The white child that was never born

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“The child who was never born” — sculpture by Martin Hudaceka


Hundreds of millions of white women have either no kids, or just one kid (maybe with autism), maybe the result of a drunken one-night stand….

They choose abortion, or the white guy they wanted married a Filipina or Chinese girl instead of her, claiming wrongly that “all white women are feminists.” One WN whose life we saved can’t send Margi a dime for her cancer battle because he has sent everything he makes to his Filipino gf (who may indeed be a nice person, btw)….

Or her first hubby was white, but an abusive drunk, and she stopped at one child.

Play this out millions of times and you have Caucasians becoming a dying and endangered minority.

Look at South Africa for our future.

Time for a new and Aryan tribe, where families are safe and grow.

Leon Degrelle with his wife and kids in 1941


Sarah Sutter

Okay dear John, I was just seven years old as I decided not to set children in this world because of all the misery I had already seen in this world and during this time I didn’t had any feminist thoughts and intentions about it! Many many women in our countries are thinking the same as I have thought and still thinking about it! For many many women it is a very serious problem for them to have children because of falling down into poverty and homelessness! And it is the goddamned human right for women to choose what they will do with their lives and their future!
And the matter with the feminism and feminists in the world is that, that men have forced them to be feminists because of all what men have done to them! And my own opinion about it is that, that men should learn how to get over it, and women should also learn how to live alone, and men and women should live separately in their own homes and apartments and if they want to have kids, they can have it from the doctors without having to be married because then they will have to be pregnant and they will have this kids on their own will and love to them!
So many kids are born because of the simple lust of men and women and these kids aren’t welcome, and they are not happy with it, and so many kids are abused because they are not welcome to be here and so many kids have only problems with their parents because they are fighting against each others all the time and drinking alcohol and taking drugs!
The decline of the white people is not the fault of women – no – it is the fault and lack of humanity in this world which tells the women it is better not to be pregnant nowadays, becoming a mother in our time, because this world is absolutely no good place for them and their children!
That’s my scientific opinion about it! 😉 That’s it! Period, end of story!
Think about it clearly and without any rose-colored glasses before your eyes
Lovely greetings from Sarah

John De-Nugent

Hi, Sarah. I understand your points, and I blocked this Kaj Börgesen, whom several comrades told me is not white himself. I blocked him, not for that (because I welcome the many non-whites who like white people, sympathize with us, despise the jews, and support our survival) but for his abusive language toward you.

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent replied to John
What I saw with Jehovah’s Witnesses (1970-75), and later on, with Mormons, Amish and others, is that happy families ARE possible.
But it takes religious training to mold radically new values and behavior after a whole lifetime of bad habits, toxic environments, and selfish attitudes.
I like this clip from the movie “Witness” about the Amish, showing everyone, young and old, men and women, cooperating and helping each other! (Harrison Ford plays a Philadelphia detective going undercover with the Amish to protect a little Amish boy who eye-witnessed a shocking drug-related murder.)

Alex Kern We will not go down without a fight. There are still enough whites of child bearing age left to found a New Reich 😉 we will deal with them soon enough! Ave!


Randall Carey Oh sure. Or everyone will just get a new cell phone app and eat another cheeseburger……..Pathetic.


Alex Kern That is what defeatist losers say. You don’t even what fighting means. Ask John De Nugent he knows!

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch to Alex Kern Well, that is perhaps a bit harsh. I think Randall is not advocating this at all, but talking about the zombie white majority with disgust.


And I have to agree. Just ten percent will fight for our freedom and survival, just as in the American Revolution. The other 90% will supervise from afar, make recommendations from their keyboard, and, most of all, criticize. 😉


But a new faith is arising that will put steel in the backbone of the ten-percenters!

Alex Kern John De Nugent Aufdeutsch yeah I am sorry. But I am just fed up with the defeatist attitude genereally in the movement. Its such a small minority that speaks out. And it is a war for the minds! A war of the words! If you liberate the minds we attain freedom! You have been fighting for over 40 years trying to awaken the masses. Instead of taking the hope with commentary like that better breathe hope and lead by example! That is my view on it ^^ Ave! PS: so long there are still white women and white children the fight is not lost!


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Alex Kern I can understand some honest defeatism. 😉 Politics has run its course. So has putting out good or even great information. It is time for the new religion to remold us into new men!

Silke Uhling their souls would not have be born right now …. but they will come back soon! And we will stand by them!


David Madra replied

·”If thou worship thine enemy, thou art defeated: Adopt the religion of his fathers, thou will be enslaved: And if thou propagate with his daughters, thou art destroyed.” ~ Ancient Greek proverb


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Good quote, but what is the source of this attribution? I keep seeing it with different authors. FB is full of wise, good but fake quotes assigned to famous men. 😉


David Madra John De Nugent Aufdeutsch I honestly do not recall where or when I first took note of it. But then again I see it as truth regardless of its origin.

