Thoughtful email & a passionate comment

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As top translators of Degrelle into English, we get this French magazine from the “Circle of Leon Degrelle friends” six times a year.

The motto of this issue, February 2020, is a Degrelle quote: “To fight for freedom is to already be free.”

Yes, free of fear, free of cowardice, free of collaboration, free of despicable silence and free of the horrible conscience from which all men (and women) subconsciously suffer who know, deep down, that they should be working — day and night – and with every breath and heartbeat to prevent a gruesome, total white genocide. Seeing the hell that is now South Africa tells us clearly what awaits us on our present course.

…Major donor writes

Hi, John,

The name of the hardcover book I have of “Campaign in Russia” is named “The Eastern Front: Memoirs of a Waffen SS Volunteer 1942-1945”. It says on it, so perhaps you’re aware of it, since I believe at some point I saw you mention you worked with the IHR.


I opened it up on a previous Monday and read a few random parts. So glad I got the paper copy. After reading a couple of parts I was so moved again that I immediately ordered a copy to be sent to my uncle.

For some reason it briefly brought tears to my eyes as I again experienced some of the horrors of that campaign.

It wasn’t really the horrors that begat the tears, I think, but it was the sadness and despair of the soldiers who knew they couldn’t cope, and that they would soon be lost “forever” to their comrades and to their loved ones back home.

Their journey was soon to end as fighting martyrs, but not in vain — only [via reincarnation] to be reborn again, to experience the joy and love of a wonderful new family, and new, beautiful opportunities.

I turned to the page about the story of the night of Christmas Eve in 1943 when 15 people in Degrelle’s division killed themselves in their final, crushing despair. Immediately after that, which probably prevented even more suicides, a heavy Russian attack suddenly struck at midnight which kept the division fighting all night to prevent the Russians from crossing the river.

I also turned to the page with the part of a big, witty, popular and courageous platoon leader who got shot up in the stomach with submachine gun fire during an assault. He miraculously survived despite massive internal injuries. After eight months of healing he joined his unit again at the front. Some time shortly after returning he realized that his body was too permanently damaged, and he could never be near the same because of all the massive scar tissue from his belly wounds.

He was unhappy with this and felt he was letting his comrades down, so he went by the river and blew himself up to smithereens with a 1kg mine. Some vertebrae and one of his lungs was all that was left of him. Degrelle had a descriptive way of writing, and that really stuck in my head.

Anyways, you are a good man, John, and you are lifting me up to be a better man. Albeit perhaps a man with a shorter lifespan, this way — but there is more to life than living to an old and decrepit age.

The right things to do are sometimes difficult, risky and dangerous things. That’s life. It can end in a flash. In any case, life will go on, and I must follow a path that chances me a decent spot in the next one (thanks for sharing that song “Highwayman” with me, BTW… That was my first time hearing it after your recommendation — and it’s great!)


It is funny how when people move away from atheism, fear will work to try and call them back to it. That deeply ingrained “But what if this one life is all there is?” mentality pulls them back down to the “anything goes, so pleasure first” attitude of real atheism.

I NEVER considered myself an atheist (which I defined as denying and/or rejecting the existence of God/creator/divinity), but looking back at my behavior, at times it showed I was acting like one! Being an atheist without even knowing it — wow. That was quite an interesting and unnerving revelation.

I did consider the possibility that I was agnostic at times of my life, since I haven’t found a way to really prove God or the afterlife. It seems to mostly come down to faith but also some logic as well, I believe. When pondered deeply, life after death becomes logical. At times I have seen that logical truth, but stress, worry and fear often creep in and obscures that enlightenment.

Even when we get over our fear of death, which is one thing I have done, there are many other things to fear that are indeed, quite worse than death [= the karma of cowardice, collaborating with the enemy, and treason]. You have illustrated some of these things in some of your articles, and it is important, because it is our life and soul we are talking about here.

But losing that fear of death doesn’t mean we roll over and die, of course. It should simply mean we live life on a daily basis with honor, love, courage, purpose, and strength. To fearlessly protect, preserve and promote all the high and noble levels of goodness, beauty and truth.

