush; German onlookers, shrieking, had to be treated by psychiatrists for shock

I read a report that the German police threatened the mother and told her the burial was to take place with only cops and closest family members allowed to attend so the “extreme right” could not “exploit the incident.”


What, now, — no more labelling of our people as merely STUPID, a race of brilliant achievements in every field! — is the real cause of human idiocy, of cowardice, unspeakable bonehededness and ineffable suffering throughout history?

And why was the happiness of the six years of the Third Reich at peace (1933-1939) just the exception — and not the rule?

(h2)Do people really want to be sick, poor, lonely, miserable, squabbling and divorcing — not to mention being beaten, raped and killed?(/h2)
Why did not the German policeman here not approach the crying woman, who has just witnessed a muslim terror incident? (Not just to help her, but he would have felt a lot better himself if he had at least made some attempt to say something comforting to her she bawled. Was he afraid of being accused of “sexual harassment” if he offered to hugged her? Since when can a man not hug a crying woman?)


Saying people are “stupid,” or “selfish,” or “ignorant” or “brainwashed,” or “libtards” or “cowards” may well be true, but that is the effect of something. All that is just putting a label on things, describing them, not getting to the bottom of things… of the misery of the human condition.

Friday night I was at the local tavern, actually mostly to meet and pay a neighbor $30 on a trade-in for another used lawn mower. (I cut seven lawns a week to reduce my rent and pay bills, and am also writing again, like Margi, for The Barnes Review.)

The most amazing thing happened.

People were coming up to me, one after another, with their personal problems.

One very nice couple was there, and the wife came to me and said her husband (a Vietnam vet with PTSD) was drinking heavily (….again….) and had fallen on his face and had a big scar on his forehead — this coming just one week after he had a fall, and needed crutches from that mishap.

We talked, and I went over and chatted with him, too. I said I would get back to her.

Right after that, a young dad and husband came over too, and told me his wife and he had just broken up, and he was now staying at a motel.

(I know the couple a bit — and their two cute girls.)

A former Navy submariner, he had helped me previously when my Crown Vic just stopped running near his house.

Then an attractive youngish gal came over and told me how her boyfriend was doing in his fight against alcohol, and how her son was doing in high school, a loner type.

It struck me that I must have some good energy or aura or something that white people come to me in need. 🙂

This is what someone with a true religious calling needs… a healing presence, experience, love, humility, and wisdom.


…..Facebook comments on the Horner case and victims of molestation

This refers back to this blog :

Cannabis and lessening PTSD; the tragic Horner girl

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Horrible. Child molesters know what they do is wicked and illegal, so they always threaten the child. They should be cooked slowly in a man-sized microwave oven for hours until expired, then their corpses should be dumped from an Air Force plane into the ocean for the sharks.
I was molested as a kid and had horrific nightmares well into adulthood, when I, a former Marine, decided even a tough guy can use some counseling for stuff that was not his fault.
A child’s immature brain is “fried” by being molested. I would rather have been hit in the head by a baseball bat than suffer this violation of my innocent childhood.




John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Nancy Warren Jesus did say this about the wicked — put a millstone around their neck and into the sea.


AD You’re correct John – prayers for you.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch AD Thanks, A. I did counseling (two kinds), prayed and also read a bestselling book by Eckhart Tolle called “the Power of Now.”



LP John De Nugent Aufdeutsch been there 2


MM Poor little girl. May she rest in peace. She was so pretty. What an awful man and a hideous crime. I hope he rotted in jail. Child molesters have a very hard time of it in jail. They have to be kept out of the general prison population for obvious reasons.


MO John De Nugent Aufdeutsch I hope you have found peace….


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch LP
So you know. So sorry to hear that. We need a molestation-free America. The Jeffrey Epstein affair shows just how huge this problem is, including among our “elites.”


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch MO I actually did not find any peace at all with the passage of time….It took action: two kinds of therapy, prayer and immersing myself in spiritual books.

MO Whatever it took….what a blessing to survive….


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch MO Well, it is no blessing to survive in misery… Many adults who were molested as kids attempt suicide, and/or use drugs, become alcoholics, get in trouble and end up as felons.

Some (many) molested boys become male prostitutes on the street. 🙁





…..”Deep-fake” defamation campaign about to launch against me?

The newest and very serious threats by the agent using the screen names “Turd Ferguson” and “Harriet Maki” — of a new defamation campaign against me by the Deep State using deep-fake news (invented stories involving faked photos, faked audio recordings — something the “Media Lab” at MIT has known how to do for 20 years — faked videos and faked emails) or physical harm — have only accelerated my progress.
My thoughts will accompany you. You will be safe in God’s hands.

