Andy Warhol art at the Mayo

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Closeup of a painting of a zebra by the American artist Andy Warhol, who became infamous for his stupid painting of Campbell’s tomato soup cans, though he actually was an Aryan genius.

But from the 1920s on, Gentile artists have had to create stupid stuff to get on the cover of the big, Jew-owned magazines or get in their galleries.

Actually, Andrew Warhola (his real name), of Slovak ancestry, ( was a gifted artist (from my father’s hometown, Pittsburgh), and I have been to his museum there

This has been the huge dilemma for generations now of Jews excluding good art (and plunging good artists into poverty!!) in favor of disturbing, degenerate art and even outright junk, all designed to spiritually demoralize, depress and animalize the white masses into the goyim, cattle, which the Jews want, obedient, without pride or identity, and just smart enough to slave away efficiently for them at 90 IQ jobs — human animals.


Campbell’s Soup Can by Andy Warhol, 1962. Displayed in Museum of Modern Art in New York City.


Margi had her own experience of the Jews delisting good art and promoting overt shlock. She had a boyfriend for years who was a very skilled, gifted white artistic painter named Terry [something]. Then around 1994, after Margi and Terry had gone their separate ways, he got involved with a Jewess, she got him into lucrative Jew-owned galleries, told him “what REALLY would sell,” and so his artistic subjects suddenly turned into race-mixing, with forlorn, lost-looking, naked white women.

“Coronation of Concupiscence,” by Terry []


Anyway, here now is proof that the real Andy Warhol was truly talented, and you can see that he sensed and liked animals, too, and saw that they have deep feelings.

(These paintings are hanging in the subway/walkway between the Gonda and Charlton buildings of the relatively Jew-free Mayo Clinic. I have met exactly ONE Jewish MD since July there, and seen almost none in the all-important management structure. Both the Byzantine Empire and the later Stalinist and post-Stalinist Soviet Russia, after 1950, did not allow Jews to become the head (the director) of anything, just the number-two or number-three, and “maybe.” A Russian Jew and psychiatrist in Boston — who took American-accent lessons from me — confirmed this directly to me. Jews were not persecuted, but not allowed to take over, either.)



…..Margi with some great Mayo art

Margi is doing much better, has gone from 86 to 100 pounds (originally 115), and we are heading into the final month of therapy at the best hospital on earth, the Mayo Clinic.

Your donations have made this possible. You can send them to 306 S. Steel St., Ontonagon MI 49953, or use PayPal if you have it to a friend of mine.


Margi at a fabulous Bösendorfer piano from Germany in the atrium of the Gonda Building


In the beautiful waiting room of the Jacobson building, where she just finished another proton-beam therapy session


Margi gasped at the tree full of ravens, Odin’s birds, as we parked at a place for cancer patients called “Hope Lodge,” and said I had to preserve this moment with a photograph.

It is perhaps an omen to me that it is time for our people to worship our way, not with semitic gods.


  • Rudolf Covington Regaining weight is a REALLY GOOD SIGN. You go Margi! Odin is bringing you back!
  • Nicholas Poindexter I will always remember when a good friend told me, “Maybe the reason why our prayers aren’t being answered is because we are praying to the wrong (((god))).” So, I been thinking that probably each race has their own gods.
    Layne Lawless Hail Odin and Freya! I would never harm a crow or a raven because they are sacred. Wherever I am, I know I am in the right place if there are ravens! My sacred bird.



Especially important blogs





0 August 2019: “Mister John de Nugent, I hereby award you the Knight’s Cross for your fight against Satan.” 🙂

Every day some well-known people pay for Denial-of-Service (DOS) attacks on this website to prevent you reading what is published.

This operation involves worldwide planting of botnet viruses, so that unwitting computer users receive signals ordering their machines to dispatch dozens, hundreds, or thousands of emails to this website. The objective is to overwhelm the server, and sink the publication.

Several of these attack waves happen each day. When the well-known people are the subject of a new publication, the attackers launch even more of their torpedoes than usual.

Defending against these attacks, and keeping the website news and its archive safe for you to use, is costly. You are invited to donate in order to preserve what has so far cost you nothing. 🙂

In the near future, national socialism will be reborn in a new form for our multiracial situation.

