Jews want Pence to overthrow Trump — who as a skyscraper-builder severely questioned how super steel-hardened WTC could have fallen on 9/11

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This Arab migrant is urging Vice President Mike Pence…

…to misuse the 25th Amendment to overthrow Trump:


Because Mike Pence is the ultimate RINO (a man who would reverse all of Trump’s good policies, which the Jews want to happen) and because as VP he could do a coup, and then become president via this coup, he is the most dangerous man on this earth.

I suspect Trump knows a ton of things which he refuses to say. One is the truth about this Coronavirus. If he really believed it were a pandemic, he would not say this:


Social distancing rules may be relaxed sometime ‘soon’ to prevent “tremendous death” from economic and social depression that could end up worse than the coronavirus itself, President Donald Trump said. “People get tremendous anxiety and depression and you have suicide over things like this. When you have a terrible economy you have death,” Trump said Monday at the White House daily press briefing, adding it would “definitely be in far greater numbers than we’re talking about with regard to the virus.”

And the Jews know he knows and is no willing lackey. Secretly he hates the Jews.

Here he hints at great skepticism about 9/11 and the WTC (“an unbelievably powerful building”) collapsing the day it happened.


In 1974-75 I used to live (white dot) in Brooklyn Heights, across from the WTC part of Lower Manhattan, and saw the buildings being topped off.

I have also been to the WTC, visited the “Top of the World” restaurant there, and saw the gigantic steel outer beams.

…….Recent donations



–23 March 2020 50 euros from M in France with 1) a letter about white religion, and fundamental laws needed for a solid, new white civilization, and 2) a kind note of congratulations to Margi (and me) on her cancer victory

A card from a marina in Brittany, the keltic northwestern corner of France

–23 March 2020 Amazon gift card for $50 from T in Florida

–21 March 2020 $145 and a note from K in New England

–17 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

–10 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

–4 March 2020 50 euros and a card from M in France…

…. who said he especially enjoyed this recent article:

Weird beauty of a Lake Superior winter

–3 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

–29 February 2020 $100 in cash from B in Florida

–28 February 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada


–27 February 2020 $30 Australian, letter and copied material on the Ainu from P. in Australia

–26 February 2020 $88 by check from J in Cicero, Illinois

–24 February 2020 $30 Australian and card

–22 February 2020 two French postcards from the Dreyfus Affair period a century ago for Margi’s project on Dreyfus, showing the massive and successful Jewish effort to get the traitor off


“Rehabilitation of Dreyfus — he rejoins his unit”


–20 February 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card, sending me simply the Gift Card code number.

The comrade also emailed me:

Just saw on CBS News more disgusting nonsense, lies, distortions and demonization of whites over slavery. It was talking about a Texas history book that, God forbid, showed a picture/painting of some slaves that were not being terrorized or tortured — as if they were never well treated.

This coverage can do nothing but further anger and inflame the blacks watching it. It is so patently anti-white and does no one any good. These Jews in charge of the media are really something to be allowing and pushing this crap. They are in favor of this not because they like blacks, about whom they could care less, but because they hate America.


–19 February 2020 genuine Harper’s Weekly issues from 1899 and 1906 glorifying the “poor victim of antisemitism,”  Jew Alfred Dreyfus, showing the massive press campaign to whitewash this arrant traitor — this French army captain sold top military secrets to the Germans for whore, gambling and champagne money  — because the Jews stick up for each other when arrested IF it is a case that can advance their agenda. (Margi and I are finishing a big project on this.)

–18 February 2020 $88 from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper in Nevada

–16. February 2020 $25 via Amazon gift card from D (location unknown)


–11 February 2020 $88 from J in Illinois


50 Euro in aluminum foil with a letter from M in France

–9 February 2020 Book Hollywood Godfather by former Mafioso Gianni Russo from S in Idaho (because of the section on money laundering of Mafia drug money by the Vatican Bank and the murder of Pope John Paul I in 1979–  after only one month in office — because he had resisted this crime!)