Dissi Dent

Sorry, but why do you make such potentially dangerous trip public? Anyway: be on your guard, John!
They are already boasting openly that they are tapping my phones and reading my emails. I got an outright death threat from the White House under Obama. They already know almost everything. At my level, and given the gigantic budgets of the CIA, FBI and NSA, they are on me all the time.

David James

John, I am with you John. Our spirits ride together. We stand for WHAT IS RIGHT, What is Moral, and (((they))) do NOT.
John, They are tapping everyone’s phones and reading their e-mails. If they are not, the concerned is a vegetable. They rarely proceed to murder without beforehand destroying the person’s reputation, livelihood, family, etc and they are more likely to target with actual physical elimination the younger folks. I trust that you are safe.

John De-Nugent

Yes, very true. They seem about to launch the defamation campaign prior to the actual assassination.
Minnesota is a pretty liberal state. Weak, self centered fools. I wish you all the best

Kaj Børgesen

May Odin and Frigga keep you and your wife safe always John De-Nugent

……What “deep-fake” means

“Deep-fake” seems to be a new term. It means they can cook up something electronically, making it appear — totally in cyberspace, on a keyboard — that you said, did or admitted something awful when you did nothing of the sort.

Technology can make it look as if anyone has said or done anything. Is it the next wave of (mis)information warfare?

‘When nothing is true, then the dishonest person will thrive by saying what’s true is fake.’

In May, a video appeared on the internet of Donald Trump offering advice to the people of Belgium on the issue of climate change. “As you know, I had the balls to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement,” he said, looking directly into the camera, “and so should you.”

The video was created by a Belgian political party, Socialistische Partij Anders, or sp.a, and posted on sp.a’s Twitter and Facebook. It provoked hundreds of comments, many expressing outrage that the American president would dare weigh in on Belgium’s climate policy.

Another added: “Trump shouldn’t blow so high from the tower because the Americans are themselves as dumb.”

But this anger was misdirected. The speech, it was later revealed, was nothing more than a hi-tech forgery.

Sp.a claimed that they had commissioned a production studio to use machine learning to produce what is known as a “deep fake” – a computer-generated replication of a person, in this case Trump, saying or doing things they have never said or done. […. End of citation]

Here is evidence of how the Media Lab, which is an expert at creating deep-fakes, was in bed with the jew pedophile Jeffrey Epstein:

New reports allege that Ito actively solicited funding from Epstein and systematically tried to cover up the connection.

Sep 7, 2019

Days after announcing his intent to stay at the MIT Media Lab and begin a process of “restorative healing,” Joichi Ito, its director, has resigned over his ties to financier and alleged sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. The announcement comes less than a day after damning new allegations from the New Yorker and the New York Times that Ito’s ties to Epstein were more extensive and secretive than he’d previously admitted.

On August 15, Ito, who had led the prestigious research organization since 2011, apologized for taking research funding from Epstein over a number of years, claiming that he did so with the full support of the university. But the New Yorker and the New York Times, using information from a whistleblower who used to work at the Media Lab, have now reported that he took far more money than previously disclosed and covered up Epstein’s more extensive ties to the lab, even though Epstein was listed as a “disqualified” donor by MIT.

After the initial disclosures that the Media Lab had taken Epstein’s money, Ito had received both support and calls to resign from prominent members of the technology community. The new revelations have since shocked several initial supporters, leading at least one to publicly apologize.

In an internal meeting at the lab, on September 4, Ito admitted to having taken $525,000 from Epstein for the Media Lab and an additional $1.2 million for his private ventures. But the New Yorker article, published on September 6, alleged that the [Media Lab] had taken at least $7.5 million from two other donors, private equity mogul Leon Black and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, that was channeled through Epstein.
In 1975, his father committed suicide by jumping out of the 44th floor of the Pan Am Building in New York City. It was later made public that, at the time, federal regulators were investigating allegations that [his company] United Brands was bribing Honduran government officials.[3][4]
Two months after the May 2012 anonymous purchase of one of four versions of Edvard Munch‘s The Scream, The Wall Street Journal reported that Black had been the one who had paid $119.9 million for the pastel, the highest price ever paid for a work of art at auction as of that time.[23]
[JdN: How appropriate that a Jew associated with pedophile Epstein wanted a painting about screaming.]
On December 22, 2015, it was reported that Leon Black purchased at auction a complete set of the Daniel Bomberg Babylonian Talmud for $9.3 million.[26] According to a press release from the Sotheby’s auction house, the sale is “a new world auction record for any piece of Judaica.”[27]
(A spokesperson for Gates says that “any claim that Epstein directed any programmatic or personal grantmaking for Bill Gates is completely false.”)
It said that Ito had solicited funding directly from Epstein and that he and his staff had systematically worked to scrub Epstein’s name from donations so they wouldn’t be scrutinized or blocked by MIT at large.