As we fight for a new hope, it is important to realize that we national socialists do not represent a pie-in-the-sky theory, a proposal, but a successful reality.

WE took a real nation — a shattered country, the Weimar Germany of 1932 — which was bankrupt in the Jew-triggered “Great Depression” in every way that was imaginable — financially, morally, militarily, culturally, psychologically and politically — with millions literally facing starvation and actually contemplating suicide.

“Our last hope — Hitler”


And while America remained racked by the Great Depression under Franklin Rosenfeld, part-Jewish via both his father and mother (she was the daughter of Warren Delano, a descendant of sephardic jews and an opium dealer), under Adolf Hitler Germany began eliminating the Jewish middle man, and turning around instantly, becoming a free, prosperous Great Power again in just five years!

It was Franklin Delano Rosenfeld who by executive order high-handedly had the Great Seal of the United States redesigned in 1935 so a Star of David appeared over the American eagle. Hard to get more blatant than that 😉 And so as Jesus said: “Let those who have eyes, SEE!”


The “old” Great Seal had a very random pattern of thirteen stars, symbolizing the thirteen rebellious colonies that fought for their freedom.

the first sketch in 1782s, approved by Congress






1882 commemorative coin


Back of the old one-dollar bill under the Republican presidents Harding, Coolidge and Hoover

By Rosenfeld’s executive order, the Great Seal was openly Judaized, and the sinister Freemasonic pyramid with a watching eyeball, seen here, with the Latin mottos “Our plan has succeeded” and “New World Order” was switched by FDR to the left side.

Back to national socialism and its prowess:

When a second world war was forced upon Germany by Delano Rosenfeld, the Reich proceeded to smash 1939-41 every enemy that had stymied the old Germany in WWI!

It finally took the gigantic militaries of three superpowers three more years of extreme, all-out effort — the UK, US and USSR — to beat just ONE nation, National Socialist Germany!

And today — here is the truth — China is soaring. Why?

OH-SO-QUIETLY, and without admitting it to the jew-run West, China, dumping all marxist economic theory, is using almost ALL of Adolf Hitler’s key teachings on

–preserving and improving the race (the Chinese marry UP, that is, Chinese women will marry a white man),

— the leader principle,

— the folk community and

— nationally planned, free-market economics

to become a superpower itself!



Zero race mixing with any lower races!

pride in a great and ancient heritage — and hard work, practical education and strong family!

The Chinese also crack down on foreign, semitic, trouble-making Islam!

China legalizes re-education camp for Muslims, bans Halal slaughter! Like Kosher, Halal has no place on our shores


What can you do — right now?

Read everything you can on national socialism so you can fight for it when it returns!



Jews, your “Man in the High Castle” series on Amazon is playing with fire! You portray America under NS as being all stifled and oppressed — but it is NOW that white people are stifled, oppressed, humiliated and attacked!


Please right-click on this audio to play the music in a new tab while you visit this page.


John de Nugent
306 South Steel Street
Ontonagon MI 49953

Telephone: +1 (906) 884-6689

(Excellent, free-speech Russian answer to Facebook)


Jewish owner Mark Zuckerberg has deleted me twice for un-p.c. posts

Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)


GAB (alt-right alternative to Twitter):



Twitter at John de Nugent @johndenugentESA

Need secrecy? Then start a

or account and then send me

your new secret email address.



This log is to confirm to those who send me useful items — cash, valuable coins, checks, money orders, books or other gifts — that I did receive them.


If you sent a donation and I did not get it, please let me know at the email address, or at, or by calling me at (906) 884-6689, or writing me (see below) on Skype!


PayPal: write me for details. We get it, but via friends.


This is my dear “M. Huffstickler,” about to sing an Irish art song during the intermission of a speech which I gave in East Lansing, Michigan







winter (Marine EGA “ eagle, globe & anchor “ in the window)



I had to take this springtime pic before I cut the lawn.



checks to “John de Nugent”

cash inside a greeting card (or aluminum foil)


US postal money order (or Canadian postal money order in US dollars)





even with a fake return address (no risk there!)