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Like the Cicero quote about treason… Novelist Taylor Caldwell invented it and put it in Cicero’s mouth in 1965. 😉


David Madra John De Nugent Aufdeutsch, Under the heading of epistemology / critical thinking / verifying source information & Jungian synchronicity:

Last night I had a dream in which I was having a conversation with a Woman about revamping our educational system, so as to reintroduce critical thinking. I suggested a course, in which the instructor teaches a course where everything sounds plausible, but is factually incorrect. Once the students have taken their final examination, only then would the teacher inform the students everything they had been taught was wrong. In my dream, I used the original version of the Katyn Forest Incident as an example. As for the Greek proverb / Cicero quotes, Colonel William V. Kennedy (Graduate of U.S. Army Command and General Staff College) in his book “Intelligence Warfare” (ISBN:0-51712640) invokes a quote from a former DCI (can’t recall which one at the moment) in which he states a technique used for counter I / public perception shaping, is to flood the enemy / targeted population with so much plausible, yet factually incorrect information, the enemy succumbs to cognitive dissonance and cognitive fatigue. Cheers:…/mind-control-theories…/

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Thanks for a great post! And yes, we need mandatory courses in critical thinking.

David Madra John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Thanks for keeping us right & tight.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch “If thou worship thine enemy, thou art defeated: Adopt the religion of his fathers, thou will be enslaved:” This is certainly true, as we see with the Evangelicals supporting the State of Israel, which hates Jesus, bans all Christian missions, mocks Jesus on Israeli tv, and missionaries are spit on.


David Madra John De Nugent Aufdeutsch, I have read several of Caldwell’s books (currently reading “Dialogue with the Devil). What is your take on her? and how did you come to learn of her inventing the quote? Re: her book: “Dear & Glorious Physician” some have asserted she had lived in ancient Rome.
Is it possible she actually heard Cicero say that, the quote was never “officially recorded” and she is simply adding to the historical record?
I have read several of Caldwell’s books (currently reading “Dialogue with the Devil). What is your take on her? And how did you come to learn of her inventing the quote? Re: her book: “Dear & Glorious Physician” some have ass…See More
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John De Nugent Aufdeutsch David Madra
Well, reincarnation means most Whites lived at some point under the Roman Republic or Empire. It encompassed most of the populated areas of Europe for 500 years, after all.


As for the Cicero-treason quote, being tired of these fake quotations, I found an article which gave the exact passage and page number in her novel. Regarding Caldwell, she was a real good woman. Though popular, the J-team gave her the silent treatment after she died because she was hinting at the whole truth and had mass impact with her many bestsellers…..

Btw, she herself believed firmly in the reality of reincarnation.–DCpNEkiaIUYP1ACHO5XLj4c8esmeuqhiBOXZTMpbgNWvn6t4


  1. We must save the white race:

    BREAKING: German minister of the interior expects massive refugee wave

    They are planning another wave of invading soldiers into germany.

    Why does Trump not stop this? He is of german origin!
    There will be so much more raped girls and stabbed germans. It is insane. It is jewish!

    Our countries awaits the same faith, if we whites do not stick together!

  2. Qualcosa non mi quadra,Epstein con Trump in un abbraccio troppo amichevole,Trump in atteggiamenti innaturali con la figlia Ivanka,troppo innaturali,lei esposta come una prostituta da piccolissima,rifatta poi dalla testa ai piedi!progetto MK Ultra?Trump neanche con la moglie sembra avere di questi atteggiamenti;solo certe persone possono essere incestuose! È da giorni che fisso queste foto.Una spiegazione?

  3. We are living in the last days of the Kali Yuga which, some say, ends in 2025 to 2030, which will be followed by the collapse.

    After that, a new cycle begins again. The white gods gave the Mayans a prophecy about the year 2012 — well, what happened around the year 2012 was His Majesty Barack Obama won his second term. Also other creatures rose to power around this time: Macron, Frau Merkel in Germany and His Unholiness, Pope Francis. All these people came to power around 2012. Notice how much more degenerate the world has become. I read where a Swedish scientist has said that humans must start eating human meat to save the environment.

    This is the sickest time in human history! Cannibalism, my God, they now advocate cannibalism!

  4. There is no such thing as a planned pregnancy.

    If our ancestors had waited until the perfect conditions, we would not be here. Some of history’s greatest heroes and innovators were born into stark poverty or turmoil. We are the only link between our ancestors and our descendants.

    • Yes… or as reincarnation would suggest, we come back into our own nation and bloodline… and we were once literally our ancestors and we will be our descendants. Reincarnation is not escapism — as a man soweth, so shall he reap. 😉

  5. John, according to the they say that whites reincarnate into white bodies and that with dwindling numbers how are their souls to reincarnate? Also how can a White Male in his 30s have a family when there are so many barriers to that purpose (hiring bias; anti-white legislation; women always seeking high status males; non-drinker; non-religious…?). The world is against us now.

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