Emails provided to the New Yorker and the New York Times by Signe Swenson, a former development associate at the Media Lab, showed Ito, along with Peter Cohen, a former development official at the lab, acknowledging that Epstein’s money needed to remain anonymous.

Peter Cohen

Swenson told the New Yorker that she had repeatedly expressed her discomfort with the lab’s ties to Epstein, but was told that “we’re planning to do it anyway.”

In his apology, Ito had also stated that he “never saw any evidence of the horrific acts that [Epstein] was accused of.”

But in 2015, Epstein visited the Media Lab, accompanied by two young women who looked like models, Swenson told The New Yorker. According to Swenson, Ito was also well aware of Epstein’s desire to be accompanied, telling Cohen that Epstein “never goes into any room without his two female ‘assistants.’” Ito told the New York Times that the New Yorker report was “full of factual errors,” but he didn’t elaborate further.

While the new revelations are particularly damning for Ito and Cohen, they also highlight the systemic problem surrounding the Epstein funding. The hidden ties with Epstein were so widely known at the Media Lab that staff in Ito’s office began to call him “he who must not be named” or “Voldemort,” according to the New Yorker. Questions also remain about how the donations evaded detection by MIT. According to a statement by its president, Rafael Reif, in August, “decisions about gifts are always subject to longstanding Institute processes and principles.”

The details underscore what many researchers at the Media Lab and in the broader tech community have emphasized since the Epstein revelations: that while this episode is an extreme case, it is symptomatic of the lack of transparency around the close-knit relationships between academic institutions and an elite network of [JEW!!!!] donors.

In an MIT-wide email today, Reif announced Ito’s resignation and said that he had asked the Institute’s general counsel to engage “a prominent law firm” to conduct an independent investigation. An internal investigation into MIT’s fund-raising processes and policies, announced last month, is still ongoing.

Ito, Cohen, and MIT did not immediately respond to direct requests for comment.

Disclosure: Among his other duties, Ito was on the board of MIT Technology Review. After resigning from MIT, he submitted his resignation from the board as well.

……Gigantic problems solved

The two gigantic problems I have faced in designing a new religion to revive and empower the white movement are these:
1) enlightenment is for rare individuals, and FAR beyond the masses, so how do I transform them anyway INTO USEFUL WARRIORS wo will stop talking and start fighting?
2) What concretely do I propose my future followers to DO that does not trigger an instant repression with a SWAT team?
It has to be a white-survival demand that is so popular and so reasonable that if Trump were to reject it, it would make him look terrible and lose him white voters he will desperately need in 2020.
Revolution among northern-European white people can only come when perfectly reasonable and vital demands are contemptuously, haughtily rejected.
The British acted this way, over and over, for five years, 1770-75, until finally they did a gun-confiscation raid on the Massachusetts villages of Lexington and Concord. (I was a tour guide of historic Greater Boston.)
Then, they split their forces, weakening both and making them beatable, and they set fire to some wagons they had pulled out of barns that were loaded with military supplies.
The Minutemen saw black smoke rising from the village — and became furious, thinking the Brits were burning the peaceful town.
Once my perfectly reasonable demands are arrogantly rejected, and open hatred of all Whites is belched out by the jewsmedia, and Trump (threatened with asssassination by the jews) does nothing to defend Whites, then the masses will see the Jewish/ZOG will to genocide us is real.
Then….. we Whites will be ready to stop talking.

If George Washington came back right now, do you think he would be typing “likes” to memes on Facebook?


And now on to my report on Margi, our first trip to the Mayo Clinic (and we have another one coming up in two days).

The good news is the tumor (it is just one tumor, and Stage III, not IV, meaning the tumor has not metastacized) is almost gone from the chemo! 🙂

Margi can open her mouth much wider, eat regular food again (not blended stuff), and needs less and less in the way of painkillers.

She has also been using this expensive contraption, an “OraStretch,” to gradually pry her mouth wider open. With the tumor shrunk to 10% its former size, now it is much easier to do.

For the first time in six months, Margi can eat regular food again, not slurp some goop out of a blender 😉 , or the vegetable juice I make for her in a juicing machine, a lathelike thing, to DRINK….

She is gaining some good weight back — and now this wonderful, gourmet cook can finally eat her own cooking again!

This is the first time since January (and now it is September) when — the nine nasty months are over — that she is no longer chugging food-blender glop! 🙂

I and Margi wish to thank everyone who has donated.


I and Margi (wearing a nice wig, since her hair fell out due to the chemo, that is close to her color)

As explained, chemo and radiation CAN kill the tumor, but so weaken the body in the process, being OUTRIGHT POISONS, that the tumor comes back — and this time more lethal than ever.