IF YOU SEND CASH OR COINS, WRAP THEM IN ALUMINUM FOIL!aluminum-foilus-20-dollars-aluminum-envelope-250-euros-germany-aluminum

Amazon gift card

Send an Amazon gift card by email to

First, go to (not or or any other Amazon site)
Then click on “Gift Card” on the top of the page, followed by a click on “Email” at the “Ways to Send” menu. Finally, choose a card and amount. That’s it!


19 Sept, 2019: The PayPal address for Margi of is no longer valid, since PP abruptly canceled it after six years with no explanation. If you wish to donate via PayPal, please write me for details of other PP accounts that trusted friend have.

I and Margi since 2005



–Vanilla gift card

From a fellow fmr Marine, this ”Vanilla” Gift Card for $50: “John, Happy Christmas and Bright, Prosperous and Healthy 2017! — P[]”

“Moneygram or Western Union outside the US (also pls send an email with the number and AMOUNT)


I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

What is my religion based on?







…..Recent donations

–26 November 2019 $88 by check from G in Nevada

–21 November 2019 $40 cash from L in North Carolina

–19 November 2019 check for $100 from P in Maryland

–16 November 2019 5o euros in cash and wrapped in aluminum foil, with an interesting bilingual letter, from France

–15 November 2019 5o euros in cash and wrapped in aluminum foil from Bavaria, Germany

–14 November 2019 two checks for $88 each from an Old Fighter from the NSWPP, G in Cicero, Illinois (forwarded to me in Rochester, Minnesota from Ontonagon Michigan)

–7 November 2019 50 euros and two postcards, a touching note, and a beautiful copper pendant for Margi of Egyptian inspiration from southern Italy



The castle at Melfi, as well as the town walls and cathedral, were all built by my Norman relatives.

–23 October 2019 40 euros from regular donor A in Germany

–22 October 2019 25 British pounds (US$32) via PayPal from A in Scotland

–21 October 2019 $20 Australian and a very nice card from J in “Oz” (Australia)


–19 October 2019 $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois and $20 from K in California

–11 October 2019 $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–9 October 2019 $50 in cash from S in Florida

–6 October 2019 loan of $88 forgiven


–4 October 2019 $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–3 October 2019 $100 PayPal via a friend from J in Texas

–28 September 2019 $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois


  1. Ho sentito suonare il pianista Zimerman dal vivo.
    Lui ha preferito suonare un concerto di Leonard Bernstein,ci sono rimasta male.Non riuscivo ad ascoltare tutto quel chiasso..è stato terribile!ma non solo per me evidentemente;le persone hanno tirato un respiro di sollievo alla fine!Una doppia personalità la sua,uomo sposato con una cilena e poi gay.L’America parla di un genio del suo tempo..molto eccentrico!Sinceramente un genio del suo tempo è stato Sergiu Celibidache,direttore Romeno(che t’invito ad ascoltare)superiore al tedesco Karajan (egoico in senso lato).Il duo più formidabile della storia del novecento è stato Celibidache-Michelangeli,il suono senza TEMPO,La loro umiltà e il non preferire le incisioni su disco; perché il suono si percepisce dal vivo perché vive in quell’istante!Leonard Bernstein sembrava tormentato..dalle sue radici????

  2. Seine Prioritäten setzt sich jeder Mensch selbst – auch die Frage: „wie weit wage ich mich aus dem Fenster?“, muß sich jeder selber beantworten. Doch eines sollte jedem „Patrioten“ klar sein: Die Lügen über unsere Vorfahren, im speziellen über den Nationalsozialismus, aufrecht zu erhalten und sie weiter zu verbreiten ist ein Verbrechen.

    Und hier trennt sich die Spreu vom Weizen!

    Wenn Sie Spreu sein wollen ist das Ihre Entscheidung. Treffen Sie sie für sich, aber niemals für andere Menschen.
    Haben Sie sich noch nicht entschieden? Dann machen Sie Ihre Hausaufgaben: Lesen Sie Bücher oder informieren Sie sich im Weltnetz. Es gibt unzählige Informationen zu unserer wahren Geschichte.

    Nehmt euch die Zeit diese 30 Minuten anzusehen und verbreitet uns sichert das Video. Die gesamt Zukunft liegt an uns und unserem Handeln!

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