And there is no point in ingratiating yourself with them, because gratitude is another foreign concept for them.
Nikolay Kiselev
And the main thing, the concept of Pride
John De-Nugent
Nikolay, pride in what way? Racial pride? That can just be another kind of their arrogance, because they theoretically may be pro-white but treat actual white people they know like sh–t. 😉
Nikolay Kiselev replied to John
John, Pride in their selves , and from that aspect of an individual’s lives , comes a clear understanding of morals , roots and so on
John De-Nugent replied to Nikolay
Nikolay, I understand, as long as it is based on love of ourselves, not contempt for others. If pride is really arrogance, it also creates enemies.
Germans, English and French all have reputations for arrogance ( = lack of respect) toward other countries and it ends up badly. (I could of course add the Jews to this list, and at the very top! 😉 )
A main reason for the American Revolution was simply British arrogance toward the Americans. You could see this in their treatment of Virginia colonel George Washington, and look what it cost them. My first wife, the Austrian, met Barry Bostwick, the actor who played George Washington when a series was being filmed on his life around Alexandria, Virginia in 1983-84 (
Jaclyn Smith as Sally Fairfax and Barry Bostwick as Virginia militia colonel George Washington
The lovely Patty Duke as Martha Custis, his future wife
He was appalled at British stubbornness which led to a massacre of 600 Brits and Americans in an ambush near Pittsburgh in the French and Indian War, with the pompous General Braddock ignoring the urgent warnings of the Virginia soldiers about threading single-file through a thicket with Indians and French troops nearby.
And later, when Colonel Washington, an excellent and experienced officer who was widely known, respected and popular, sought a commission in the British Army, it was rejected for no reason other than he was “merely” an “Ameddican.”
Further on, toward the end of the American Revolution, the Brits began paying Indians to scalp American frontier families in Appalachia by the scalp brought in.
This vile practice inflamed the Americans to the highest degree, and it resolved the question of America’s future relationship with the Mother Country in favor of total independence, not any kind of association. Otherwise, America could have become a Canada-type dominion, with the king as the constitutional monarch over America.
The towering, 6’3″ Washington with his real hair color, red, in 1779 – back when the average soldier was 5’7″
What a gigantic loss for Britain that a healthy national pride degenerated into outright arrogance! This is how they unnecessarily lost the gigantic America, which now, in turn, dominates them.
John De-Nugent
Here is the complete and excellent miniseries, with a truly all-star cast.
George Washington is a 1984 American television miniseries directed by Buzz Kulik. The miniseries, released in three parts, chronicles the life of George Washington, the 1st President of the United States, from age 11 to age 51.[1] George Washington is based on the biography by James Thomas Flexner.
The miniseries was shot mainly on location near Washington, D.C. and was aired on April 8, 10 and 11, 1984.[2] Washington’s life in the French and Indian War, the second part shows the coming and commencement of the Revolutionary War and the final part describes the victory of the independence from Great Britain. It was nominated for six Primetime Emmys.
The Story of America’s Greatest Hero
This mini-series is without a doubt the best depiction of the life of George Washington that has ever been put to screen. From the acting, to the battle sequences, to the music to the montage of paintings that open each episode, the mini- series shows the life and times of Washington and his experiences in the French and Indian War, and the American Revolution.
The mini Series is divided into 3 episodes. In general, part 1 covers Washington’s life in the French and Indian War, part 2 shows the coming and commencement of the Revolutionary War, and part 3 is victory and Independence from England.
Barry Bostwick (Rocky Horror Picture Show, Spin City) gleams in this image of the adventurous, courageous Virginian whose thirst for excitement and knowledge of the wilderness lead him on his career in the Virginia militia. When hostilities break out between England and France for control of this wilderness, it is Washington himself who sheds the first blood. Washington is personally involved in several battles during the war, earning a reputation for courage, competence, and cool-headedness, this despite the fact that most of the battles he fights are complete British disasters.