So Margi is taking many (often expensive) supplements to rebuild her system so the chemo and radiation kill only the tumor, not her!


We will win with intelligence and action.

Margi took this pic of me before sunset on Lake Superior, a block from her house, where 3,200 years ago our people, in the Bronze Age, were here mining for copper to mix with tin to make bronze.


There was not enough copper in all of Europe to outfit one single army (such as at Troy) with fifty pounds worth of bronze per soldier for shields, body armor, greaves, helmets, spears and swords.

The Ojibway Indians themselves say WE, the Europeans, were here. Every major copper mine here was already mined in ancient times.


This area, and all of America, is full of our rich heritage of bravery, skill and invention.

And we will innovate our way out of our current dilemma too, master our fate — and prevail!

But back to our Mayo trip, which we are about to repeat.

First, I was amazed how white, clean and beautiful Wisconsin was, a 53% German state. (We avoided negro-ruined Milwaukee and the militantly leftist-ruled capital, Madison.)

And much of it was not flat, but rolling hills,

….and even low mountains!


…..The Military Virtues Every Aryan Must Have

I read something by a Catholic writer, which inspired this:

Let me remind you that we cannot lose sight of the fact that the Aryans exist on this earth to fight, and that our normal relations with those both outside and inside her walls is one always characterized by combat.

Outside we have our adversaries, the Jews and their minions of our and other races.

Inside, we have a twofold struggle:

first, every Aryan must fight his own defects and the Church must encourage and help him to do so;

second, she has to fight those who promote the work of the anti-Church within her walls. We assume these battle obligations because we are members of the Church Militant.

Every man is born a soldier, although not every soldier will use his arms. Those who combat, however, are privileged in the eyes of God, who rejoices in passing in review before his warriors. Each one who bears weapons assumes responsibility for the physical safety of his fellow citizens, for the life and the liberty of his brothers.

He takes up the sword and the shield for those who lack them and for those who are too weak to bear and use them. And God says to him: “These are my orders: Be valiant; fear no enemy that appears before you no matter how strong and many are his forces. I am with you. I will come to your succor and judge you by your courage.” This is the command of God, the first principle behind the duty of every soldier and the firmest validation of his value. (by Lous Veuillot)

It is a very beautiful text, beginning with the first play of thoughts: Every man is born a soldier, although not every soldier will use his arms.

Yes, all men are born soldiers because Militia est vita hominis super terram, the life of man upon earth is warfare. Our life is a fight, and this is how we must consider it, first and foremost.

Of course, this is what I also said in Mein Kampf! All life is a struggle, and if you are unwilling to fight, you are unworthy to live.

A man is born a soldier at the first moment he sees the natural light. Then when he is confirmed in the faith, he is born a second time, now to the supernatural life, becoming a soldier in its defense. Further, the Church has a special Sacrament that confirms a man as a soldier in the full sense of the word. It is the sacrament of Confirmation or Chrism. By arming us as knights, it confers on us the military vocation, the vocation to fight for the Church.

Not every soldier uses his weapons on the battlefield, but whoever does so is privileged. I agree with this statement. Since the duty of the soldier is to fight, when he takes up arms to enter battle he becomes privileged.

Imagine a painter who does not paint, a musician who cannot make music, a singer who cannot sing, a professor who is unable to give classes, a diplomat prevented from engaging in politics. Certainly they are unhappy men. They have all the skills to exercise this or that activity, but their talents are unused and inoperative. The same applies to the soldier. He has a military capacity that cannot be fulfilled unless he enters into battle. Then, he becomes privileged; he fulfills his vocation.

As I have written often about Léon Degrelle, this was a charismatic people-person. But for years after 1945, when the war ended, he had to basically hide out in Spanish exile, talking to no one and when he did go public again, it was only via writing books. That was NOT Degrelle’s first forte, though he proved an amazing writer. A Waffen-SS soldier wishes to fight, an orator wishes to orate, and a leader to lead! Lots of nerds can sit there and type interesting stuff, but very few are born leaders of the masses! But Degrelle had to stay low-profile in exile from 1945 until the day he died in 1994.


Woe to the country whose soldiers are sad and discontent when they enter battle! The soldier should be joyful when war comes so that he can fight.

Of course, at the base of every war is a sin, and the soldier cannot desire the sin. The war also generally gives occasion for many other sins: killing civilians, useless bombing, crimes against private propriety and honor, etc. Even in a just war these sins occur, and no one can desire them. But when a war becomes necessary, the soldier is joyful because he can exercise his talents.

Someone could object: This is absurd! How could a person be happy amidst such outrages?

