Before lending money to a friendless man, ask this

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A new FB “friend” in Georgia borrowed $20 from me via Messenger, then wanted more, but got all offended and never paid me back for asking: How does a 40-year-old man like you need to approach a perfect stranger like me for twenty bucks? Why won’t any friends or family lend you money?”

In the pre-welfare days, you had to maintain decent family relationships and true friendships — “to have a friend, be a friend,” said Ralph Waldo Emerson 😉 — for when the bad times inevitably rolled around.

But bums always wear out their welcome, and rightly lose the support of those who really know them.

An Italian-American friend and fmr Marine wrote me, agreeing: “I once actually said to a panhandler: “Why not ask your friends or family?” A nasty woman snapped back: “I don’t have any friends.” I said: “Well, that’s all I need to know, honey.”

Alex Kern, Karren Bakker and 25 others

  • Layne Lawless There is a young man of 20 here who I’ve employed for a few hours at a time. He grew in this village, spent all his life here, and my neighbor told me he has no friends. I said, “there’s something WRONG with him!” How can you live in a place all your life and not even make one friend? I could manage that at least, even without trying.
  • Steve Clark I had a couple Friends I could have depended on for life & death. They died 10 to 40 years ago. SInce then I can say I have two People who I could see if times were tough. That also means covering you when the back is turned.
  • Hendric Julius Lange Fake accounts. Meet a lot, pretending to be someone and ask for money or similar.
    • Steve Clark It sucks for the very few who could really Need help. A Woman in Colo. Springs has a few thousand followers, sells Minerals and does a Go-Fund-Me for every Family or mechanical issue. I tried helping her learn About geology and Minerals and now feel like a sucker. It truly sucks!!!
    • Hendric Julius Lange I kinda test these ppl.
  • AnitaLee Rugner You are a nice guy John De Nugent Aufdeutsch. Maybe he will pay you back but no more!
  • Ron Ward You made a very good point plus there’s so many scammers out there
  • Nanette Smalls I don’t have any family I speak to. And honestly, most of my friends from my past are no longer friends. I tend to stay to myself. I don’t try to be nasty or anything. For myself, I noticed a lot of drastic changes on my paternal side of my family afteSee More
    • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Nanette Smalls It is indeed, and a lonely world full of depression and suicidal thoughts.
    • Matthew Rafael Nanette and I have that unfortunate reality in common.
    • Verity Zuctagain Isn’t it strange that “our people” have this in common. We drift off from our own families and rarely if ever properly return to them. We do it quite young- I left around 19 and never went back. I think I asked my mother for $100 for a doctors prescripSee More
  • Dave Jones I’ve never been panhandled by a stranger must most of my former ‘friends’ turned out to be chiselers. Hence former…
  • Dale Gaubatz “you had to maintain decent family relationships”

    The modern world is so twisted that they think when a man and a woman bring babies into the world they’re creating a new family as if they are no longer part of the greater family and as if the kids they bring into the world have no connection to the greater family, as if their existence didn’t depend on their ancestors…. Forget your parents, grandparents, siblings and ancestors, they don’t have this kind of familial and ancestral connection anymore all they think that matters is their husband/wife and kids… they forget the roots of what family means and how not that long ago they grew up with their siblings and parents just like their parents did with their siblings and parents and so on.

  • Joe Owczarzak Never lend money to strangers online.
    Mike Ervin Man can I borrow a hundred bucks?I’m cot cheap lmao!
  • Luzifer Lucius Morningstar Back in a bad period of my life I had a good man lend me money. I said I would pay it back, and I did, because he was a real friend. I want to forever honor him.

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