After the war, Washington wants nothing more then to live in peace at his new home, Mount Vernon with his new wife Martha. Fate however has different plans. Hostilities open up between England and her 13 colonies. When Washington rides north to Philadelphia to pledge support of the Virginia House of Burgesses to Congress, he is immediately voted into command of the ragtag Continental Army in Massachusetts. Throughout the Revolutionary War, Washington leads his poorly disciplined, ill fed, badly shod army into battle after battle. Several times the army, and the dream of independence teeter on the brink of total annihilation. Of course, the day is always saved more often then not by Washington’s stubbornness and courage alone.
After 7 years of destructive conflict, the War is over and the United States of America is created. Recognizing that the military must be the servant of the civil power he restrains his angry soldiers from marching on a negligent congress, and resigns his own commission to congress, his duty done, and his assigned task complete.
I have almost no complaints for this mini series, just a regret that they couldn’t have made it 4 episodes long, to show more battles. The series has large and frequent time gaps, and the battles that took place in these gaps (that Washington was present for) are explained away in a few lines of dialogue. To a student of history, the battles of Harlem Hights, White Plains, Fort Washington, Brandywine, and Germantown are missed. Other battles that were important despite Washington’s absence, such as Lexington, Bunker Hill, Saratoga and Camden are mentioned for their impact on the war, and we learn about them at the same time Washington does.
The mini series reenacts the battles of Fort Necessity, and Braddock’s defeat in the French and Indian War and also the battles of Brooklyn Heights, Trenton, Monmouth and Yorktown. The action sequences are broad, lengthy, and exciting, calling together a cast of thousands of reinactors to play British, American, Scottish, Hessian and French soldiers.
Washington’s life consisted of more then battles, of course. the mini series also examines the other hardships and triumphs in his life. Pay close attention to the agony Washington goes through watching his men freeze and starve to death at Valley Forge, and the personal trauma he experiences as Benedict Arnold, one of his most trusted and courageous generals turns traitor. Washington also endures the Conway cabal, a sort of coup by jealous officers to oust him from command.
Truly heartwarming scenes involve the idealism of Lafayette (Philip Casanoff) and Von Steuben, the strength and supportive cheeriness of Martha (Patty Duke) the farewell Washington gives to his officers at the end, and any scene involving Sally Fairfax, (Jaclyn Smith), wife of Washington’s best friend Will (David Dukes).
Washington’s alleged forbidden attraction to the lovely Sally is examined in a family friendly way and depicts Washington in the most flattering and virtuous light possible given what little evidence there is about what did/didn’t happen. The series puts any flirtatious and teasing behavior on Sally’s shoulders, which may or may not be accurate. Portraying it any other way, however would be out of step with the heroic deeds that Washington accomplished in his life.
This show is probably the only project that studies the Washington story with such attention to detail. It’s available on video, if you know where to look, and belongs on the shelf of every flag-waving patriot. I wish it were a 4th of July tradition to show it on networks the way The Ten Commandments is around Passover/Easter time. George Washington is the story of America’s Greatest Hero.
In the end, it comes back to the tyrannon, the egoic mind. It can tell you – order you — to do something absolutely bullheaded, and create a world of enemies all about you.
My position regarding the blacks is based on this insight. We must win this time, unlike 1945, and if the Blacks will fight against the jews, whom they loathe, then I have learned the lessons here:
„[…] Germans, English and French all have reputations for arrogance ( = lack of respect) toward other countries […]“. No, that’s not true. Of course, today’s USA and the FRG cannot be compared with the original USA and the German Reich, both of which have an affinity for education, both of which are more or less just a globalist garbage dump, with a highly brain poisoned rest of the original population, and both of which are burdened with crushing challenges, especially with a culturally highly incompatible foreign population. As the American writer Harold A. Covington once put it: “The whole country is now full of human garbage”, and another time: Trump is faced with the task of turning a fish soup back into a fish aquarium.
