A win-win plan to solve for good America’s perpetual black problem; How Hitler could have solved the Russia problem

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African-American misspelled the lettering on this high-school-graduation cake.

An Australian comrade and donor read my article here

Antisemitic black stabs five New York Jews in rabbi’s home

commenting (.https://johndenugent.com/antisemitic-black-stabs-five-new-york-jews-in-rabbis-home/#comment-619718) :

John, I remember reading an article in a magazine, many years ago, that Abraham Lincoln had a plan to give the state of Texas to the freed black slaves after the “Civil War.” Had he not been assassinated, he was going to move all the free black slaves to Texas, provide economic assistance to help them get on their feet, and give them their own nation, free of the rest of America.

At the same time, he was going to provide economic help to the former Confederate states so their economy would not need black labour. It would have been difficult to do, but better than the nightmare that we have now.


I replied:

Hi, comrade.

Can you find this article?

Lincoln seems to have gone libtard on the blacks at the very end, and pushed through a constitutional amendment abolishing slavery, but it is not certain what his real beliefs and feelings were.

If he did want to make Texas a black homeland, and send them all there, that would be very, very interesting, and conform with what Jefferson and Robert E. Lee wanted too.

However, honest blacks do not want self-rule, but instead white rule if it is firm, effective and benevolent.

One might also raise the legitimate concern and menacing issue of a black homeland that was truly “free” (black self-rule) then ending up INEVITABLY in corruption and anarchy, just as in all of Black Africa. Then it would become a hotbed of agitation, and hostile foreign powers would exploit the situation, creating a bastion (for China, Russia, anyone) of anti-Whitism.

Since I have some Irish heritage (and in fact I believe I was this Irish nobleman, Laval Count Nugent, in another life)


Ireland, as a suppressed colony of another nation, presents a perfect example of how the occupier becomes fearful that its colony will become a spearhead for a foreign attack on the motherland itself. Once England left the Catholic family of nations and went Protestant under Henry the Eighth and his daughter, Elizabeth the First, while Ireland stayed Catholic, the Irish came to view their English masters as wicked heretics, teachers of false doctrines, and thus collaborators with Satan and absolute evil. Heresy was a very, very serious crime for medieval thinkers.

England then saw Ireland as a potential MILITARY ally of its very powerful enemy, Catholic Spain, and of Catholic France, another great power, and of other hostile Catholic powers, such as Poland and the German emperor, a Catholic Habsburg.

THIS is when the really savage oppression of the Irish people by England began, when divergence of religion led to Ireland being seen as a national-security threat.

In WWII, analogously, Churchill outrageously occupied the port of Dublin in the “Irish Free State,” because he knew the Irish sympathized very strongly with NS Germany, and rightly foresaw Eire as becoming an island “aircraft carrier” for the Luftwaffe to use to bomb England, and even invade Northern Ireland and its huge port of Belfast (where, btw, the ocean liner “Titanic” and its sister ship were constructed), a vital part of the UK.

Getting back to the American blacks, we can create a system exactly as the Americans created in West Germany (and all of Western Europe after the war).

Basically you wade in and set up your indirect rule via the local puppets.

The CIA went in with tons of cash, scholarships (such as, later on, the Fulbright scholarships), all-expense-paid luxury trips to America (New York, Washington, Harvard in Boston, etc.), got young Germans cushy jobs in think tanks with limos and a fancy lifestyle — such as the Atlantikbrücke think tank, the “Atlantic Bridge” organization for the Germans — and it systematically identified the pliable young future leaders of country X. Show them that their political and economic future is guaranteed if they just play ball.

And you have informants everywhere, and nowadays electronic surveillance, a la NSA, READING EVERY EMAIL and Facebook post, and listening to every phone call, reporting on who is opposed to your rule, which is an iron fist in a velvet glove.

Basically we set up black homelands that are not “free” and are not allowed to turn anti-American or spin out of control.

The best proof of the efficacy of such a system is Germany, where the (((American))) Deep State rules under its puppet, Angela Merkel. Immigrants keep pouring in, raping and killing Germans, and yet the whole thing is so locked down that a very good political party like the anti-migrant AfD is lucky to get 20% of the vote even though the Germans are beyond miserable!

So we White Americans use the Blacks to help us get rid of the Jews, then get rid peacefully of the Blacks (and we are not even talking “expulsion,” just an end to affirmative action and housing laws, making it clear no whites will rent or or hire them for anything, and food stamps ae OVER). We make them happy and contented with our rule, because it is not humiliating for them — no memes about negroes being primitive, etc. or ridiculing their facial features — but instead it is a tactful rule through black puppets, men of their own race.

Crime ends; everyone has a job; drugs and booze are no longer threats; and every black man can afford a wife, car, house and nice family. Any gangbangers would be executed — by their fellow blacks, by the black sheriff, after condemnation to death by a black judge, and on the first offense.

Fear not: the American Representative makes sure everyone adheres to The Plan, or else the newspapers, tv and radio go nuts on any rebel. The black and other homelands (both Hispanic and mixed-race/libtard) are controlled by the invisible hand of our financial, media and social power. If need be, troublemakers have “accidents,” just as it is now, but in reverse.

Rome ruled two-thirds of Western Germany by such methods for four hundred years. It works, and it will work again.

Bottom line: the blacks, mexicans and others help us Aryans to win, and in return they get to live in a crime-free paradise. They know deep-down they are corrupt and need Aryan rule. If England had ruled its white and brown colonies, India and Ireland, South Africa and Kenya, with true benevolence, not Rothschild brutality, and thus made it impossible for Soviet subversion using malcontents to happen, the British Empire would still exist today in glory! In fact, by avoiding arrogance, London would still rule America itself!

And the fact is, moving on to the topic of Russia, that Hitler could have won on the eastern front if he had gone in as a liberator, made an ally of General Vlassov, gotten five MILLION Russian soldiers to join Vlassov’s proposed “Russian National Liberation Army,” and then set up, after the victory, a pro-German government — rule by pro-German Russians — in the same fashion.

In this way, Germany would have gotten its “breadbasket,” its guaranteed food supply for 90 million Germans, and yet not have created a horrible Palestinian-type helot system, with the Slavs either expelled from their own motherland or used as serfs, as was intended.

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

A German friend of mine, Hans Eberhard, once told me a great truth:

Aryans don’t work HARD, they work SMART.


  1. Dear Mr. de Nugent,

    Can you make an article about stopping the jewish porn degeneracy which is corrupting the males in our race, please?

    backup image:

    Colored people all over the world see these filthy movies and think all of our girls are whores who can be raped. Our men get ritualistically degraded by the jewish porn movies. We must end this, or it will end us!

    Best wishes, and thank you in advance


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