Nordic Alexander & Scandinavian Mediterraneans; living without ego & in the now can mean giving up (for a while) on someone

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Below is Alexander the Great as he likely appeared, according to computer software that extrapolated from many marble busts of the man (with his blond hair color painted right onto the marble representing the hair). These were made by top Greek sculptors during his very brief lifetime. Also extant are several mosaics and paintings from that era. Interestingly, Alexander’s eyes were heterochromatic, that is, of two different colors, green and blue.


The young king of Macedon, just 24 when he declared war on Persia, Greece’s great enemy, was one of the two greatest generals of all of known earth-human history, along with Napoleon (see below in this likewise computer-generated image).

Great war leaders usually have a strong jaw, squarish face and muscular but medium build.

In eight years of battles, FIGHTING PERSONALLY IN THE FRONT RANK, Alexander conquered a vast empire, taking over Persian provinces but then advancing actually all the way into India, where he was severely wounded in battle with the Indo-Aryans and their armored war elephants. 


Then Alexander (a name meaning, btw, “manly man”) got roaring drunk, threw a spear into a close friend’s chest for criticizing him, and killing this loyal friend who had once saved his life in battle. How manly….

Finally, Alexander caught a fever and died at 32 in Babylon, a once great city now in ruins in modern-day Iraq.

His gigantic empire immediately broke up among various generals, called Diadochic kingdoms.

One could say this Manly Man did succeed in spreading the Ancient Greek culture and language, which would be true.

Yes, he did spread an advanced culture … until the muslims, Arabs and then Turks, conquered the entire area nine centuries later .. producing a region where no one speaks Greek, or thinks like an Ancient Greek.

It is all swarthy muslimworld there now.

Disgusting, swarthy muslim neo-Egyptians finger-rape the then CBS reporter, white South African Lara Logan, now a  truther in many areas. They call it “the rape game.


And, by having learned to speak Greek thanks to Alexander, but not being themselves of the Ancient Greek race, various black-haired, brown-eyed, brown-complected semitic peoples began moving into Greece itself to trade and make money.

This gradually led to semites moving into Greece proper, earning great wealth there, then race-mixing with those Hellenes of yore. That miscegenation, coming on the heels of many Greek fratricidal brother-wars, transformed the once semi-nordic Greeks into a much darker people.

They no longer carried much of the DNA of the blond, blue-eyed Aryans their ancestors had originally been. This was something the German anthropologist Hans F.K. Günther, a nordicist, discussed and bemoaned.

Vanis Varoufakis was the leftist finance minister of Greece, and not a few Greeks today look somewhat like this. 


When we NS Germans were forced —  against our will — to invade Greece in April 1941 to rescue the Italians — —  our troops were shocked by how semitic the Modern Greeks looked. I am referring here to neanderthalic features, not to hair or and eye color.

Many great white people have or had dark-brown hair and eyes, like Dr. Joseph Goebbels, here seen with his children.

My own mother and her father, my maternal grandfather, John Colwell of Yorkshire, England, were good-looking, smart brunets.

My brunet grandfather and his blond, blue-eyed wife, Elizabeth née Angell. My grandfather and I were very close.

My late mother, Constance Nugent, née Colwell

One of the greatest Americans, generals, and leaders ever: Robert E. Lee


But white brunets do not have semitic-neanderthaloid features such as a sloping forehead, everted lower lip, protruding mouth, short stature, and hooked nose, features one sees on jews and others of the big, big J haplogroup.

I was an early leader from 2006 on in the movement to prove that semitic people are part-neanderthal — a stubborn, primitive, and hyper-violent race that also despises women. It can thus be sometimes intrinsically hostile to us, the Cro-Magnon Whites, whose ancestors, with our greater intelligence, ideals and creativity, had once conquered or even expelled their ancestors from much of Europe and trigger jealousy in them toward us….though not always. No one is a total slave to their genes!