In contrast to the British, the ambassadors and merchants as well as the other members of the German Reich always learned and spoke the language spoken locally. Only the USA manage to send ambassadors all over the world for many decades, who do not speak a single word of the language of their host people/colonies, probably because they only saw them as slave peoples. The ambassadors of the most bitter enemy states have the decency to learn each other’s language. Not so the ambassadors of the U.S.A., who, like Islamic hate preachers, refuse to learn the language of other peoples, because they feel only deepest contempt for them, because they consider themselves God’s chosen people.
“God’s own country!”, “Number one!”, “The most moral and greatest nation in the world!”, “American exceptionalism!”, “Moral Exceptionalism!”, “The Greatest Generation!”, … beautifully lulled in by the background powers, so that one becomes stupid, megalomaniac and easily manipulated and no longer questions one’s “own” politics. The American people (= God) do not make mistakes, it is blasphemous to question the will of God. If it happened here in occupied Germany that a US ambassador spoke a little bit of German, it was only due to the interest in his family history, if he had German ancestors.
However, this is not a general criticism. The United States, like Rhodesia, has done wonderful civilizing work and produced outstanding cultural products, although both actively participated in the annihilation of the German people, including the Rhodesians, who, together with the Allies, smashed the first Rhodesia, German Southwest, in the spirit of the traditional British predatory mentality and policy, and expropriated and expelled the German population there; in other words, they practiced exactly what later happened to their descendants themselves.[1]
Dear Mr. John de Nugent, in view of the overwhelming challenges facing the white peoples, it would be uplifting and encouraging if you could publish articles on white building achievements from time to time, if your time permits. For example, an article on the Rhodesian building effort.
Of course, the self-assertion and struggle of the white population will be inevitable, and, unlike the USA, there will be no possibility of ethnic segregation in Europe, there will be no alternative areas: Defend yourself and your territory or suffocate on the demographic superiority, that will be the reality here[2] Rhodesia may not be the best example, because there was no possibility of immigration into a full-care social system (as it has been for many many decades in the FRG and in the USA), work had to be done everywhere. However, it vividly illustrates what will happen if white Europeans do not resist: Complete demographic displacement, complete takeover and expulsion and annihilation by third world people.
Your article [3] on the dangers that can emanate from an ethnically separate territory in the U.S.A. again contains substantial insights, also with regard to a possible Chinese takeover, and how one could prevent it. De facto this situation exists in ex-Rhodesia. Now that the whites have been almost completely driven out, the Chinese are now taking over, and they will have no scruples to completely displace and drive out the blacks there and to colonize the country with Chinese. This is especially due to the fact that China urgently needs a granary (as well as an alternative country for the population surplus), because the mother country is inevitably threatened by a self-inflicted drought catastrophe and famine in the future, after 90 million farmers were allegedly ordered under Mao to cut down the forests for the production of coking coal, and now there are no longer enough forests and a drought catastrophe is threatening. They are now even said to be melting high-mountain ice in the Tibetan highlands, with tens of thousands of burners to make it rain down as water vapour in southern China. [4]
In this regard, would it not be obvious for China to reactivate Rhodesia as a breadbasket? As a granary for the Chinese motherland: China has more than enough surplus population for settling and to run the farms there 100% with Chinese specialists and Chinese workers, it is not dependent on black workers. It is possible that a second China will emerge from ex-Rhodesia. This would probably mean the demise of the black population there.
As always it is worth reading your articles and analyses. You have tens of thousands of silent readers worldwide in all countries, including in high politics.