I would answer: No, this is not absurd, but the normal way of life. A physician should not desire illnesses; nonetheless, he is unhappy when there are no sick persons for him to cure. A doctor without any patients is an unhappy man. His genius and skills are all turned toward curing people. For different reasons he is happy when there is no illness, but at the same time in such circumstance he cannot exercise his genius and talents. There is no contraction here. It is the natural way human affairs operate. The same applies to the soldier.

We who are militants of the Church of God should not take the cowardly stance: “What a relief that God gave me such a peaceful life! How blessed it is that I have never had the opportunity to fight for Him!” If one entertains this thought, he betrays his mission. Because in the service of God there is always the fight. If a man did not take it up, it is because he refused to see the adversary or fled from him in the hour of assault. Thus he betrayed his duty.

The mark of the Aryan is to fight and to love the fight. Sometimes I see persons distressed because they are in a spiritual turmoil, tempted or in a spiritual desert. They think something extraordinary has happened to them. I believe they are wrong.

While we are on this earth, it is normal that we be tempted once in a while. Temptation can come even without any fault on our part, in order to form us and make us progress. We should face the temptation with trust, piety, vigilance and joy. We are joyful because we are proving our fidelity. I remember hearing this eulogy of a saint:- “He could have done evil, but he did not.” We should do the same. We should choose virtue even when everything around us steers us to enjoy life.

If a frankly ugly woman who has no charms, and is rejected by every man, does not sleep around, well, that is a virtue in the eyes of God. But the purity of a woman to whom God gave beauty and charms is still more precious before God, because she easily could have slept around – but she did not; she practiced the virtue of chastity as if she were the homeliest woman.

Thus, it is normal to be tempted by the seduction of a false peace. It is not normal to be surprised or depressed by a temptation. As a rule we receive temptations. God allows them to temper our souls. The soul that says “no” to the Devil leaves the fight stronger. Therefore, being soldiers, being militants, we should be enthused with the fight.

It is also normal for us – as counter-revolutionaries – to be attacked by our enemies. Sometimes I see a person who is astonished to see that we received this blow from the Communists, that calumny from the false right, or that ambush coming from a liberal. There is nothing extraordinary in these attacks. They come because we are counter-revolutionaries and confirm that we are on the right path.

We will battle against the sons of the serpent to the last day of the world.



If we were not attacked, we would not be God’s highest sons.

The result is that the better and more faithful we are, the more we will be attacked. Thus, the good soldier should not be surprised to be assaulted; it is normal. Instead, if we are not being attacked we might ask these questions: Is it because we are making concessions to the ideas of the enemy? Shouldn’t we really be more strongly attacked? Are we doing all that we should be doing?

We should have a greater love for the fight and the militant spirit. We should have the innocence of the dove in our aims and in the legitimacy of our methods. But we should also have the astuteness of the serpent in executing our good objectives and adopting intelligent plans to attack the adversary at every legitimate opportunity, and finally crush and annihilate him.



…..Recent donations

Praise don’t pay the light bill. 🙂

PayPal to [write me at for conduit details)

Address: John de Nugent, 306 S. Steel St., Ontonagon MI 49953 USA

–24 September 2019 $100 Amazon gift card from V in USA

The PayPal address for Margi of is no longer valid, since PP abruptly canceled it after six years with no explanation.

If you wish to donate via PayPal, please write me for details of other PP accounts that trusted friend have.

Loans are okay, too. I am expecting an inheritance (neither large nor small) very soon. I’m the sole heir, with my hard-partying brother Todd sadly gone.

–23 September 2019 $100 via Paypal (frozen by the jews for six months) from J in New England

–21 September 2019 loan via PayPal of $100 from M in California

–20 September 2019 loan via PayPal of $88 from B in New York State

–20 September 2019 check for $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–10 September 2019 $50 via PayPal from P in New England


–6 September 2019 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–5 September 2019 $20 Australian, and a very nice card

–30 August 2019 $75 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–30 August 2019 supportive letter and 20 Euros from C in Germany

–21 August 2019 book by Joseph Goebbels (the last one he wrote — in 1945, a brilliant collection of short essays given to the frontline troops called “The Law of War”) and 20 euros from C in Germany

–20 August 2019 five Australian silver dollars and a kind greeting to me and Margi from M in Ohio


–19 August 2019 $20 cash from P in Florida

–16 August 2019 check for $75

LOL, photo with donation reveals my “Hitlerian” forehead

–14 August 2019 $150 from J in New Hamshah 😉 (New England pronunciation of “New Hampshire”)

–9 August 2019 Check for US$75 from J in Nevada und 50 Euro in cash with a card from A in Germany

Translation from German:

Dear John de Nugent,

Belated heartfelt greetings and all the best for your [65th] birthday!

And also for Margi my wishes for further improvement!