The J2 haplogroup. Many Southern Europeans and even some Germans, Croatians and Poles have hooked noses, sloping foreheads, and are short — but not necessarily because grandma was a jewish vamp. 😉

Look at the nose on this guy….an amazing NS warrior, and most certainly not jewish, but he sure had a hooked nose !


Sadly, many modern Greeks are jewish-looking (or certainly neanderthalic-looking) like Brian Kohberger, the villain who snuck up and stabbed to death — in their sleep — four perfectly innocent, happy-looking young white Idaho college kids.


Victims of a Neanderthal-on-Cro-Magnon crime


So, thanks, Alexander the Great, for your glorious empire that lasted just a few years, killing hundreds of thousands of Whites and others, and then suddenly collapsed. You did manage to ruin the amazing Ancient Greek DNA that had given the world so much, including these Greek words and Greek-developed things: comedy, tragedy, theater,  mathematics, philosophy, democracy, physics, strategy, poetry, etc.

Pericles was one of the greatest Athenian statesmen in the Golden Age; note his perfectly straight nose and narrow, nordic face.


When I was running for US Congress in 1990 in the Nashville, Tennessee area (my victory was almost certainly stolen by electronic vote fraud), I just had to pay my respects at a real-sized replica of the Parthenon, the billion-dollar temple constructed in Athens on the Acropolis by Pericles.

How it looked 2,400 year ago when the Greek elite were still mostly blond and blue-eyed:

The goddess Athena inside with a blonde angel or semi-goddess with wings (showing that Christianity later on borrowed tons of pagan things)

Nike, meaning “victory”


So great job, Alexander, in wiping out the original Greek race via battlefield losses and then race-mixing with Middle Easterners.

Edward de Vere (“Shakespeare”), in his masterpiece “Macbeth,” put it well about egoic earthlings:


“Life … is a tale

told by an idiot,

full of sound and fury,

signifying nothing.”




…..Italy, like Greece, needs to rebuild its white genes


Italy is a beautiful, friendly, emotional, and sunny country with mountains, lakes, and olive and lemon trees, and, of course, a great past during the Roman Empire and later the Renaissance….

…but in Roman and medieval times Italy brought in many non-white slaves Also, many neanderthalic Arabs invaded the south of the country and the islands of Corsica and Sardinia (just as they did with Spain and France, and all this made Italian genes change.

Augustus, the greatest Roman emperor (with the possible exceptions of Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius), was blond with blue-gray eyes


The greatest Aryan statue ever?


Jesus as a boy and an adult — as depicted by the great Italian cineast Franco Zeffirelli in his film “Jesus of Nazareth”:

Jesus of Galilee (with Galil ha Goyim meaning “Goy District”) as an adult


Over the course of reading this highly useful, factual book about the spread of Christianity after the execution of its founder…

….I found many photos of murals (wall paintings) from Ancient Rome or Pompeii that showed just how much more nordic (light-haired and light-eyed) the Ancient Romans/Italians were than modern Central or Southern Italians, going back to when Romans were legendary for their courage, military prowess and perfect organization.

Let us recall also how that Pompeii was/is in southern Italy. The people there nowadays, mixed with a little bit of Arab conqueror and negro-slave blood,  are much, much darker.

There is a huge amount also of corruption and squalor, trash on the streets and garbage on the beaches. (This was reported to me just this week by a Southern Italian who is a WN comrade.)

Philosopher (with a reddish tan) encounters a devil and a blond angel (which, as you can see, are not Christian concepts only — Zoroaster was talking about them in 700 BC) 

Blonde Christian woman of the lower nobility. Ancient Italian women were sometims blonde, or had light-brown hair, or they dyed their brown hair blonde — or they bought wigs of natural blond hair from  Germany. Roman women, influenced far more than men by the effects of estrogen, a kindness hormone, were especially fascinated by the new Jesus religion which was based on love, forgiveness, caring, and humility, and depicted God as a heavenly father and creator of the universe, not as the literal rapist who the pagan main god, Zeus, was with the girl Europa. 


