No Coronavirus panic at Mayo; ridiculous overreaction in Italy & elsewhere; Dr. Oz: it’s just flu — don’t rush out untested vaccines!

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Margi checking in this morning for her PET scan. No panic here, no face masks,  no warning signs or admonitions not to shake hands, etc. (Classic nordic-norwegian looks on the receptionist 😉 ) If the nearly jew-free Mayo Clinic, the best hospital on Earth, is not panicking, why should anyone else?


Italy’s panic shows how not to react:


Dr. Oz: Corona seems like a normal flu; so do not rush out some untested vaccine which could have terrible side-effects!


  1. Esatto,non ci tolgono solo la Vita,ma pure la nostra umanità,i nostri nostra Fede.
    Non farò mai un vaccino…ma ti dirò,qualcosa sta funzionando al Sud,a Napoli;una nuova cura reumatoide che stanno testando su due pazienti,sembra dare buoni risultati!!
    La Cina ci sta aiutando nel frattempo,l’Europa invece ci ha isolati..

    • Transl:

      Exactly, not only do we take away Life, but also our humanity, our affections … our Faith.

      I will never do a vaccine … but I will tell you, something is working in the South, in Naples; a new rheumatoid treatment that they are testing on two patients, seems to give good results !!

      China is helping us in the meantime, while Europe has isolated us ..

    • So far, I still think it is all clickbait (Carlson and Anglin, both bright but not deep, plus many MSM) and the desire for panic and police state by the JWO.

      Anything would be better than mandatory vaccination, sterilization, chipping and cashlessness. That would literally be The End.

      • Mate, you are completely correct. I will never vaccinate myself, EVER.
        MY methodology toward viruses is simple. Stay healthy, stay wary, and close the borders quickly.

        As for a cashless society, it is certainly in the works via this event. & let them crush the cryptos into the dirt. DIRT CHEAP PRICES for the only currency (aside from gold) worth owning.

        I definitely see absolute collapse coming here. Total destruction of the financial system. The birth of their 1 world currency. Own physical.
        I say stay long physical and cryptos, and listen for what the Fed is doing.

        As for Italy “over-reacting”…

        Current death rate, globally – is 6-7%. But China’s data is skewing everything. Let me explain.

        Take a look at China’s Numbers in their outlying provinces. In one province, they are claiming that 1,200 people recovered and 1 died. Its like that for almost all the provinces. Then look at Italy’s death rate. After 12,000 confirmed, and 2000 recovered and dead, they have a “death rate” over 40%. “Death Rate” at first, will be artificially high, b/c early cases are usually severe.

        Now, death rate (dead / (recovered + dead)), and Case fatality Rate (Total dead / Total infected), is completely different. Both are very inaccurate at the start. But within 2 weeks the ‘death rate’ will be more realistic, and we will have more stable numbers, and I’m expecting Italy’s death rate to be about 15%. It’s about 10-15% for all other European countries as well. This data can be found here, at John Hopkins Live Covid dashboard.

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