Enclosed are 50 euros as thanks for your great work in the service of historical truth. — A

I published this in German (Engl. transl. follows)

Zum netten Lob der Kameradin, die mir seit Jahren hilfreiche Spenden schickt, kann ich nur sagen, mit Pontius Pilatus: “Was ist Wahrheit?!” Sie ist wertlos, wenn die Leute Zombies sind. Mir geht es nicht nur und die geschichtliche Wahrheit über Deutschlands Größe, Unschuld und Jahrtausendleistungen, sondern um die radikale Veränderung der weißen Menschheit, damit wir nie wieder auf die verrückten, wahnsinnigen Lügen der Juden hereinfallen können!


To the nice praise of the lady comrade, who has sent me helpful donations for years, I can only say, with Pontius Pilate: “What is the truth ?!”

It is pointless if people are zombies.

I am not only concerned with the historical truth about Germany’s greatness, innocence and incredible achievements, which have benefited all mankind, but my goal is nothing less than the radical change of white humanity so that we can never again fall for the ridiculous, insane lies of these Jews!


–8 August 2019 US$45.60 from T in Australia via PayPal to

–8 August 2019 a valuable, health-related gift for Margi from J in Massachusetts

–4 August 2019 PayPal of $36 to from G in Germany

–3 August 2019 PayPal of $500 to from F in Holland

–2 August 2019 PayPal of $50 to from M in Florida

–2 August 2019 check for $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–25 July 2019 $75 check from G in Nevada

–22 July 20 euros, birthday card and note from S in Germany

–20 July 2019 $59 MoneyGram money order and touching letter from J in Maryland


–19 Juli 2019 Check from G. in Nevada


–13 July 2019 $20 cash in aluminum foil from O in Florida

–11 July 2019 $100 cash from DD in NYC and $20 Australian from J

–9 July 2019 Cash from C in Maryland

–5 July 2019 check from a loyal donor out west.

–28 June 2019 $75 by check from H in Utah

–24 June 2019 cash from former Marine P in Florida

–21 June 2019 check from J in Cicero, Illinois

–20 June 2019 $200 via PayPal to mhuffstickler@outlook.clom from R in Holland

–19 June 2019 check from G. in Cicero, Illinois

–15 June 2019 money order from C in Texas

–13 June 2019 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–9 June 2019 $22 via PayPal from M in Florida and check from J in Nevada

–8 June 2019 20 dollars Australian from J in New South Wales, “Down Under” and a nice note for Margi, fighting her cancer bravely and maybe winning now, and thanking you very much!

I am holding here a stick of silver birch, which produces a growth called “chaga” that fights cancer and by which many Russians and Finns swear.

We took a friend’s Scotty along Lake Superior yesterday


–6 June 2019 (in honor of D-Day 😉 ) check from J in Nevada

–3 June 2019 PayPal from R in France

–3 June 2019 cash from T in Texas

–2 June 2019 PayPal from T in Texas


  1. La provvidenza ti ha salvato tante volte in diversi attentati;ne sei uscito sempre indenne.”Non sono lui,ma visto che nessuno si fa avanti devo farlo io..” così è stato, così sarà ancora e ancora..Mein Fuhrer!

    • Mille grazie, cara camarata!

      You wrote:

      “Providence has saved you so many times in various attacks; you have always come out unscathed. “I’m not him, but since no one comes forward I have to do it ..” so it was, so will it be again and again … Mein Führer!”

  2. ” Io so che un uomo, capace di dare al nostro problema una soluzione finale deve apparire. Ho cercato un simile uomo, e tuttavia non ho potuto scoprirlo in nessun luogo. Ed è per questo che ho costretto me stesso a fare il lavoro preparatorio e più urgente, perchè io so che io non sono quell’Unico. E so anche cosa mi manca per poter essere l’Uno. Ma l’altro Uno, rimane ancora distante, e nessuno viene avanti, e non vi
    è più tempo da perdere. “.(Savitri Devi)

    • [translated from the Italian]

      (Hitler, early 1920s)

      “I know that the man who can give our problems a final solution must appear. I looked for such a man, and yet I couldn’t find him anywhere. And that is why I forced myself to do now the preparatory and more pressing work, because I know that I am not that One.

      And I also know what I lack to be that One. But the other One is still far away, since no one else is stepping forward, there is no more time to waste.”

      (Savitri Devi)

      As the Nobel Laureate in physics Werner Heisenberg said, mysteriously, to Der Spiegel magazine in the 1960s, “only God can save us now.”

      Hitler said to Leni Riefenstahl:

      on page 210



    HEIL HITLER! (Savitri Devi)

    • [translated from the Italian]

      German people!

      What did the democracies ever bring you?