Friendly greetings
A reader
[1] Respect and esteem for the pioneers of development in Rhodesia, respect for the white Rhodesians, who now and in the future more than ever will be a shining, mentally uplifting example of the incredible achievements of a small white minority. However, they were not, as they usually say, the first to create a country like Rhodesia. The German settlers had created the first Rhodesia, including an extensive technological infrastructure (railway network, roads etc.) and were already in the process of advancing the technological civilization there. A comprehensive broad-based education and educational system for all already existed at that time, and comprehensive irrigation systems were also under construction. But the perfidious Albion brought this development to a sudden halt. One of many illustrative documents:
“German Land in Africa”, 1939: .
[2] Michael Winkler Pranger: „Isch Disch Messer! (11.1.2012)“
[3] „A win-win plan to solve for good America’s perpetual black problem; How Hitler could have solved the Russia problem“,
[4] China’s coming drought/hunger problem is described in these Conrebbi videos:
1. „Indien meldet sich ab“ (15 Minuten),
2. „China- ohne Mampf keinen Kampf“ (19 Minuten),
3. „Staudämme und die Dimensionen der Gegenwart“ (14 Minuten),
Translated with (free version)
[Deutsche Version:]
„[…] Germans, English and French all have reputations for arrogance ( = lack of respect) toward other countries […]“. Nein, das trifft nicht zu. Natürlich sind die heutigen USA und die BRD nicht mit den ursprünglichen bildungsaffinen USA und dem deutschen Reich zu vergleichen, beide sind mehr oder weniger nur noch eine globalistische Müllhalde, mit einer höchstgradig gehirnvergifteten Rest-Ursprungsbevölkerung, und beide sind mit erdrückenden Herausforderungen belastet, insbesondere mit einer kulturell hochgradig inkompatiblen Fremdbevölkerung. Wie es der amerikanische Schriftsteller Harold A. Covington mal formulierte: „The whole country is now full of human garbage.“, und ein anderes mal: Trump steht vor der Aufgabe, aus einer Fischsuppe wieder ein Fischaquarium zu machen.
Im Gegensatz zu den Briten lernten und sprachen die Botschafter und Kaufleute sowie die anderen Angehörigen des deutschen Reiches stets die vor Ort gesprochene Sprache. Nur die USA bringen/brachten es fertig, über viele Jahrzehnte hinweg Botschafter in alle Welt zu schicken, die kein einziges Wort der Sprache ihrer Gastvölker/Kolonien sprechen; vermutlich deshalb, da sie in diesen eben nur Sklavenvölker sahen. Die Botschafter der erbittertsten Feindstaaten haben den Anstand, die Sprache des jeweils anderen zu erlernen. Nicht so die Botschafter der U.S.A., die sich, islamischen Haßpredigern gleich, weigern/weigerten, die Sprache anderer Völker zu erlernen, da sie nur tiefste Verachtung für diese empfinden, weil sie sich selbst für Gottes auserwähltes Volk erachten.
„God‘s own country!“, „Number one!“, „The most moral and greatest nation in the world!“, „American exceptionalism!“, „Moral Exceptionalism!“, „The Greatest Generation!“, … schön eingelullt von den Hintergrundmächten, damit man dumm, größenwahnsinnig und leicht manipulierbar wird und die „eigene“ Politik nicht mehr hinterfragt. Das Amerikanische Volk (= Gott) macht keine Fehler, es ist gottestlästerlich, den Willen Gottes zu hinterfragen. Wenn es hier im besetzten Restdeutschland mal vorkam, daß ein US-Botschafter ein bißchen Deutsch sprach, dann nur deswegen,weil ihn dies wegen seiner Familiengeschichte interessierte, wenn er Deutsche Vorfahren hatte.
