Wall Street Jew Jacob Schiff literally bought the Bolshevik putsch by bribing officers and soldiers with $200 million in GOLD COINS

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Jacob Schiff and Bolshevik Revolution/ No money .. No Revolutions

On February 3, 1949, John Schiff, in an interview with the publication New York American Journal, told the interviewer that his grandfather, Jacob Schiff, had given 20 million dollars to get the “Russian Revolution” going (which was only a Jewish coup). In today’s value that would be close to $200 million.

A large portion of the money from Schiff was given in small denomination gold coins, which were used to purchase officers and soldiers from the Russian garrison in St. Petersburg, and use them as the foundation for the new Red Army.


And so a bizarre scene described by Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his trilogy The Red Wheel, about WWI, becomes comprehensible.

When the putsch beaks out, and the sky is full of smoke and the sounds of gunfire, the elite Preobrazhenski Regiment marches out to the main square.

And just stays there.

For hours.

Then it returns to its barracks.

On July 14, 1789, when the “French Revolution” broke out, the same kind of thing happened. The royal regiment just a few blocks from the Bastille did nothing all-day long.

As Captain Ramsay wrote in his brilliant The Nameless War,” the Jews 1) undermine the popularity of the ruler, 2) bribe the military and cops to do nothing, and then 3) they strike ultra-violently, and decisively.

Huge bribes and blackmail — they work every time.


And this is why Pelley said what he did, so abandon all your facile, bandaid “solutions”:


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