You do these things. You are an inspiration and example to many people, to those who will hear, to press on towards higher levels of greatness in this oftentimes tough and challenging world we live in.

Thanks again for all the great work you do.


…..I replied


Dear [],
Thanks for this email, which I made into an article here: [this one]
What overcome my own atheistic moments was I kept having supernatural experiences, which convinced me, encouraged me, made me grateful, and they showed me I was expected to push on by a loving and powerful being I did not want to let down.
Thanks for your great support.



……Fiery Italian lady comrade writes:


[] Ti spolpano pure delle ossa questi grandi Bastardi!

Come si può avere pietà di questi rettili?Io non porgo l’altra guancia al NEMICO. Sono l’unica ragione che mi fa davvero andare in bestia in questo mondo.

[….] Ecco, gli angeli hanno questa grande abilità di manovrare gli eventi.

Solo io mi sono resa conto di tutto ciò.

A parte che mi “torturano” continuamente con frasi, musiche, film.

Se diventi “PAZZA” per amore è già Almeno sto SU e non GIÙ come un tempo e non ti senti vuota dentro.

Ma solo l’Idea che ti abbiano potuto mettere le mani addosso mi fa star Male, è come sentirli addosso.

Sono poca cosa i miei incubi.

Ti uccide più di un proiettile; la differenza è che poi sei libero, così invece sei schiavo a Vita.

Ma questo la gente non lo capisce (o fa finta) dovrebbero rivoltarsi in massa contro queste porcherie invece.

Questo mi fa incazzare ancora di più.

Eppure sapete leggere, passate le ore a leggere stronzate su FB, guardare gossip e telenovele.

Dio Santo, come siete stupidi e codardi! Prendere PACE per me vuol dire spazzarli via dalla faccia della TERRA.

Una cosa che ho imparato da mio marito è quella di non assecondare mai nessuno nel suo vittimismo, nel suo sto con Gesù e gli Angeli, nelle sue stupide motivazioni.

No, ti sei venduto al nemico! È bene che qualcuno te lo dica, che qualcuno ti sbatta in faccia la Verità! Non stai proteggendo la tua famiglia – No! È il pacchetto regalo che stai facendo al tuo tuo nemico.

Vi siete assicurati il vostro angolo di Paradiso? No! Avete aperto le porte dell’Inferno! 

Per questo a volte mi fa arrabbiare che non posso dire la Verità perché questa gente stupida potrebbe prendersela con la parte più debole di me, i miei figli!

E devo trovare una via di mezzo che non mi piace affatto.

Ecco che se lotti da solo è un Bene, possono colpirti di meno! Tu ne sai qualcosa. La tua Margi era consapevole di questo rischio, credimi.

Ma qualcosa ha girato nel verso giusto!! La tua lotta è stata ripagata -continua john, noi angeli abbiamo bisogno di te! Qui nessuno alza il culo.

Anche io ho bisogno di te.

E non ti abbandono.


These great bastards have also stripped you of the bones!

How can one ever take pity on these reptiles? I don’t “turn the other cheek” to the ENEMY. They are the only thing that really makes me angry in this world.

[….] Here, angels have a great ability to maneuver events. Sometimes it seems that I alone here realize this.

Except that they “torture” me constantly with their [degenerate, filthy] phrases, music, and films.

If you become “CRAZY” with love [for national socialism], that is definitely something, isn’t it? At least I’m UP and not DOWN like I used to be, and you don’t feel all empty inside.

But this Great Idea that you put in me also makes me feel bad, because it is also feeling them all the time [the Jews and their lackeys]. 

My nightmares are actually minor. And I sometimes think: just one bullet can kill you, but the difference then is that you are free of them, but now, while we are alive, we are their slaves for life.


But this people [Italians, and other do-nothing goyim] don’t understand any of this  (or pretend not to). They should be turning against this junk. This angers me off even more: They can read-red-read, spend hours reading pure bullshit on FB, and their gossip, and watching soap operas.