Pompeiian woman with blonde hair combs it, using a round mirror on a handle


Especially beautiful: a light-haired lady picks wildflowers


Of course, many Ancient Italian women had dark or brown hair also, but the nose was straight, not neanderthalic, and the forehead was not sloped. The face of the woman on the right is a classic Ancient-Italian face, with no sharp cheekbones visible — more of a fleshy face, just as with the Ancient Kelts also, or many Irish of today, and a narrow mouth. Northern Italy was in fact keltic, and Kelts founded its main city of  yof Milan, then called Mediolan. The blue eyes of northern Italians can come from Kelts as well as from such Teutons as the Langobards and Eastern Goths.

Blonde woman in profile pondering something


Dark-haired husband and blonde wife


Blond ancient Roman children in a pagan, NOT Christian religious procession.  (The cross is a PAGAN symbol. The fish was the original Christian symbol.) Just as today, white children are often very blond when small, which endears them to their parents and others. (The old French phrase for their French offspring is “nos petits blonds,” meaning “our little blondies.”)


In the Edda, the Old Norse mythology scripture, it says that the Asen (the germanic-nordic gods, such as Odin, Thor, Freyja, etc.) interbred with the humans of Midgard (Europe) because they needed warriors in the war against the (for us mysterious) Vanen. (Perhaps the Vanen were the early Slavs, then often called the Vends. That would suggest that the Indo-Europeans had broke up already into warring peoples even before they came to this earth.)

A young comrade who is half-German, half-Polish wrote me:

DE Die Germanen sind gutmütig, tugendhaft, erfinderisch, geistreich. Die Slawen dagegen sind wilder, primitiver und auf gewisse Weise stumpfsinnig. Dafür aber herzlicher. Viele Germanen halten die Slawen für Alkoholiker, emotionslos, und primitiv. Und viele Slawen halten die Germanen für überheblich.
EN The Teutons are good-natured, virtuous, inventive, and witty. The Slavs, on the other hand, are wilder, more primitive, and in some ways act stupid. But they are heartier. Many Germans consider the Slavs to be alcoholics, emotionless, and primitive. And many Slavs consider the Teutons arrogant.
I replied:
DE Auch die Haar- und Augenfarbe ist oft anders — aschblond und grauäugig bei Slawen, goldblond und blauäugig bei Germanen.
EN Also, the hair and eye color is often different – ash-blond and gray-eyed Slavs, golden-blond and blue-eyed Teutons.)

US Air Force SAC (Strategic Air Command) pilots in the 1950s. Nordics are a natural ruling class, though colder, quieter and less fun than brunets. All whites today are a mix of nordic, alpine and mediterraneans, especially in the leading countries (France, Britain, Germany, America and Russia). The Ancient Spartans were especially nordic — and also the sternest and coldest. 

Nordics — with blond hair, blue eyes and narrow faces, appear not to be descended from the Stone Age Cro-Magnons, who had wider faces, like the so-called Falic race which is described in German anthropology and which predominates in Germany.

Australian actor Chris Hemsworth, playing the norse god Thor, looks Cro-Magnon, not nordic, with his rectangular face. 

The profile shows the almost straight-up-and-down forehead of both Cro Magnons and nordics

Nordic women have foreheads that do go straight up, more than men’s, actually. Male foreheads slope a bit more.

English-Rhodesian girl in a YT video describing seeing aliens land near her school.

The great NASA scientist from France, Jacques Vallée, a Sorbonne graduate and PhD, on aliens fearing adult humans, especially military, but not little school kids.

