Cruelty of Facebook – now 90-day suspensions

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A German female friend of mine over in Bavaria just got one of the new three-month suspensions for a pun involving her white horse….. for labeling a photo of him “White Power.”


It has struck me how the Jews love isolating us and increasing our loneliness.

I am blessed at least to have Margi in my life as a devout national socialist and that she seems to gradually be doing very well now.

(Tomorrow we drive ten hours to the Mayo Clinic for her big PET scan, which will tell for sure if the cancer is behind her. All other indicators so far are good.)

I am near the end of my latest 30-day suspension on Faceberg. Margi posted this for me on my page there.

When those things happened in the past, I just increased my activity over on VK. Then VK, succumbing to Jew pressure, suddenly deleted my account — and that of hundreds of other WNs!

It has struck me for years now how intense social-medium activity on my part resulted in almost NO increase in traffic to my website.

I thought that was strange, since I posted links to my articles and promoted their contents. But in reality humans are profoundly social animals, and often feel a huge need to just “hang out” with their friends, express themselves, have maybe a laugh or two, and see what others are thinking and saying.

So it is truly vicious to suspend people for ninety days over a friendly pun, one which, objectively, did not even criticize other races at all.

But it is all good. FB is also a way to waste time, preach to the choir — our posts are so shadow-banned and unshared anyway that they only reach 20 or so people even if we have, as I do, 1800 friends — and in terms of effectiveness, they do almost nothing.

FB is now a placebo. Doing something while doing nothing.

Using Antifa, they prevented us from holding physical meetings. Now they are closing down our virtual meetings via the Internet.

I feel compassion for our suffering race.

And rage that a Jew or Antifa FB employee can censor us for opposing our own torture, rape, beating, replacing and genocide.


An Aryan religion that takes away a groundless fear of death and gives us a grounded fear of a coward’s karma will take us to the next, unavoidable stage.



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