Holy God, how stupid and cowardly you people are! The path to PEACE, for me, means wiping them off the face of this EARTH!!!

One thing I learned from my husband is to never let anyone indulge in his pitiful victimhood, and especially not in their stupid mindset of how they will someday “be up with Jesus and the angels.”

No, you sold your soul to the enemy! It is good now that someone tells you — that someone slams in your face The Truth!

[By staying silent and doing nothing] you are not “protecting your family”! No!

This bull is the gift package you are giving to your EGOIC yourself as your own worst enemy.

Have you secured your corner of paradise? No! You have actually opened the gates of Hell!

This is why sometimes it makes me angry that I can’t say the truth everywhere because these stupid people could take it out on the vulnerable part of my life, my children!

And I have to find a middle ground in terms of speaking out that I don’t like at all.

So if you fight alone, John [I mean with no children] it’s, in a way, a good thing. They can wound  you less this way! You know plenty about this. Your Margi was aware of this risk, too, believe me.

But I feel that something has turned around now, and in the right direction !! Your fight has paid off.

Continue, John, because we, human angels, do need you! Here nobody moves his butt at all.

I need you, too.

And I won’t abandon you.



…..My reply to both comrades

I profoundly appreciate your words of warm encouragement.

And you should know that soon, between the Coronavirus and the Erdogan-Syria-Russia crises, I will finally make my own move in the very near future, and before it is too late.

It is time to stop blogging about the newsmakers, and start to make the news myself.

It is a fateful step to step up and take on the whole jew world. And to do it without a dime, just as in 1920, exactly one hundred years ago.


It is a moment to gulp before you say “I was the man who, you have been taught one thousand times, was the most evil man who ever lived.”

And it is you, the white masses, and especially the American white masses, who have enabled the Jews to destroy humanity.

And especially you, Donald Trump, back when you were the dynamic American general George Patton, the one US Army general whom we Germans respected for quality, not quantity. You realized way too late that the JEWS were the real enemy of America, not the Germans! 

And there can be no compromise with them, Donald! You have given the Jews and Israel everything, and they still fear and hate you! Watch out!

One is never ready enough to try to tell our race the whole ghastly truth — but this is it.

I have a strategy, and I just have to execute it now. The time is now.

Before we are genocided.






If it takes 25 generations and I must return 25 times, we will annihilate this great evil and live as free men, happy women and glowing children on our native soil! I do not shrink from this task – I welcome it!





  1. I like the things this Italian woman says. Suicide must never be an option for any of us. As long as you have a tongue to speak and a mind to think, you can do something. Every day you live is another day to deny the enemy its victory.

    • I could not agree more and it is a sign of how pitiful our people are that at least five WNs I knew have killed themselves — one was a Dominik Lewitzke, in June 1980, national membership secretary, right at NSWPP headquarters in Arlington — when there are child molesters and other ARCH-criminals galore out there “to take with them.”

  2. I met Lewitzke once, a good soul. What a waste. Somebody on staff designed a swastika sticker that said “Lewitzke was right”. It was supposed to be a dark salute, but to this day it does not sit right with me.

    • I knew him, Koehl, Martin Kerr, Fred Verduin, Cooper (well), and many others.

      In my view, they all were sincere, whatever their flaws or talent level. The wrangling came because we all were frustrated. The results were clearly so meager. We were all sacrificing everything for the white masses who were deaf, dumb and blind. 😉

      Back in the 1970s the country was also still 85% white and more or less morally intact. THAT was the time, on paper, for a relatively painless white revolution.

      It was so frustrating that people just refused to hear the plain truth that can save their lives.

      And I knew from the start it would be thus. When I first walked into the bldg on Franklin Road, I had this dark feeling: “Here we go again.” 😉

      I KNEW we would be breaking our backs for almost nothing except good karma.

      After I moved across town to work for Dr. Pierce, who was himself totally NS and had been on excellent terms with Rocky, I spent three years there and then threw in the towel in terms of the traditional approaches.

      “There is something seriously wrong with people.” That realization haunted me. And now it has to end.

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