The death of Angela Raubal; the supposed flaw in reincarnation of not remembering previous lives

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…..A tragic death

The woman who believes she is the reincarnation of Savitri Devi asked me about the truth concerning the sorrowful story of Hitler’s niece, Angela Raubal, who shot herself in 1931.

Hitler was the perfect boss: Former maid breaks her silence on the ‘charming’ dictator


‘She shot herself in September 1931 and I was told as soon as I went to work for him that he was not to be approached on the anniversary of that day,’ said Rosa. ‘My sister and I shared a room that was directly over Hitler’s. We could hear him crying.’

For a long time she and Anni were the only servants in the home, known as Berghof.

Recalling her first direct request from her master, she said she was drying some porcelain cups when he came down the stairs.

‘Hello,’ he said softly. ‘Sorry to trouble you, but could you make me some coffee and bring some gingerbread biscuits to my study?’

Coming into such close proximity to Hitler made her feel faint, she said, but she soon became accustomed to life at Berghof.


Angela (Geli) Raubal

I replied to this comrade:

The truth is that Geli shot herself because she feared I would never let her out of my control.

My terrible fear, in turn, was that she, as a very naive girl, would be gotten into serious trouble with lovers — due to Jews and communists insinuating themselves deeply into her private and romantic life — and she was living with me, her uncle, at a suite on 16 Prince Regent Street in Munich.

So everything she did would reflect on me, and thus affect our cause, given the viciousness of the media (then and now, of course).

Me then, Goebbels, Geli

My suite at 16 Prince Regent Street, still standing today, never bombed

All these machinations involving Geli were indeed being plotted by the enemy in order to sabotage my work: by creating or pretending some huge scandal.

What has gone on for generations, sadly, in otherwise very jovial Bavaria and Austria, is that many depressed girls do foolishly commit suicide. One person ends her life, then others, infected, copy this bad example.

My only goal was to protect Geli, and in the end I lost her anyway.

And of course the Jews, the most incestuous people on earth, in a classic case of Talmudic “accusatory inversion,” misused her death to slander me viciously and thus harm our noble cause.


Hundreds of rabbis had sex/committed incest with Jewish children

I experienced terrible hours of grief (yes, the report by the housekeeper was correct that I mourned her death every year on the anniversary of her suicide), grieving both for this adorable girl, my half-niece, and for the possible effect on our cause. I feared correctly that this suicide would be misused to discredit and terminate our growing movement, which is truly the only hope of humanity!

I also made a gigantic error of a political nature.


…..Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia:  the goal was to seize European Russia for Germany, not just destroy bolshevism

We are here on this earth to love, listen and learn in each life, no matter who we are. If we process our mistakes, and not justify them, then we at least have grown from the tragedy.

It has struck me in reading this book…

…how obtuse even brilliant people are about reincarnation when they raise the pseudo-objection: “But of what use are previous lives if we do not remember them?”

Actually, about 5% of us DO have vivid memories of other lives, and all of us retain strong likes and dislikes that we cannot explain —  which arose from good and bad experiences had before.

Many are also born with extraordinary talents and learn difficult skills with amazing ease.

Reincarnation Evidence


Reincarnation means you may have been a Roman

Wonderful message found in Margi’s free apt from the Lutherans as a cancer patient:


And this is exactly why it is NOT GOOD to remember previous lives. Unenlightened humans obsess on all the bad! Between lives we must watch a holographic video reviewing our life, and some make huge spiritual progress BETWEEN lives.

In the superb, but somewhat cold book by Michael Winkler of Germany, The Spiritual World  (which I and a team have translated, but I have not released it)..

….. it is made crystal clear that we do an enormous amount of growing and changing on the other side. Then we need a fresh new start: new parents, friends,  circumstances and goals.

It is good to learn the lessons on the other side, and then put into practice the insights in a fresh, new life! It is NOT wise to rehash our old tragedies, heartbreaks, bankruptcies, prison, execution, divorce, sickness and death from 100, 200, 500 or 5,000 years ago! Humans who are not yet enlightened will always dwell, ruminating FOREVER, on the negative!

They twist and turn and go over old garbage that needed to be 1) thoroughly learnt from and 2) flushed down the toilet forever!

What a curse to remember a heartbreak from the year 1809 in 2019!

What did Jesus mean when he said: “Sufficient unto each day are the evils thereof?”  It was a profound message about the Power of Now.

Learn the lesson — really learn it, even with tears, like mine over Geli  — and move on.

Embrace the suck, lick your wounds, accept you f—d up, apologize to that person, make amends if you can, or pray (if the person is gone) via angels to their soul, and then get your ass right back in the game!

I spent nine years thinking about my mistakes and the task ahead. I did not waste time when I was dead!

And so I was not the same person when I returned.

1945-54! Lots of time to think things over.

In the full, classic NDE, the Near Death Experience (and a friend of mine named Tom had just such an experience at age 14), you look down, see your dead body (and doctors or EMTs working on it), a tunnel of light appears, you talk with a strong, loving Being who is like a beam of warm light, meet dead relatives, and finally you are sat down to see a life-review video.

Of course, if you stay dead, you have the same experience but stay for months or years on the other side. LEARNING.

(….or just being a stubborn jackass and justifying every wrong you ever did. Some DO do this. 🙁  )

You can grow enormously in five minutes SEEING from the akashic record (the recording of your every thought, word and deed) how you affected others.

Then you go or are sent elsewhere. And when ready, you come back to this earth or whatever your home planet is.

Before you become a baby once again, you are clear on the goals.

What you then do — as a child and adult — depends on you, and how deeply you learned things between lives.

For me, the big lesson was twofold:

  1. all humans need national socialism, not just Germans or even all whites. (There are also sincere Jews — I met one today — who want a better world.)
  2. the real enemy is the egoic mind inside us all.

And so this amazing event from August 8, 2015 stands under the sign of 888.

(Not just 88. That was the political approach.) This gave me the shivers. 🙂

Date: 8 August 2015 [ 8 August = 8th day, 8th month] and 2015 = 2+1+5 = 8. 888!

National socialism 2.0 is a new, authentic religion — to make a noble, beautiful world for us all.

For we all want AND DESERVE the same things: meaning, love, unity, a happy marriage, a car and a home, and lovely kids and grandchildren, and to die surrounded by them, as they kiss you and say “we love you, grandpa.”

A powerful combat life-after-death song:


  1. I watched your activities for many years from afar. I asked myself: Is this ‘John de Nugent’ just another dangerous nutcase? I was looking for someone worthy of my support, and you, sir, are the right stuff. Glad to be aboard.

  2. I famosi Sognatori-quanti film su questa tematica!La realtà è Matrix..con il suo velo.Il segreto è restare Bambini..(Il ragazzo Invisibile)di Gabriele Salvatores.

  3. Ah,a proposito di 888;”ecco cosa voleva dire!”il SuperEnalotto lo sta utilizzando per il gioco compulsivo qui in Italia…ruota della Fortuna!Tutta questione di soldi.. perché diventare ricchi vuol dire essere Felici!a detta loro..

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