A German comrade sent me this mostly quite informative book auf deutsch ( = “The Racial Doctrine of National Socialism in Science and Propaganda”) by a critic of the NS regime, Karl Saller, some of whose books were banned under Hitler. Saller objected rightly to the NS racial scientists amalgamating Cro Magnons and Nordics. They are very similar — but not the same. They represent two (or more) different waves of white immigration from the galaxy onto this very inhabitable but also war-torn planet, probably consisting of refugees from defeat in war or from natural disaster elsewhere in the Milky Way galaxy.  


This Russian women with her uncharacteristically narrow face is a classic nordic, except for the cheekbones, which show a possible touch of East Asian (being low, wide and to the side).

This American girl is almost a classic nordic.

A Hungarian made this graphic showing a German nordic and yours truly. 

But my forehead slopes a bit, exactly as did Hitler’s, showing some small neanderthalic influence. (The neanderthals — from whom the Jews descend — were brutal, very strong, very tenacious and smart! What they lacked was Cro-Magnon creativity and idealism.)   

Maps of blond hair in Europe and DNA testing both suggest there was a sudden eruption in the Baltic area of these genes around 8,000 BC.


In my view and theory, a relatively small number of Nordics — a few hundred?– crash-landed or came as refugees from a higher but doomed civilization or planet, possibly after losing a major battle and their home planet and base being wiped out.

Basically, it may have gone like this: a few weeks after their emergency landing, the batteries on their spaceships died.

Suddenly they had to live like everyone else in the Stone Age, using stone weapons to hunt for food. They had to fashion a spear, pick it up and go hunting to eat — just like anyone else who had come here before them.

This was not a planned, organized expedition of colonizers and settlers. But the Nordics were somewhat superior in knowledge and brains to the other whites who had arrived there long, long before them, the Cro Magnons, who were mostly brunets, and they rapidly began to conquer them.

More on the nordic UFO’s crash-landing:




…He was not ready to change in 2017

(but — update — he is doing good now, and he contacted me. He was not interested in my advice THEN, but now his life has turned around.)

2017 post:

I was discussing a very sick friend (“VSF” henceforth) with his ex-gf, who is a WN and very spiritual. He’s a very likable, courageous, once quit handsome and smart, inventive guy.

Though a WN, to our extreme dismay, he has been sending all his money as a lonely trucker to an East Asian gal….

(I find that many — not all — white men who date Asian females are screwy and kinda losers. This is not to insult the Asian woman, who might be a good person, and sees the white mate correctly as a step up for her. Except for the proud Japanese women — I am generalizing —  millions of Asian woman seek white mates. Facebook is especially full of Filipinas doing so.)

And he says white women today are too feminist for him and he has “had it” with them…. (Sometimes true of some of today’s white women, I grant that — sometimes not. And many older women grow up and shed the cultural-marxist, battleax illusions, and want to cooperate and be loving toward their mate.)

I told her how Margi , who basically never blocked anyone, being very kind and usually non-confrontational, even blocked him on Facebook after 13 years of friendship.

The ex gf:

EGF: Wow. I think he never overcame whatever happened to him in that orphanage. [sexual abuse]

John: I tried to get him to do psychotherapy ten years ago and he just got irritated at me. He was “fine,” he said…..

EGF: What did he do to Margi that she blocked him? And do you think it was a political hit with that disease he has again?

John: Well, as he told me, he overdosed foolishly fourfold on the meds he was taking, and so the disease came right back after that.

He and his then squeeze [] acted horrible toward a close friend of long standing who was also my landlord 2014-20. He also welshed on rent, since he was renting Margi’s house and just “announced” (so it was, in his mind, “okay”) he was not paying.

When he was with [], who was part-Jewish, btw, a Strauss, his bad side really came out, though I experienced her from the good side, too.

We had always liked VSF until then, but that was outrageous. Later, we got in contact again — he and I. He said he would donate for Margi’s cancer fundraiser, but then he got this disease again, and having sent every penny to the Philippines, he was not able to send her anything.

I blogged once about VSF without using his name or any identifying details after I ran into an untamable dog I encountered who reminded me of him. 😉

This dog kept nearly getting hit and almost causing car accidents.

