Trump bans any more horrible, modern, concrete federal buildings in the “brutalistic” style; he and Melania award medal to sick Rush Limbaugh w/Stage IV cancer

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The hideous J. Edgar Hoover building in Washington DC — the FBI headquarters — commemorates a hideous tyrant who helped to have President John Kennedy, his brother, Senator Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King (for denouncing the Vietnam War as lining the pockets of Wall Street) and John Lennon killed (after his own death), and many, many others.

The Boston City Hall is another utter monstrosity.

Boston used to be a paragon of traditional and beautiful structures. Here is the Boston Public Library, one of the first and largest lending libraries on earth:

The gorgeous old Faneuil Hall from colonial Boston, where Senator John Kennedy, running for president, spoke on Election Eve in November 1960.

Here (bottom photo) my daughter Ingrid spoke at a conference on the oceans and pollution, and the Chief of Naval Operations (the head of the entire United States Navy) is listening to her. 🙂 Ingrid just turned 40, btw, has a master’s degree from the elite Duke University in North Carolina, is happily married with two twin daughters, and is a very successful environmental-law advisor. (Sadly, she totally rejects my political and racial views, partially from coming under the influence of her academic advisor at the U. of New Hampshire, one Stanley Rosenberg.)

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Michael Williamson
His Greco-Roman architecture executive order?

Btw, I enjoyed his SOTU address; pissing all over Obama’s presidency; refusing to shake Nancy Pelosi’s hand; and giving Rush Limbaugh [a major talk-radio conservative for decades] the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Love him or hate him, Rush has had a profound impact on America in the last 30+ years.


Michael Williamson
My favorite part of the SOTU; Rush Limbaugh getting the Medal of Freedom. His reaction to getting the Medal of Freedom was quite nice. (Outside of his cochlear implant he is deaf.)


Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh has been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor. First Lady Melania Trump presented him with the honor at the State of the Union address.

This is indeed ugly, but not all modern architecture is. Real simple people have an astonishingly good and fine sense of form and beauty when it comes to buildings and objects of everyday’s life such as cars, stereos and vacuum cleaners.

John De-Nugent

Winston, I completely agree. We as NS are not rejecting modernity —not at all, in fact — just jew-neanderthalic ugliness. (This horrible stuff is even called “brutalism.” How Stalinian!) If modern buildings of glass and steel are designed beautiful, that is great! I always loved the John Hancock [insurance] Bldg., in Boston, in the Back Bay. The two buildings to its right are also very attractive.

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent replied to John
Another view of the Hancock Tower, on Copley Square and right after a Boston Marathon.
Another view of Copley Square:



  1. John, don’t forget the Empire State Building, one of the all-time greats of architecture. What other building would be worthy of King Kong?

    Cosa significa superare il TEMPO?Lo stesso concetto di Immortalità,Arte non ILLUSORIA.
    Catturare il Dio del Tempo-Kronos e liberare l’umanità dall’IllUSIONE del Tempo o da Matrix.
    Di Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli si diceva:”Creava il Suono senza Tempo!”
    Allora si che puoi vedere il suo DIO e percepire la sua Immortalità.
    Cosa mi ha colpito di questo grande pianista?il suo “Facilement-Facilement” che raccomandava sempre ai suoi allievi.
    Lo stesso Leonardo diceva ai suoi allievi:”la simplicité est la plus grande sophistication”.

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