Bright supporter writes how he discovered me; the curse of ego

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Hello, Mr. de Nugent:

[edited to remove any identifiers, make the prose perfect for publication,  and with photos and content inside asterisks that were added by me]

Me again.

You mentioned 1984 as the year you had the realization about the need for a new religion. Interesting, because that year always had a powerful meaning to me. Even though I was only [] years old in that year, I always remember it as being a special year, one of particular brightness and happiness. I don’t remember too many details without deeply meditating on it, but I always remember that it was a great year in my life. Now I see another reason it was great because it was when you had your realization. …. and not only that, but what looks to be the proper structure/framework for it to be something truly legendary.

You have cited Mormonism as being the most recent example of the power of religion. I agree — it has many great tenets to be borrowed from, as you stated. I’ll also say that Ben Klassen, despite the many faults in his writings, did have a good chapter on Mormonism that brought up some of these points. He also could not help but notice the incredible success of that religion, despite what he thought was some really crazy and bizarre tenets. So Mormonism is quite amazing actually, but, as you said, we need something better.




San Francisco 49ers quarterback Steve Young, a devout Mormon, wins the 1994 Superbowl and is the Most Valuable Player. (He is also a direct descendant of Brigham Young.)



Just a little on how I came across you, in case it is of any value to you:

I initially came across something by you on YouTube, maybe a year or two ago, and I was impressed.



Perhaps some things were a little too far out for me at that time, however (perhaps some still are, but I keep an open and scholarly mind while furthering my research and education). Not sure if it was some “far out” material, but something pushed me away. Might even have been some slander I saw and didn’t get past at the time. I also remember trying to access your website, but was unable to do so and that could have been the biggest issue. After that, you went down the memory hole for me until I rediscovered you again recently. Of course, I’m very pleased I can now access your site and all your entries, but let me tell you how I rediscovered you.

So what ended up sort of randomly causing me to find you again was David Duke. I have been, off and on, reading some of his material and listening to his shows for the last two to four years. About a year ago, after a week or two of listening to his daily shows, I just had enough because he just kept repeating the same things over and over again without any suggestions for a true, positive course of action against the evil injustice and jewish supremacism he constantly cites. Even though he stated a lot of facts, it just got tiresome and I grew suspicious of him for some reason. Part of that reason being some of the people he associated with, like [Richard] Spencer and “Augustus Invictus.” Some of the Charlottesville videos I saw of them at that time just seemed weird to me as well.

So perhaps six months passed, and while reading some of “Judas Goats”, I saw that author [Michael Collins] Piper was confident Duke wasn’t a Judas goat himself, while calling out [Ann] Coulter and many others. So again my mind opened up to revisiting him. I had his Jewish Supremacism and/or My Awakening on audio book. At this time I started to wear out my audio books, with more than once having listened to Imperium, Mein Kampf, the Enemy of Europe and [Creativity fonder Ben Klassen’s] Nature’s Eternal Religion/WMB.

(I agree with you about the latter being a dangerous dead end, and, ironically, atheistic! Klassen was passionate and informative about the Jews, but just spewed excessive hate and a refusal to cooperate with other races).

Also, [I got into] some Revilo Oliver and gripping Dr. Pierce audios. So now I decided to check out Duke’s My Awakening again.

I had tried listening to some of it before, and just couldn’t get into it. I tried again, but this time skipped some of the stuff I already knew about or had heard pieces of before. The last 25% or so was really powerful and he started captivating me again, and getting me a bit fired up. No doubt many of his accomplishments are impressive and he’s smart and well-read. I started thinking he’s the real deal again, and that I should buy his book and maybe start donating…but before I started taking those steps I wanted to remove that nagging suspicion that was still slightly present. So I started a little web search. I wanted to know more than he himself, the mainstream media or the ADL were giving us. The exact search I did is escaping me at the moment, but your site came up on the first page, and there I discovered some very interesting stuff. 😉



The information you shared about Duke was quite riveting and eye-opening. It was what I was looking for and it all made sense. Wow, how his appearance changed! He likes his surgery. He is a high-octane guy, however, and now he is trying to sell himself as the true-patriot truthteller with the proof being that the ADL listed him as the top threat. But at the same time he is going completely non-violent pacifist (even more than before), which is what they really want, so maybe he is in league with them now?

He doesn’t even cite a willingness to use violence in self-defense or counter attacks. I don’t like violence, but if it is necessary for the defense of our people and culture we should become tigers.

So anyways I read most of the stuff you put up there about him, and I think you did it in a noble way, considering the ruthless attacks he and others put up against you. I really respected your righteous/necessary counter-attack and the valuable information you gave.

