Margi’s great article on Hitler’s kindness in the new 25th-anniversary “Barnes Review” magazine!

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The special 25th-anniversary issue of The Barnes Review is spectacular, and features Margi’s newest translation.

The article on what Hitler did for lonely French POWs, working in Germany, and their pining wives and girlfriends, was researched and written by Vincent Reynouard, a French national socialist, historian and former beloved high-school math teacher. His father was a medical doctor in Normandy, and they used to dine on Sundays in a Loire castle.

His math pupils protested when he was fired for his racial and political views. “Give us back our Mr. Reynouard!” “Hands off our teach!” 

After a year in a Belgian prison, Forest Prison…

…and then a French prison, Valenciennes

….and then a conviction for “denying” (debunking) the Holycost, Reynouard fled from France across the Channel to England, which still technically allows refuting the Holocaust.

But that is now wobbling, as the recent Alison Chabloz case has shown. Just as in Spain, any refuting of the Holohoax can also be interpreted as being “hate-speech,” that is, proving the Jews are arrant liars.

Margi and I spent three days with Vincent in Bruxelles in 2007, and I took this pic of his darling daughter, the then toddler Amélie.

(His wife. mother of his eight kids, left him under constant Jew pressure, and so did his subsequent girlfriend, a convinced revisionist, with whom he had a daughter. 🙁 The pressure was too great for her, too, especially from her libtard family.)

Here is the PDF of this heart-warming article by Reynouard, as translated by Margi:



Margi had six teeth removed the other day at the Mayo Clinic in preparation for her proton-beam therapy on her jaw area. Now she is resting, as in this photo with her kitty, Princess, after I drove us back home to Lake Superior, a 374-mile trip, and I am caring for her now.




….Pls subscribe to the beautiful TBR!

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The Barnes Review is a bi-monthly magazine founded in 1994 by Willis Carto’s Liberty Lobby and headquartered in the greater Washington, D.C. area. The jewy & filthy-rich Southern Poverty Law Center, founded by the infamous half-Jewish sexual pervert Morris Seligman Dees, calls it “one of the most virulent anti-Semitic organizations around, whose journal and website are dedicated to historical revisionism and Holocaust denial.” 😉

So naturally Margi and I got involved. 😉

We have now done 63 articles or translations for this prestigious periodical. In fact, it pretty much saved my life when I was stranded and broke over in France, flying me back to Washington to work there starting April 20, 2005.

And it was there that I met my Margi, too! 🙂

Some of our articles:

German Blood pt1 TBR 2005-no6-4-13



Cattle Kate pt1 TBR2006-no5-4-13 This was a tragic 1889 case of a psychopathic white cattle baron who framed two white Canadian immigrants, hard-working homesteaders out in Wyoming, for cattle rustling. This John Bothwell, wanting their farmland and watering rights for his own cattle herd, got them lynched by drunken cattlemen (1 in 3 “lynchees” in American history were white, not black), and then orchestrated the newspapers, judges, and the US cavalry (under a defend-the-rich Republican president) to protect him from any consequences for this double murder!

In fact, cattle baron Bothwell, to better get away with his crime, spread far and wide and with much success, that Ella Watson was merely a whore who sold her body for stolen calves! This led to a giant gun battle between farmers and ranchers (with Texas hired guns) known as the Wyoming Civil War!

And no, Bothwell was no Jew…. just white man who was a a piece of slanderous, murderous, greedy scum-of-the-earth.

Ella Watson of Ontario, Canada

Her common-law husband, the fearless Jim Averill, who was also the US postmaster.


Your subscription to TBR gives you a handsome and fascinating, truthful and LIBERATING magazine — and it helps me and Margi, too! 🙂




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