Dies ist jedoch keine Gerneralkritik. Die USA haben, wie Rhodesien, wunderbare zivilisatorische Aufbauarbeit geleistet und hervorragende kulturelle Produkte hervorgebracht, wiewohl sich beide aktiv an der Vernichtung des Deutschen Volkes beteiligten, einschließlich der Rhodesier, die das erste Rhodesien, Deutsch-Südwest, gemeinsam mit den Alliierten im Geiste der traditionellen britischen Raubmentalität und -Politik zerschlugen und die dortige deutsche Bevölkerung enteigneteten und vertrieben; also genau das praktizierten, was ihren rohdesischen Nachfahren dann später selbst widerfuhr. [1]
Sehr geehrter, lieber Herr John de Nugent, in Anbetracht der erdrückenden Herausforderungen der weißen Völker wäre es erbaulich und ermutigend, wenn Sie ab und zu Artikel zu den weißen Aufbauleistungen veröffentlichen könnten, sofern es Ihre Zeit zulassen sollte. Zum Beispiel einen Artikel über die Aufbauleistung der Rhodesier.
Natürlich wird die Selbstbehauptung und der Kampf der weißen Bevölkerung unausweichlich sein, und, im Gegensatz zu den USA wird es in Europa nicht die Möglichkeit zu ethnischer Separation geben, hier wird es keine Ausweichgebiete geben: Verteidige Dich und Dein Gebiet oder ersticke an der demographischen Übermacht, das wird die hiesige Wirklichkeit sein.[2] Rhodesien mag nicht das beste Beispiel sein, da dort kein Einwandern in ein Vollversorgungs-Sozialsystem möglich war (wie seit vielen vielen Jahrzehnten in der BRD und in den USA), überall gearbeitet werden mußte. Es illustriert jedoch eindringlich was geschehen wird, wenn sich die weißen Europäer nicht erwehren werden: Vollständige demographische Verdrängung, vollständige Übernahme und Vertreibung und Vernichtung durch Drittweltvolk.
Ihr Artikel [3] zu den Gefahren, die durch ein ethnisch separates Gebiet in den U.S.A. ausgehen können, enthält wieder substantielle Einsichten, auch hinsichtlich einer möglichen chinesischen Übernahme, und wie man dem Vorbeugen könnte. De facto ist ja diese Situation in Ex-Rhodesien gegeben. Nachdem die Weißen nun fast vollständig vertrieben wurden übernehmen jetzt die Chinesen, und diese werden keine Skrupel haben, die Schwarzen dort vollständig zu verdrängen und zu vertreiben und das Land mit Chinesen zu besiedeln. Dies inbesondere aufgrund der Tatsache, daß China dringendst eine Kornkammer braucht (sowie ein Ausweichland für den Bevölkerungsüberschuß), da dem Mutterland in der Zukunft unausweichlich eine selbstverschuldete Dürrekatastrophe und Hungersnot droht, nachdem dort unter Mao 90 Millionen Bauern angehalten worden sein sollen, die Wälder für die Koksproduktion abzuholzen, und jetzt nicht mehr genug Wälder vorhanden sind und eine Dürrekatastrophe droht. Sie sollen jetzt sogar Hochgebirgseis im tibetischen Hochland zum Schmelzen bringen, mit Zehntausenden von Brennern, damit dieses als Wasserdampf in Südchina abregnet. [4]
Läge es da für China nicht nahe, Rhodesien wieder als Kornkammer zu aktivieren? Als Kornkammer für das chinesische Mutterland: China hat mehr als genug Bevölkerungsüberschuß für die Besiedelung und um die dortigen Farmen zu 100% mit Chinesischen Fachkräften und chinesischen Arbeitern zu betreiben, es ist nicht auf schwarze Arbeiter angewiesen. Möglicherweise wird von Ex-Rhodesien aus ein zweites China entstehen. Das würde vermutlich den Untergang für die dortige schwarze Bevölkerung bedeuten
Wie immer lohnt es sich, Ihre Artikel und Analysen zu lesen. Sie haben zigtausende stille Mitleser weltweit in allen Ländern, einschließlich in der hohen Politik.
