ADL and Demoncrats slam “racist” Trump for calling Corona a “foreign” and “Wuhan” virus

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Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL boss and apparently a reincarnated weasel, says he opposes racism.



This week, Trump was dragged over the media coals for drawing analogies between the “common flu” and the coronavirus, remarking that the former disease has been responsible for far more fatalities to date. And in fact, Trump was correct. It’s easy to forget, amid all the hysteria that has greeted the aspiring scourge, that just several dozen Americans have died from Covid-19. But since there is no vaccination available against the disease, as there is for the common flu, Trump was slammed for not mentioning that information.

In an unusually sober and rational article on Covid-19, published in Slate, Dr. Jeremy Samuel Faust used an ingenious method for calculating the true fatality rate by examining data taken from the “natural laboratory” of the Diamond Princess Cruise ship, which had been quarantined off the coast of Japan with 3,711 miserable passengers on board. Of that number, 705 passengers tested positive for COVID-19, while six passengers — all of them over the age of 70 years old — eventually died from the illness. That put the fatality rate at just 0.85 percent.

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