Gosia on the real nature of petroleum and chemtrails; announcement coming

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Oil spill in 2010 from the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon disaster, which was triggered, such a coincidence, by the Jews on Adolf Hitler’s birthday, April 20th.


The very crust of the earth was punctured by the mad greed of BP. IMO, the leak was never fixed — and incredible quantities of oil continue to gush upwards,  and equally incredible amounts of the toxic and banned, ILLEGAL chemical Corexit are being dumped at night by Air Force planes with spraying devices  into the Gulf of Mexico to hide this on-going disaster. This Corexit changes the oil as it floats to the surface into another substance which is heavy and sinks back down, creating a ghastly coating of sludge all over the floor of the Gulf of Mexico, and possibly affecting the Gulf Stream!!!.


Anyway, I was quite impressed with this video below by Gosia on so-called “black goo,” a comical-sounding term in English which refers to the substance which, in turn, via vast pressures at the bottom of the oceans, produces that black “rock oil” which we correctly call  “petroleum.”

(The phrase “fossil fuels” is, by contrast, a neologism that is a total Rockefeller lie. Oil is not rotting dinosaurs and plants — and thus not something finite at all.)

The Gosia videos are supposedly are interviews of a Pleiadian named Swaruu (or of an ambassador, or a male fighter pilot).

They may be authentic or not. They could be 90% true as a powerful lure to suck us in, with a 10% that is a vicious lie or vicious omission.

This “limited hang-out” is how the movie “JFK” was conceived. It was Israeli-financed, yes, by Israeli arms dealer and confessed Mossad asset Arnon Milchan, in order to ensure that every guilty party in the JFK assassination (CIA, Lyndon Johnson, FBI, rightwing Cubans and Mafia) got rightfully blamed EXCEPT for the main force behind the murder, the Israeli Mossad.

(Kennedy a closet antisemite, was preventing Israel from obtaining nuclear weapons.)

In any case, these Gosia (“Cosmic Agency”) videos on JewTube do cover, and do agree with, very credible, evidence-backed “conspiracy theories” which are out there online and they shed more light on them and their veracity.

Key claims in this video:

One: Earth will never run out of petroleum. The earth makes rock oil, and the more we pump up and out of underground or underwater, the more earth makes to refill the oil pools. Swaruu goes in detail into exactly how this happens.

Two: there was a huge war between earth and a planet called Tiamat, which lost and was literally smashed, and now forms the asteroid belt of our solar system.

The Great Flood on which the Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible reports, and also many other peoples, was another side effect of this war.

And so was the devastation of a once-flourishing Mars.

Mars has a shocking gash (not a round crater, a gash) near its equator.

And it all happened around 10,000 BC, which is also when the Ice Age began to end, the Solutreans were mostly wiped out, and when supposedly the great civilization of Atlantis suddenly went under by a flood.

Three: Chemtrails are reptilian multitasking:

1) change in bad ways and control the climate;
2) involuntary vaccination — chemicals which, once breathed in, inoculate us against our will and knowledge;
3) gradually increasing mind control and also a slow DNA modification;
4) detection via the aluminum in the air by reptilians of the flight paths of any and all air or space craft, human or ET. They want to know where everyone is going.

There is, here again, a very, very tiny bit of Nazi-bashing (here “ruthless Gestapo”), as in a few other videos, but not most.

Is this defamation evidence that the real source of these supposedly Pleiadian communications is not anti-reptilian Pleiadians but actually disinfo from reptilians themselves, controlling and leading the opposition of online anti-NWO truthers?

Or was there indeed a small, ruthless, win-at-all-costs, and rogue operation within the Himmler sub-empire, one which viewed Adolf as too soft and too much of a nice guy (which was a justified concern). If so, was this rogue group willing to deal — mistakenly — even with very dark forces in order to win against the horrible Allies, the end supposedly justifying the means?

Air Force chief Goering, Army chief Keitel, Navy head Doenitz, and SS chief Himmler with the Fuehrer

Or is the Nazi-bashing (à la Alex Jones and David Icke) very simply a reluctant business decision (by Gosia and Robert, or by genuine Taygetans) to bash Nazis (a really small amount, almost “throw away”) to avoid the Cosmic Agency YT channel being deleted by JewTube?

(Both Gosia and Robert seem highly intelligent, enthusiastic, joyful, naive, and totally sincere, btw.) 


…..Margi’s health

I will be making a huge announcement about Margi in the next blog article.






  1. Here is an interesting new article on melt glass found in an ancient human settlement in Syria, which likely wiped out the people living there 12,800 years ago. The scientists speculate that it was fragments of a broken-up comet, but was it really a comet, or nuclear explosions? I suppose it’s possible, but I’ve never read of comets or asteroids causing melt glass – only nuclear explosions:


  2. https://youtu.be/odF1dljsrfg
    Il Coronavirus è solo una “Copertura” a questa invasione.
    La quarantena serve per lo stesso scopo!
    Siamo tutti in prigione…per uscire dobbiamo firmare un’autocertificazione,sennò multe e denunce.
    Mi sembra di vivere qualcosa di Surreale.
    Ovviamente la Gente “Deve” sapere cosa hanno in Serbo queste Canaglie.

    • Transl:

      This Coronavirus is just a “cover” to this invasion.

      Quarantine serves the same purpose!

      W e’re all in a kind of prison now… to get out we have to sign a self-certification, otherwise fines and denunciation to the police.

      I feel like I’m living in something surreal. Of course, people “have to” know what these scoundrels have in store for us.

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