‘Mysterious’ cancer cluster — 8 white kids deathly ill — shuts down cell-phone tower near California elementary school; what is a psychopath?

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Look at the mom’s pained expression on the left.


I have been blogging about this mega-scandal since 2008!

A German MD told me then in no uncertain terms that constant cell-phone frequency exposure causes cancer. She said the cell-phone makers settle quickly out of court with non-disclosure agreements if you sue for getting brain cancer and your lawyer threatens to subpoena internal company documents about the cancer link to their phones.

You know, it all seems far away and theoretical until it happens to YOU or your loved one, and cancer starts torturing them as you watch! These here are little kids!!!

Margi never smoked or drank, or ate junk food (strictly organic for 40 years!), or got overweight, or just sat around….

Margi 18 months ago


And now she has been tormented by this horrible disease for 18 months! (For months her pain was 7 or 8 out of 10, 10 being absolute agony where you cannot think of anything else.)

Margi in March of this year, when the cancer was advancing fast

We all know who is making the big moolah out of cancer treatments!

Margi after four chemos and six teeth being extracted. We have made four exhausting 370-mile trips down country highways and through small Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota towns to the Mayo Clinic since July, robbing me, while developing a credible, convincing new Aryan religion, of precious time, emotional and physical energy. We got in to the Mayo the last time at 3 a.m., as you can see from my face and eyes.


They want us all to be sick so we cannot fight back, and need some med every day from the system, the same system that is destroying us!

Pysychopathic monsters!



…What is a psychopath? 

In a nutshell, a sadistic narcissist.

A narcissist, however charming, is profoundly selfish.  He uses people.

But a psychopath lives additionally not just to use people, but also for the pleasure of lying to his own friends, betraying people, tricking a whole nation if he is a politico, and deliberately harming the innocent, reveling in their suffering.


I wrote the article below on psychopaths in 2006 for The Barnes Review magazine. but since then have come to understand spiritually where such individuals come from.


Later, I read The Spiritual World (in German) by WN and writer/columnist Michael Winkler.

In it, he describes the mechanics of dying, reincarnation, where various individuals go upon death, and the time people spend, wisely or foolishly, on the other side, either growing spiritually or, as is usually the case, defending vigorously all their idiotic choices, and blaming God or others, even their victims, for the painful consequences of their stupidity, greed, malice and incompetence.

And then I was told by a WN who was an Edgar Cayce adept that Cayce had said — in a book never published — that “Jews are reincarnated criminals.”

“The dime dropped.”

For what did Jesus say, furious at Jewry, at the very end, after He had given up on trying to reform Judaism?

Let us be clear.

Jesus tells the Jewish leaders that the literal Devil — Satan, Lucifer — is their father.  And they lie and murder because that is their fundamental nature and that of their literal dad, the creator of their souls.

And this is exactly true of psychopaths — they are born that way, with a fundamental nature that is evil and which no therapy known can reduce or cure.

As Michael Winkler points out, such individuals come to earth via reincarnation from literal hell worlds. 

Planets full of gangsters.

And it is our dharma, as they appear on our world, to “grow up,” recognize evil and the necessity to fight it, shed all illusions that such hardened evildoers EVER will “change,” or repent, or just go away.

No, we must fight them.

Thank you, God, for sending these evil people. They teach us, force us, to wake up to truth, to grasp reality and embrace our duty. The wicked give us the truly gigantic challenges (such as now) that force us to be heroes or become vile, despicable cowards, and, at the crossroads, FLUNK A LIFE.

Waste a whole frigging incarnation.

Most need a hundred lives to graduate from earth. Sad.

Everyone, when you strive to be enlightened, you will see as either your friend ….or your brutal teacher. 

Thank you, Jews, for teaching us, the stubborn, ego-handicapped surface earthlings here, how ugly selfishness, ego and malice are, and their horrible effects if tolerated by us!

This viel kike stole hundreds of millions from retired veterans, but if some WWII/Greatest Generation geezer bombed Dresden or raped a German girl ( or forced her to suck his d— to feed her starving family 1945-47), wow, Mr. GI Joe, this Jew just gave you your deserved karma. 

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1 Comment

  1. Ciao John,Giornata pesante ieri,raccolta olive!distrutta ma felice,in un giorno ci siamo tolti davanti 52 piante,ci aiuta la nuova tecnologia(distrugge il nostro fisico lo stesso).Ieri pensavo a quanto può risanarci interiormente il lavoro di questo tipo da un lato e quanto è cambiato a causa delle nuove industrie!John ci manca la forza di tante persone,non riusciamo più a lavorare come un tempo,si cantava,si rideva,ci si dava voce da un campo ad un altro!Mia madre lo racconta..erano una squadra vera,anche se per un mese intero di lavoro faticoso.
    La terra,la natura ti costringe a rispettarla con questi lavori.
    Ora no,tutto è cambiato,queste piante fanno fatica a darci l’olio,ogni anno hanno qualche problema,ogni anno manca la forza lavoro,gli uomini non vogliono più lavorare,mia madre se lo mangia mio padre per questo,io le vado dietro perché la rispetto!I ruoli si sono invertiti,non ci sono leader che danno forza e voce alla piccola squadra..le donne fanno i lavori pesanti.Le fabbriche ci stanno distruggendo…mentalmente e fisicamente,gli uomini giovani sentono che è impossibile portare avanti tanti terreni perché bisogna avere tante attrezzature e soldi,ma non hanno nemmeno quella impronta,quella forza che avevano i miei nonni.Uomini di carattere,forza e temperamento.Ci sono rimasti pochi uomini così..e come dobbiamo riavvicinarci alla Natura e alla sua bellezza?!!Noi donne siamo stanche,vedo mia madre con mio padre;se lei si ferma è finita per tutti!Abbiamo bisogno di questi uomini di un tempo!

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