I tried to hold it for the State Police (and I am real good with dogs) — but it took off. I am sure someone has hit it by now.

Some learn from advice of a trusted friend. Others learn by harsh experience. And still others don’t even learn from that. 😉

“Hapless” is the word.

Or wilful.

EGF: He has an Aries moon — hot-tempered and impulsive.

John: Yes, that I can believe. 😉 I have a Capricorn Moon, btw, like Hitler, or Napoleon, and I can get icy and just plan things, step by step. My emotions are there to serve me, not run my life. My grief over losing Margi was the proof of that ability to accept an emotion, not repress it, but not to let it take over and destroy my world plans.


But I am of the school of thought that says that the birth horoscope only reflects who we already are;  it does not make us that way. We are born when the stars line up right.

Sadly, most do not evolve beyond what their natal chart reveals, and at 50, 60 or even 70 are still making the same damn-fool mistakes.

A wasted incarnation! It is said that surface earthlings need on average 100 lives to graduate from this grim planet.

Trump is, sadly, the exact SAME person as he was when he was General George Patton — fierce, impulsive, shooting his mouth off, getting in trouble of some sort every day, just loving and CRAVING conflict, and killing hundreds of thousands of jew-opposing German troops — while hating the jews himself!!!!:


Until people seek enlightenment, which means 1) getting a firm grip on your own mind, and 2) really feeling the greater unity of all living things — and it take work and prayer to reach this level — they are as the great German poet and playwright Goethe said:

Ein trüber Gast auf der dunklen Erde

A mere guest on this earth, wandering confused through fog and darkness.


I’m afraid the best outcome now is that VSF dies this time, then goes through the tunnel of light, sees a life-review video in a sit-down with his guardian angels, and realizes how his life has affected others.

Then, maybe then, he will stop being in denial how messed up he is, and thus how he messes up others.

I ran the other day into a young person I long tried to help. (She was molested at five by her stepfather, was taken away by CPS (Child Protective Services) and ended up in various state facilities. Well, she is back up to her old weight again of 250 pounds. In her kitchen I saw a whole case of sugary, high-carb, high-fructose, worthless soda pop.

In one ear and out the other went all my advice and time…. Geez.

NOT a good use of my time. I have a religion to found, and my mate to care for. And Margi has evolved spiritually through her cancer. Facing pain and death can do that.

We need a religion that enlightens whites. Facts about race and jews won’t do that.

The problem of the tyrannon, the egoic mind, is in us.

If you have not seen this Scandinavian-made video (a Swede and a Norwegian did it) in a while, it is one of the most powerful ever, and it has made many sob in grief. It is also one of the first that JewTube banned about five years ago: .


…..How do I get whites to step onto the path leading up toward enlightenment?

It will take courage, but it is simple.

Everything I say below that is, well, extraordinary, is things I have proved with hard evidence here, and while I obviously cannot force you to read it, if you refuse to investigate it, it is your own fault, and , as Jesus said of the many who are stubborn scoffers, “YOU WILL DIE IN YOUR SIN. “


Especially important blogs

I have to say who I am, and who I was, and how I myself let my own egoic mind, my tyrannon, lead me to commit a disastrous mistake, a folly that was both moral and strategic.

A very interesting Italian woman has been writing me, a Savitri Devi devotée, and she reminded me of what that great female national socialist said. (It is among the comments under this blog article. :


[translated from the Italian]

(Hitler, early 1920s)

“I know that the man who can give our problems a final solution must appear. I looked for such a man, and yet I couldn’t find him anywhere. And that is why I forced myself to do now the preparatory and more pressing work, because I know that I am not that One. And I also know what I lack to be that One. But the other One is still far away, and since no one else is stepping forward, there is no more time to waste.” (Savitri Devi)

As the Nobel Laureate in physics Werner Heisenberg said, mysteriously, to Der Spiegel magazine in the 1960s, “only God can save us now.”