      In time of war, phosphorus and fire.
      after the war, hunger, humiliation, oppression;
      the dismantling of factories; the destruction of forests;
      and now, the (de-industrialization) „Statute of the Ruhr“!

      But “the slavery that now comes is short-term.”
      Our Führer is alive, and he will return with un-heard of power.

      Resist our persecutors!

      Be trusting and wait.

      Heil Hitler! (Savitri Devi)


      But I feel her presence now.


  4. Io Savitri? Traverso lei ho scoperto la tua verità;io sono nata prematura come lei,questa cosa mi ha scioccata (6 mesi e mezzo,1985) sono molto legata a lei, è costantemente nella mia testa perché è il mio punto di riferimento, le mie ricerche ruotano intorno a lei! PS:sono ancora scioccata perché non ho prove reali di questo! Come posso saperlo?

    • [I wonder if] I [am the reincarnation of] Savitri?

      Through her I discovered your truth.
      I was born premature like her, and this shocked me (at 6 and a half months, in 1985).

      I am very close to her, and she is constantly in my head. She is my point of reference; my research revolves around her!
      PS: I’m still shocked because I have no real proof of this [connection]! How can I know…..

      • Either you are her reincarnation or Savitri was accepted by very high angels to watch over you… and, through you, to communicate with me, since we never met in that life or yet in this one 🙂

        At dark moments, you, noble lady, have brought me great encouragement. Honestly, to change the torpid human race is, as Jesus realized in the Garden of Gethsemane, as easy and fun as a crucifixion. 😉

  5. Oggi ho riflettuto tutto il tempo!ci sono cose che non si spiegano,ma si percepiscono profondamente,ho difeso te in questi anni..non sono riuscita nel mio intento;”mi dicono sempre che sei il male assoluto!”basta osservare i tuoi quadri,le carezze ai bambini,la profondità dei tuoi occhi.Queste sono coltellate al mio cuore.Due anni fa ho parlato con una contattista(tipo Maria Orsic),mi ha plagiata a tal punto da farmi credere che io ero te,volevo semplicemente sapere chi eri,nulla di più,ero tormentata da tutta quella propaganda becera sul tuo conto,ho percepito qualcosa in lei;un disprezzo profondo per i preti pedofili,e gli uomini in generale;aveva un profilo falso!non era giovane come diceva,aveva tanti profili..ha iniziato a dirmi che sono la nona eletta,proveniente da Andromeda,ha mischiato insieme tante cose,però mio marito ha capito il suo plagio e mi ha difesa minacciandola.E’ sparita!Mi disse pure che era Gesù,inviandomi sue foto con le stigmate.Perche’mi attaccano in questo modo? Così è nei miei sogni..stesso luogo,continui attacchi,inseguimenti, mio ultimo sogno? Be’l’Apocalisse..le ho dato il via con un corno,onde altissime,ho cercato di mettere in salvo la mia famiglia,di fermare la loro ira,da sopra!Sogno terribile.Ora rifletto sulla mia vita..sulle mie sofferenze,sulla bellezza di Savitri,sul NazionalSocialismo,sul ruolo dell’arte,e sul Fuhrer che ho sempre difeso.Oggi il mio sguardo si è fermato su una foto di Savitri con Otto Skorzeny!poi ho guardato mio marito..strana sensazione.Credi che siamo tutti qui per te?Di nuovo?

    • Thank you! That was at the August 1962 founding of WUNS, the World Union of National Socialists — Colin Jordan, 2nd from left; Rockwell, center; and Savitri Devi on the far right.