None of these guys have the answers, in my opinion. They just string people along to endlessly spin their wheels hopelessly. Well, then again, if they continue to send more people your way, then they do have value. (When I say “they,” I mean others as well whom you beautifully counter-attacked, like Jared Taylor). They do open eyes, but if those eyes don’t get sent here, it is most likely for naught.

So in summary, since this rediscovery a new, brighter world of unapologetic truth has been opened up to me with your work. One that has hope and that can help liberate the fear. To walk tall, with eternal love, in the truth.



I replied.


Dear []:

Thanks for your many cogent emails, and once again, pls accept my gratitude for the $25 Barnes & Noble gift card, which I applied to purchase, used, a book by the Indian sage Aurobindo on the Bhagavad Gita.

Sorry, but I am very pressed today with many tasks, both very important for our cause but also mundane things. Margi is in the recovery phase from her cancer and those 34 radiation sessions were brutal. She is still very weak, weighing 84 pounds, and I crush up various pills for her feeding tube three times a day, among other things. But in every way she is doing better. And that is a huge relief after months of nightmarish suffering and a simply staggering expense of money and of precious time.

But I learned a ton from this experience, and, well, cancer is now the lot of 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women. Nietzsche once said only the person who identifies totally with humanity — sees himself fully in its joys and suffering — can win it over.

But I know both David Duke and David Irving [whom he mentioned in another email] very well. Both, sadly, have huge, narcissistic egos and have terrible reputations for mistreating, using and lying to people that support them, for all their truly excellent content.

And that comes from atheism, which both are guilty of, which also means not seeing the divine in the other person, because they do not believe in anything divine except themselves. 😉

….and their sins come from not grasping (not wanting to grasp) reincarnation, which means understanding we are all just learners, and no one here truly is a hotshot — or we would not be here on this 90% young-soul planet.

I am just a learner, maybe a senior learner, but also just someone learning and growing. Mainly, I am learning this: how to create a religion that is 100% truthful, absolutely Aryan and in harmony with our nature, containing no myths, semitic or other, or toxic values — and yet it also must stir up the passions so we will fight.

Btw, Andrew Anglin, for all his Boomer- and woman-bashing, nails it here about our flabby, unheroic masses:

Following the Disgusting Display in Virginia, We Can Hopefully Stop Hearing About Impending Violent Revolution

Gustave Le Bon, my great guide in my last life, would say that it is impossible to have a religion sweep the world that is based on truth.

The masses want to be pleased, and have their egos tickled, which then swell up with how special and wonderful they now are. 😉

Judaism and Islam are perfect examples of successful religions founded, not on reducing the ego, but instead swelling it! Then they go out and rape, torture, enslave and slaughter other people!

Reincarnation also means this, that although you are younger than I, who knows who you were in your last life? Maybe you were a very accomplished man….but with certainty you were an avid learner who wanted to grow, and so you are now, once again. 🙂

We, as national socialists 2.0, will make the perfect decisions needed to win this thing when stripped of personal ego.

It is then no longer about me, but always thinking “we.”

And that makes us lovable, and so we will love ourselves again, as individuals and as a race — and have a new, quiet, solid self-esteem (not an Irvingesque arrogance or a Dukish skirt-chasing), and it comes from this bedrock foundation: our every action is consistent with our goals.

Then we can hold our head high. We serve God and man with every ounce we have!

I’ll make a blog of all this. 🙂

Thanks again for all you do for me and for your own dharma, the tasks you accepted before you re-entered this world in the 1970s. You are succeeding in your life on an exceptionally difficult planet, this earth.



Speakers at the Duke conference (I am second from the left) in Memphis, Tennessee in Nov. 2008. As we stood around for 15 minutes, Duke simply monologued and said basically nothing as we and the audience got uneasy. Margi and I drove 900 miles in an ancient Honda to help Duke by being speakers after several other speakers had bailed out due to Antifa harassment.


Three of the speakers have left the Cause since then: Holappa (far left), after becoming Duke’s homie; Duke’s own longtime gf, a Russian named Maria (he refused to have kids with her); and Derek Black (second form right, next to his father, Stormfront owner and JdN-slanderer Don Black). The brutal truth, and I know whereof I speak — Duke does not want kids or to be a father. He only wants women to give him blow jobs. That’s a great way to grow our race! 😉

I opened my ten-minute speech with this: “Namaste! This means, in the ancient Aryan language called Sanskrit: “I worship the god within you.” In fact, we all come from another dimension down to this sometimes awful place.  If you are here, you agreed to be here, as I did — in order to love, learn and grow.





