Sweet ghost of a girl who died of tuberculosis

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The coming religion will not contain any semitic fairy tales, but real experiences by real people.

Just here in Ontonagon, pop. about 1200 nowadays, I have had so many discussions with respected, grounded people — salt-of-the-earth Yoopers, the friendly Upper Midwesterners here in the UP of Michigan — who have experienced supernatural things.

But out of fear of being laughed at, or accused of inventing the story to get attention, they tell only their closest friends and relatives, if that.

The other evening,  a very nice and popular couple told me her story. They are both nice-looking people and she is related to a top town official. Since people tell me these stories in confidence, and I myself am controversial, at least to the hard leftists in this town, I am leaving out or changing identifying details.

The house in question is the one on the Greenland Road across from the old high school, known for being renovated at a snail’s pace by whoever the current owner is, and with insulation panels showing.

Anyway, back in the day, it was being rented by this woman and her then boyfriend (not the current mate), a man with whom she had a daughter.

Jarringly, while “Pat” (I have changed the first name) was cooking in the kitchen, suddenly the voice of a four-year-old girl rang out, calling out : “Mommy!”  Pat was stunned to hear the voice of a strange person in the house, dropped everything and looked around. Nobody there, at least not in the flesh.

She told her boyfriend when he came home, and he was, of course, skeptical, as men tend to be, especially when a woman tells such stories. Women are considered by many men as naive, superstitious, ermotional, and gullible, which sometimes is true.

But then it happened again when he was home. She told me: “He tore that house APART looking for this little girl. The voice was clear as a bell.”

The couple had to leave the tavern to go shopping and then cook supper, but Pat told me that the girl had died long ago of tuberculosis. Her father had been a Major League baseball player with a last name that was something like “Dolek.” What was especially strange is the girl had actually died at age eighteen, and had been a high school teenager at her demise. But the voice Pat and her bf heard was clearly that of a little girl. I am not an expert on ghosts at all, or understand how that could even work.

Pat told me that when she moved away, she turned and called into the house “Bye, Jean.” She said, “I was never afraid of her. It was not like a haunting or a poltergeist, just a sweet little girl who somehow thought I was her mom. When we left, because this was spooky, I just did not want her to follow me to our new house! 😉 ”

My Austrian in-laws (Kajetan and Liselotte Atzl) from my first marriage, to their daughter Gerda, told me that several times they saw a ghost in their house. It was of an old lady with white hair, walking up a staircase way in the back of the house that no longer was located there, but had been torn down and relocated to the middle of the house.

Brandenberg, Tyrol


Tyrol, Austria has wonderful alpine mountains and gorgeous folk costumes.

Death announcement in 2013 for Kajetan, a very hard-working, friendly and brilliant man, baker and father of seven good kids. He owned a huge personal library, and would have gone to college had it not been for the war and postwar hardships.

I saw Kajetan in 1999 and again in 2004. He understood all about the JQ,

…..and also reincarnation, reading the works of a mystic called Jakob Lorber (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakob_Lorber).

Lorber reported via what is called “automatic writing,” among other things, on what happened in the afterlife to a leftwing Jew named Robert Blum who got shot and killed by the police during the 1848 leftist uprising in Vienna, Austria. It was all about reincarnation.

I was honored and touched that my ex-in-laws, long after I and their daughter divorced, loved me and were always glad to see me, talk with me, and ask me what I thought about things going on in the world.

Liselotte told me that during the war she had been a fervent Hitler girl (Hitlermädchen). At the very, very end of the war, in April 1945, the Waffen-SS came several times to draft Kajetan, then age 17, but his family, fearing he would be killed for nothing fighting General George Patton’s Third Army, hid him in a fake chimney they had erected with bricks.

A number of times Kajetan would take off his spectacles and scrutinize me with his piercing blue eyes as I conversed, as if he were trying to figure something out about me.  🙂 ….maybe along the lines of “How on earth does it come about that this Amerikaner speaks perfect Austrian dialect without an accent, and knows all about the Jews?”

A fine man he was. Maybe Kajetan is watching over me now. 🙂







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