Hitler said to Leni Riefenstahl:

on page 210


My disastrous mistake was the wrongful German war of conquest, not liberation, against Russia, Operation Barbarossa.

It was entirely my idea, and totally my fault. This was not an Allied propaganda lie; I admit this was my one great sin.

And so, lacking now the blessing of the gods, my uninterrupted series of glorious victories — electoral, economic, cultural, technological and military — in every possible field, which lasted for eleven amazing years, from 1930-41, came to an abrupt end on June 22, 1941, when we invaded Russia, marching in in a successful surprise attack — but with the wrong motives.

Then the horror of the Eastern Front began, with Stalingrad ensuing, and in 1945 the terrible fall of Berlin occurred and my own death, among millions of others.

After this, the Hellstorm began for the poor German people. Very soon also the various white puppet governments controlled by the victorious Jews began waging war on their own peoples, and bringing the non-whites in for a long, slow program of gradual white genocide.

To be brutally honest with myself, it was no better, my plan of Russian conquest, than what the Israelis did to the Palestinians — seeking to take away their homeland and drive them off, or make them into serfs and manual laborers.

But Russia in 1941 was, ahem, just a tad larger and stronger than Palestine was in 1948. 😉

In fact, the “Ivans,” “Pavels,” and Dmitrys fought us like lions (and though they fought under Stalin, it was certainly not for him, but out of love for their nation, Mother Russia).

Watch this great song! .Вперёд-Россия.mp4





And, while not forgetting massive American help because of Roosevelt (including 600,000 American vehicles — planes, trucks, jeeps, and tanks — and 40 million cans of greasy but nourishing meat called Spam 😉 ), the Russians did win. And, at the urging by Soviet radio and leaflets of the Soviet jew propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg, they wrought a terrible, atrocious vengeance on German civilians, of whom a good five million perished.

Russian combat pilot Lydia Litvyak, who shot down at least 16 German planes and died for Mother Russia at the decisive 1943 Battle of Kursk:


Female pilots Lydia Litvyak, Katherine Budanova and Mary Kuznetsova discuss a mission with a Yak-1 fighter plane next to them

Soviet Fighter Aces from the Russian 586th Women’s Fighter Regiment. L-R : Lilya Litvyak, 12 wins (KIA), Katya Budanova, 11 wins (KIA) and Mariya Kuznetsova


After all, we Germans simply had NOT come as their liberators from the jews and as their Aryan friends. We came as the new masters.

Yet liberation had been our approach with the western-european countries such as: France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Norway.

Myself with Marshal Philippe Pétain, a true French patriot who frankly disliked Germans, and fought us ferociously in WWI, especially at the Battle of Verdun.  BUT Pétain understood the greater issue, which was common Jewish threat to the West.

However, with the Russians we tried to destroy their army and to expel them or re-enact serfdom.

In my defense, however, this was my logic then, and it was incomplete and partly wrong, because nations can change. After all, Britain and the US were bitter enemies in two wars, but then allies in two other wars.

My thinking,in any case, went this way:

1) The Russians had been proven enemies of Germany in WWI due to anti-German sentiments and some insane “pan-Slavic” ideas about taking half of Germany back because it had once been Slavic territory a whopping one thousand years before, and

2) WWI proved that Germany needed its own food supply, which would be the rich agricultural soil of Ukraine. 

WWI Britain had enforced a horrific starvation blockade of Germany and the people there suffered terribly 1914-19, with one million civilians dying just in the final year, part of FORCING German to sign the outrageous Treaty of Versailles.

I wanted part of Russia to become ours, and dedicated to being the reliable breadbasket of Germany. I wanted our vital food supply to be totally under German control, not something that could be turned off. I did not want to be at the mercy of the Russians or anyone else for our food! The ultimate source of freedom and national security is one thing — FOOD!

But the Drang nach Osten (“push to the east”) policy was still both morally wrong and also militarily undoable.