      I. WE BELIEVE that an honest man can never be happy in a naked scramble for material gain and comfort, without any goal which he believes is greater than himself, and for which he is willing to sacrifice his own egotism. This goal was formerly provided by fundamentalist religions, but science and subversion have so weakened all traditional religions, and given man such an unwarranted, short-sighted conceit of his “power over Nature”, that he has in effect become his own God. He is spiritually lost, even if he will not admit it. We believe that the only realistic goal which can still lift man out of his present unhappy selfishness and into the radiance of self-sacrificing idealism is the upward struggle of his race, the fight for the common good of his people.
      II. WE BELIEVE that society can function successfully, and therefore happily, only as an ORGANISM; that all parts benefit when each part performs the function for which it is best suited to produce a unified, single-purposed whole, which is then capable of out-performing any single part, the whole thus vastly increasing the powers of all the cooperating parts and the parts, therefore, subordinating a portion of their individual freedom to the whole; that the whole perishes and all of the parts suffer whenever one part fails to perform its own function, usurps or interferes with the function of another part, or like a cancer devours all the nourishment and grows wildly and selfishly out of all proportion to its task.
      III. WE BELIEVE that man makes genuine progress only when he approaches Nature humbly, and accepts and applies her eternal laws instead of arrogantly assuming to ignore and conquer Nature, as do the Marxists with their theories of the supremacy of environmental influence over the genetic truth of race, special laws of biological equality for humans only, and their insane denial of the primitive and fundamental human institution of private property.
      IV. WE BELIEVE that struggle is the vital element of all evolutionary progress and the very essence of life itself; that it is the only method whereby we have won and can maintain dominion over the other animals of the earth; that we must therefore welcome struggle as a means of testing and improving us, and that we must despise weaklings who run away from struggle. We believe that life itself is awarded by Nature only to those who fight for it and win it, not those who wish or beg for it as a “right.”
      V. WE BELIEVE that no man is entitled to the services or the products of the labor of his fellow men unless he contributes at least an equal amount of goods or services of his own production or invention. We believe that the contribution by a member of society of nothing else but tokens called “money” is a fraud upon his fellows, and does not excuse a man capable of honest work of his responsibility to PRODUCE his share.
      VI. WE BELIEVE that it is to the advantage of society to see that every honest man has freedom and opportunity to achieve his maximum potentials by preserving his health, protecting his from unforseeable and ruinous catastrophes, educating him to capacity in the areas of his abilities, and guarding him against political and economic exploitation.
      VII. WE BELIEVE that Adolf Hitler was the gift of an inscrutable Providence to a world on the brink of Zionist-Bolshevik catastrophe, and that only the blazing spirit of this heroic man can give us the strength and inspiration to rise, like the early Christians, from the depths of persecution and hatred, to bring the world a new birth of radiant idealism, realistic peace, international order, and social justice for all men.
      THESE SEVEN PRINCIPLES are the rock of our faith. With them, we shall move the world. The political party program we adopt, based on these principles, can and will change as events and facts change, as we discover better methods. But these seven principles are fundamental, absolute, and timeless truth. They will not change. We bind ourselves permanently and without reservation to these ideals, and the battle to establish them as the only scientific and realistic basis for human society.

  6. Poteva diventare nuova luce sull’umanità.Adolf disse:”Voi potete dire di aver vinto questa battaglia,ma non la Guerra,noi non capitoleremo mai!!”Profetiche le sue parole.. Realtà le tue!Guardo con tristezza questa umanità,intrappolata in una moltitudine di problemi e pensieri,la gente non sa più come risolvere certe questioni,non sa più come prendersi cura del proprio Spirito,si dedica maniacalmente al fisico, all’aspetto,alle maschere che indossa,al profitto economico(I soldi sono stati Deificati)le Religioni sono diventate l’arma più potente per prendere potere.Diamine,una mente che non pensa,non fa domande,non si scuote neanche un po’.Io nel mio inferno ho rivoltato come un calzino Internet,dovevo risalire verso la luce..e trovare le risposte.Mi ha guidato solo la verità,una mente che già sa le risposte,contro una strangolata dalla paura.Ma la gente non vuole sentirsi dire che il suo pregiudizio è sbagliato.Piuttosto continuano a difendere i loro Padroni.

    • Translated:

      He could become a new light on humanity. Adolf said: “You can say that you have won this battle, but not the War, for we will never capitulate !!” Prophetic his words .. Reality yours! I look sadly at this humanity, trapped in a multitude of problems and thoughts, people no longer knowing how to solve certain questions. They no longer know how to take care of their Spirit; they devote themselves maniacally to the physical, to the appearance, to the masks they wear, to financial gain (money having been deified).

      Religions have become the most powerful weapon to take power. Good heavens! a mind that does not think, does not ask questions, does not tremble even a bit.

      In my hell I flipped over like an Internet sock in the dryer. I had to go back to the light … and find the answers.

      It guided me only to the truth, to a mind that already knows the answers, one against our strangulation by fear.

      But people don’t want to be told that their prejudice is wrong. They would rather continue to defend their masters.

  7. Signore delle forze invisibili, che non conosco e non posso cogliere, la cui maestà io adoro nell’ordine eterno della Natura, e nella bellezza eroica delle vite dei miei camerati, tue manifestazioni. Aiuta noi, Nazionalsocialisti, a mantenere la tua verità all’interno dei nostri cuori, e a realizzare, un giorno, l’ordine reale del nostro nuovo Führer, riflesso terrestre della tua impietosa armonia cosmica!” Savitri Devi in Externsteine.

    • Lord of the invisible forces, which I do not know and cannot grasp, whose majesty I adore in the eternal order of Nature, and in the heroic beauty of the lives of my comrades, which are your manifestations:

      Help us, National Socialists, to keep your truth within our hearts, and one day realize the real order of our new Führer, the earthly reflection of your merciless cosmic harmony!

      — Savitri Devi at the Externsteine.

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