  1. Umfeld des Verfassungsschutzes beim INSZENTIERTEN Lübcke-Mord !

    Schon der – SOGENANNTE – “NSU” war der von den kriminellen DIENSTEN inszenierte STARTSCHUSS für den “Kampf gegen rechts” !!!
    Das setzt sich bis heute fort z.B. in Form
    MAXIMAL manipulierter und VERLOGENER “Statistiken” zu “angeblich” rechtem Antisemitismus.
    Das DRECKS-REGIME ist und bleibt eine ekelhaft-kriminelle Saubande.

    Die Geschichte, auf die sich die Anklage gegen den so genannten „Nationalsozialistischen Untergrund“ stützt, ist so hirnverbrannt und abwegig, daß selbst die Brüder Grimm sich standhaft geweigert hätten, sie in ihre Märchensammlung aufzunehmen. Der Froschkönig und Hänsel und Gretel sind dagegen noch plausible Geschichtsschreibung.

    So geht das offizielle NSU-Märchen:

    – Es waren einmal eine Gärtnerin, ein Schulabbrecher und ein Datenverarbeitungskaufmann. Nur einer von ihnen hatte eine militärische Ausbildung – gerade einmal ein Jahr Grundwehrdienst.
    – Sie beschlossen, eine Terrororganisation zu gründen.
    – Wie im schlechten Film waren sie als Terroristen sofort perfekt. Schwierigste Mordaktionen führten sie durch, auf Mossad-Niveau. Die Polizei tappte im Dunkeln.
    – In ihrem Bekanntenkreis wimmelte es von Spitzeln des Verfassungsschutzes. Aber keiner bekam etwas mit.
    – Sie töteten von 2000 bis 2006 9 Zuwanderer aus der Türkei und Griechenland. Ihr Ziel: Schrecken unter Ausländern zu verbreiten, damit die Deutschland verlassen.
    – Aber sie ließen den Eindruck stehen, die Türkenmafia stünde hinter den Taten. Deshalb blieben die Türken in Deutschland. Die Türkenmafia hatten sie schließlich auch in ihrer Heimat.
    – Die Terroristen machten trotzdem weiter. Zwar produzierten sie ein Bekennervideo. Aber sie veröffentlichten es nicht.
    – Türken ermorden, aber als Türkenmafia auftreten, das führt zu keiner Massenflucht in die Türkei. 6 Jahre lang leuchtete ihnen das nicht ein.
    – Plötzlich beschlossen sie, eine deutsche Polizistin zu ermorden. Einfach mal so, ohne den Schatten eines Motivs.
    – Und dann, ab 2007, machten sie 4 Jahre Urlaub.
    – Ihre Wohnung glich einem Kriminalmuseum. Sie horteten massenhaft Beweismaterial, Tatwaffen und Beutestücke, von denen sich später die meisten als feuerfest erwiesen, als ihre Wohnung abbrannte.
    – 2011 überfielen sie eine Bank. Die Beute von einem früheren Überfall nahmen sie zu der Aktion mit, in Original-Behältern, mit Original-Banderolen. Einmalig in der Geschichte der Bankräuber. Bonnie und Clyde hätten gestaunt.
    – Sie, die eine Polizistin erschossen und bis an die Zähne bewaffnet waren, verzichteten auf einen Schußwechsel mit der Polizei. Sie begingen lieber Selbstmord. Einer erschoss den anderen. Dann erschoss er sich selbst, und danach lud er seine Waffe noch einmal durch.
    Diesen Schwachsinn sollen wir glauben. Wenn nicht, sind wir Verschwörungstheoretiker. Aber jede Verschwörungstheorie ist besser als das.

  2. Dear John, I have often wondered if one of the reasons our civilisation is collapsing and becoming more degenerate is that white people who have passed away are actually looking at our world and refusing to be reincarnated.

    My theory is that our ancestors are so disgusted with us that most are saying “to hell with them.” This is actually having a snowball effect, as only young, inexperienced souls are being reincarnated into white bodies, so each generation becomes more morally and spiritually decayed than the previous ones.

    • Great comment and a very understandable theory of our decline.

      I will address this soon.

      But some of the best are also reincarnating, out to slay dragons. This earth is a wonderful place for those seeking the path of the hero.

      As I was flying south to Marine Corps bootcamp, a kid was on the same plane heading for Army bootcamp. When he heard I had signed up for the Marines, he asked me, his eyes wide with wonderment:

      “Why would you join the Marines? That is SO MUCH HARDER!”

      I replied: “BECAUSE it’s harder!”

      The dude was like:


  3. I read the excellent article below but I think something is corrupted with the page FYI. I couldn’t click on any link or even copy text. I could not listen to the Mathews speech. Also two lengthy parts repeats itself twice. If you get to fix that let me know as I want to read a page linked there and also listen to the Mathews speech!

    That email from Metzger was great and informative and I learned it was his son involved with the melee that broke giraldos big nose!

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