Gosia against reptilian “peace-and-love nonsense” with fake Nordics and Pleiadians

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Agrippa, a Nordic Roman. The gorgeous Pantheon, still standing after 2,000 years, was ascribed to him. There are earthlings who have incarnated here from elswhere. They volunteered to come, learn, grow and help here, living as earthlings, but never are they at home here. 😉

For what it is worth, this Gosia is saying (June 2019) exactly what I have since 2010 — Nordics are not space hippies, but advanced yet real humans with their own problems.

To hammer this home, I will be crude:

They f–k, take a sh–t, have external enemies and internal squabbles, and have both won and lost important battles in a horrible war.

They are neither gods nor angels, or even fantastical “lightworkers” — globes of love and peace.

Gosia also warns the New Age is full of lies and even fake Nordics, who are holographs for reptilians. “All you need is love” is dangerous bullshit.

Unless you mean tough love.

(I will add that it is typically very naive human women who fall for this light-and-peace stuff. Men know the world does not always work this way, and also many sensible women.)

Gosia refers to more advanced beings as in “5D,” and says that worlds above that, 7D and 9D, are where peace, love and order rule. This is more like genuine “angels.”

They help Nordics and they also help us, as former primitive beings like us who have evolved, and who know exactly what we are going through. They love and understand, and know a genuine mistake from lazy, cowardly excuses.

Looking back on many supernatural experiences, some were, IMO, Nordics, and some from higher dimensions, from angels.

This, as I wrote recently, seemed, felt, to me to be a Nordic, cloaked, just standing there in the room. This reading light just activated itself. I had never used this gimcrack at all, but left it on my desk for when the friend who gave it to me came over to visit. As you can see, it takes a real effort to get the button to work. A breeze did not do this. 😉




The coma and NDE which Harvard brain surgeon Eben Alexander, MD experienced was not Nordics, but angels.

Everything is a hierarchy, and that is a key truth that national socialism reflects. Top-down, not bottom-up! The maajority is mediocre, and the best thing is to learn and obey for now, not dream about being the ruler.

“Good old Winnie”…. a bastard, but he had a way with words, and cunning


…..Comment to a comrade

If interested, a comrade wrote this comment (click):

More on why Pleiadians did NOT help Germany very much 1920-45


My reply may be of general interest:

This supposed Rashell identifies herself as a “diplomat,” and IMO she is saying things that advance her agenda, as diplomats do.

And probably her claims also are designed to prevent the Gosia channel from being deleted by the Google Jews, such as, for example, doing some light Nazi-bashing, which Alex Jones, David Icke and many others do as well as “the price of doing business.”

(Look at Trump making nice with the Jews, yet I am certain he loathes them.)

I am not sure how to explain the discrepancy Taygeta-Aldebaran. Maybe “see above”?

Hitler not helping Finland in 1939-40 is an example of brutal Realpolitik, a powerful nation reluctantly not intervening to save a weak one although emotionally it really wants to.

Space is no different. Sometimes you have to let reptilians do their horrid thing. 🙁

Had you read my article on Misch, comrade, you would know that Hitler told Rochus Misch the German A-Bomb would fail to win the war, and just invite a savage, massive Allied poison-gas attack, using 12,000 bombers, on the entire German people to exterminate it.

The German bombs dropped by the Jewmericans on the only two heavily Christian cities in Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, have all the earmarks of being captured (and perhaps improved) German bombs.

Reinforced steel structures were not knocked down by them, just wooden houses.

Sorry, but I also do NOT trust the Causa Nostra site, or not entirely.

The truth is this, that in times of war, when survival is at stake, people are forced to lie, tell half-truths, or hide certain truths.

Adolf kept telling the Germans his miracle weapons (jets, rockets, anti-gravity vehicles, etc.) would win the war.

Maybe they could have, but he knew it was unlikely.

The real and sad truth was he was abandoning Germany with tears, and evacuating the best and brightest, down to the very last second, via U-boats to the Antarctic and Andes.

The miracle weapons just bought Germany more time while he got vital men and materiel off to their distant, southern destinations.

Had I said this honestly after Stalingrad, “The war is lost; we must abandon you to your fate to save a tiny remnant,” German morale would have collapsed, and the USSR would have overrun all of Europe, right to Lisbon.

Then a NKVD nightmare would have begun for those Western Europeans. Then a Bolshevik Europe would have been used to conquer England, then, over time, even America.

Let us remember this:

The Nordics, whether Pleiadians, Aldebarans or others, are also at war.

“In war, truth is the first casualty.”

A husband might tell his wrinkly, 85-year-old wife she is beautiful. Is it a lie? 😉 If so, well, it is a loving lie. 🙂

Margi’s parents were like this, loving and pampering each other to the very end.


As Edgar Cayce said, we are judged by our motives and our efforts, not by immediate “success,” because that is not always possible right away.

In the end, we must do what is right, and let the gods judge what was in our hearts. 🙂

And I don’t give a flying f—k what others do or duck.

I will do MY duty, and die with my head held high. If we all adopted this attitude — I answer to God — the problems we have will take care of themselves. Just do your duty.


Just do it.




  1. Hi John,

    I was just curious if you are aware of the recent stir the author Christopher Bjerknes has been making by claiming Hitler was both a Communist and Zionist agent. The following debate was between Dennis Wise (creator of the documentary The Greatest Story Never Told) and Christopher Bjerknes, it got pretty heated and fell apart. Your thoughts on this?


  2. As an interesting sidenote directly describing some of the dilemmas you are touching upon in this article:

    According to the old Norse mythology, your goal is to reach a higher consciousness and understanding. And as a paradox this journey is made possible exactly by the evil/deceit we see around us. It is not the only instigator, but maybe one which more than any other speeds up the process.

    Sleipnir, Odin’s horse, is seen as one of the vehicles towards such a higher state of being. A vehicle known for its speed and that it can travel across everything.

    Interestingly enough, Sleipnir is an offspring of Loki, the deceitful/evil one among the demigods.

    As to ‘tough love’ – I’ll call that an excellent notion.

    • Yes, there is great wisdom in true, esoteric Odinism. Interesting about Sleipnir, and thanks.

      As with the Greek gods, there is a trivial, mundane aspect to things: gods flying around, fighting each other, and (among Greeks and Romans) raping earth women.

      Then there are higher teachings for the few.

      It is too bad that Odinism never evolved into something which could defeat the Pauline version of Christianity with his hyper-toxic “the Jews are still [sic] God’s Chosen People and Jesus was a Jew.”

      But a credible Aryan religion is my mission now.

  3. https://www.lalucedimaria.it/padre-pio-tre-giorni-buio-verita/
    Avevo dimenticato questa profezia.
    La grande Signora annuncia anche questa guerra…dice che il comunismo ateo è la nostra Rovina,che la Russia non sarà consacrata al suo Sacro Cuore Immacolato.
    Parla anche di Nuovo Ordine Mondiale e di questi Demoni che infesteranno il pianeta.
    Ho pensato al Sole nero..al suo risucchio,come qualcosa che purifica il pianeta da questi Rettili.

    • Transl:

      orni-dark-truth /

      I had forgotten about this prophecy.

      The great lady also announces this war … says that atheist communism is our ruin, that Russia will not be consecrated to its Sacred Immaculate Heart.

      He also talks about the New World Order and these Demons that will haunt the planet.

      I thought about the black sun … about its suction, as something that purifies the planet from these reptiles.

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