Ask the Mongols, Poles, Swedes, Turks and Napoleon —

No one can conquer Russia!

The Rodina (motherland) statue at Volgograd, previously Stalingrad, where Germany lost 300,000 brave , skilled soldiers. 


I had confused my love and idealism for Germany — feelings and ideas — with enlightenment, which is a higher consciousness that recognizes and rejects all wishful thinking and pleasant delusions, and seeks instead the only true goal for permanent victory, which is fairness, justice and the greater good.

Idealism, I repeat — and all the various sorts of “noble intentions” — is NOT the same as spiritual enlightenment!  Some ideals are crazy! You might feel good but the end result is disastrous!


Enlightenment is highly practical; it makes you clearly see the facts, FACE the facts, and accept the will of the gods, which means things which no mortal man can overturn!

Not even with the incredible genius and tireless courage of a nation as great, as awesome, as the German people!

Our incredible, monster-sized Schwerer (“Heavy”) Gustav rail-mounted artillery cannon could fire huge artillery shells accurately for 30 miles, and was used in our conquest of Crimea.

We even had the first fighter jets, the Messerschmidt 262s.

But after Romania with its oil refinery at Ploiesti fell to the Red Army, we ran out of fuel!

Göring told me flat-out in January 1945 that the war was now hopeless.

Margi told me that she read there was so little fuel that these amazing Messerschmitt 262 jets had to be towed by oxen onto the runway and only then did they start the engines!  Meanwhile, American na and British fighter planes were buzzing the airfield!

So I accelerated the evacuation of the most elite scientists (not the von Braun rocket people) and the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS 12,000 miles south to Antarctica and the Andes via submarines (which were equipped with our German invention, the snorkel. This let U-boats travel thousands of miles underwater without ever surfacing. And now we await WWIII, which will be horrible but represents our next chance at white victory, but over a largely ruined northern hemisphere.

This opportunity will come when Russia and America (which is totally ruled by Big Jews who hate Russians), inevitably come to blows and destroy each other in a full-scale thermonuclear war, which now is coming, unless, with your support, I CAN STOP IT.

This will also fulfill the dreadful 1917 prophecy of Nicholas Van Rensburg, the fulfillment of which I prefer, obviously, at all costs to avoid.

Why? Because 90% of all whites in the NORTHERN hemisphere will perish, along with millions of innocent non-whites, who will also become helpless “collateral damage” in the ensuing starvation caused by years of  nuclear winter.




My idea of conquering (NOT liberating and partnering with) the Russians while also fighting the British Empire, AND the world Jewish plutocracy, AND America, was an absurd idea.


So all my achievements — which millions of wonderful Germans and others also made possible — went up in smoke because I was not fully enlightened.

And until we become enlightened, we will lurch from one horrible decision — to do nothing or to do the wrong thing — to another, and end up genocided by the jews.

This will be the first time in human history that a once world-famous person in another life steps forward and says I was that great leader, and assume full responsibility for my errors.

We ALL must free ourselves from our egoic minds, and be liberated together! I will serve as your role model and example. Humility, learning, and loving the truth is the new definition of true greatness!

Aryan means constant PROGRESS, not perfection! Onward and upward!

That is what this video is saying: .

You can be part with me of the Great Awakening!


$1,264 plus four excellent books since December first


  1. You have the nerve to criticize Alexander the Great but you approve of the evil little jew tyrant and destroyer Putin. Go figure. Now delete my post, like you always do. Your financial contributions are about half of what you say you need. No doubt others like me to not approve of your support of a brothers war. You talk about spirituality but ignore that Putin is a demon who tries to take by force. The white race will only survive when there are white leaders who do not invade and kill whites in brother nations.

  2. Alexander’s army marched clear to India carrying armour and shield and personal items – over a hundred pounds. The Green Berets tried it, but got about 20 miles before becoming tired out – genetic entropy.

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