Freundliche Grüße
Ein Leser
[1] Hochrespekt und Hochachtung vor den Aufbaupionieren in Rhodesien, Hochachtung vor den weißen Rhodesiern, die jetzt und in Zukunft mehr denn je ein leuchtendes, geistig erbauliches Beispiel dafür sein werden, zu welch unglaublichen Leistungen eine kleine weiße Minderheit in der Lage ist. Sie waren jedoch nicht, wie sie meistens erzählen, die ersten, die ein Land wie Rhodesien schufen. Die Deutschen Siedler hatten das erste Rhodesien geschaffen, einschließlich einer umfassenden technologischen Infrastruktur (Eisenbahnnetz, Straßen usw.) und waren bereits dabei, die dortige technologische Zivilisation immer weiter voranzubringen. Eine umfassenden Breitenbildung und ein Ausbildungssystem für alle gab es schon damals, und umfassende Bewässerungssysteme waren ebenfalls im Aufbau. Das perfide Albion brachte diese Entwicklung jedoch schlagartig zum Stillstand. Eines von zahlreichen illustrierenden Dokumenten:
„Deutsches Land in Afrika“, 1939: .
[2] Michael Winkler Pranger: „Isch Disch Messer! (11.1.2012)“
[3] „A win-win plan to solve for good America’s perpetual black problem; How Hitler could have solved the Russia problem“,
[4] Chinas kommendes Dürre-/Hungerproblem wird in diesen Conrebbi-Videos beschrieben:
1. „Indien meldet sich ab“ (15 Minuten),
2. „China- ohne Mampf keinen Kampf“ (19 Minuten),
3. „Staudämme und die Dimensionen der Gegenwart“ (14 Minuten),
Danke für den ausgezeichneten Kommentar, obwohl gen 1914 die übrigen Europäer anderer Meinung waren. Gerade das wilhelminische Deutschland brachte alleine durch Taktlosigkeit, und trotz allerbesten Willens und Leistungen sondergleichen, viele gegen sich auf. Hitler gab (in Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier) zu, dass das Herz der Deutschen in Elsaß-Lothringen nach 200 Jahren als französische Provinz nicht zurückgewonnen wurde, als es 1870 ein “Heim ins Reich” gab.
Goethe: “Ein ehrlicher Deutscher ist immer grob.” Das trifft heutzutage nicht mehr zu, aber damals, tja, Goethe sah da ein Problem.
Er sah auch das Judenproblem kristallklar:
Wenn die Deutschen nur einen gesunden Nationalstolz haben, und nicht auf andere Völker herabsehen, dann wird ihnen alles gelingen, denn hochgeachtet werden sie überall, aber nicht geliebt!
Ich selbst liebe das deutsche Volk, und erinnere an die Worte des Theodor Storm:
Hehle nimmer mit der Wahrheit!
Bringt sie Leid, nicht bringt sie Reue;
Doch, weil Wahrheit eine Perle,
Wirf sie auch nicht vor die Säue.
Blüte edelsten Gemütes
Ist die Rücksicht; doch zuzeiten
Sind erfrischend wie Gewitter
Goldne Rücksichtslosigkeiten.
Wackrer heimatlicher Grobheit
Setze deine Stirn entgegen;
Artigen Leutseligkeiten
Gehe schweigend aus den Wegen.
Was du immer kannst, zu werden,
Arbeit scheue nicht und Wachen;
Aber hüte deine Seele
Vor dem Karrieremachen.
Wenn der Pöbel aller Sorte
Tanzet um die goldnen Kälber,
Halte fest: du hast vom Leben
Doch am Ende nur dich selber.
“Goldne Rücksichtslosigkeiten” — Dazugehört, dass man feststellt, dass die Deutschen ruppig sein können, und das ist für sie gefährlich. 🙁
Aber auch für die heutigen Amis….. Supermacht sein ist ihnen in den Kopf gestiegen.
Why nations fall summary:
Here is what happened to Rhodesia..and SA
Thanks, but please do not send any more naked links without introduction. If something is worth reading, it deserves an summary, too. 😉