–10 February 2020 Israeli stamp glorifying the Jewish traitor Alfred Dreyfus, who sold French military secrets for money for his whores, gambling and champagne — sent from Serbia! (This is for Margi’s and my Dreyfus project.)


–8 February 2020 $50 Australian from J in New South Wales

–8 February 2020 check $50 from an Irish-American in Utah

Digging out every day, and loving the exercise and fellowship with other white snow-warriors

–6 February 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from T in Utah

check for $88 from J in Cicero, Illinois

check for $25 from C in North Dakota


    • Thanks for your query. Now, why do I “think” the Jews want Trump out?

      First, comrade, well, if you are not very familiar with with my work, I do not merely “think” like an amateur, like some Facebook guy out there with a dusty old keyboard with cat hair on it. 😉

      I research and analyze, and unlike all other WNs, I have this combination of skills:

      1) 42 years experience as a WN, activist, and writer.
      2) I also served with distinction in Marine Corps intelligence, had classified access, and also
      3) graduated with high honors from Georgetown.
      4) Also, my father was close to presidents Nixon and Reagan, and was asked twice by the latter to serve as National Security advisor. I learned much from him about war, business and politics.

      Now, to clear the boards, it is just a plain fact that the Jews do hate and fear Trump. (And look esp. at the left, at the Adam Schiffs, Jerry Nadlers, Bill Mahers, etc.)

      And a lot of people hate or merely dislike, especially in the Midwest, where people try to act modest, Trump’s personality because of his swaggering, vanity, narcissism, crudity, potty mouth (“sh–hole countries”), women-groping, and raw displays of a huge ego.

      And the Jews do not accept all his kowtowing to Israel as sincere, just as a tactic to barely, barely placate them “for now.”

      Worst of all from the jew perspective, Trump is heralding a new nationalism, and rigidly enforced borders, whereas the jews want open borders; total and downward race-mixing; gun confiscation; dirt-poor proletarian masses of ignorant goyim; and a merciless one-world government.

      That is THE key problem they have with Trump and his whole political direction. He both openly and via dogwhistling attacked their cherished NWO.

      And things like his banning of the new $20 bill with the negress Harriet Tubman on it just confirms to them that the Donald really is a crafty, hard-core, closet WN.
      The jews watch Trump the same vigilant way that Hitler and Stalin watched each other, despite their August 1939 Non-Aggression Treaty, as both were using the truce to get ready for all-out war with each other until the fateful June 22, 1941, when they openly went at it.

      The jews smell an antisemite in this man who, even worse, is 6’2″, blond-ish, blue-eyed, and is half German-American as well as being, via the mother, half-Scottish (making him a fierce warrior via both parents).

      The entire MSM media, all the RINO, Romney-type Republicans

      1999 —- 2000

      ….and Demoncrats, and 2/3rds of the CIA, FBI, and upper Pentagon types — the luciferian pedophilocracy — have openly opposed him, singled him out for abuse, and have defamed him with ferocity since 2015, when he was just one of the dozen candidates for the Republican nomination for president.

      Now, did you read (and let sink in) my article above? This man knows, as few others do, and said so spontaneously on that very day, that the WTC collapse was not (or not “merely”) from Arabs flying planes. Well, then, who (this is a man who grew up in Jew York) planted the bombs in these highly secured skyscrapers so that they would detonate as the planes struck??

      The Jews clearly fear, of course, any President of the United States, who as CIC of a superpower can himself declare martial law and order anyone arrested under the DDAO (Department of Defense Authorization Act) of 2011.

      And as commander of the gigantic US military, he can overcome any piddly Soros-Rothschild bodyguards, their little Range Rovers, and his troops can storm any Mr-Burns-ian “mansion.”

      The Jews fear even more, and as in the case of President John Kennedy, a 1) charismatic, 2) fearless, 3) pugnacious warrior type who is 4) an astute politician, 5) has hundreds of millions of dollars, so cannot be bribed, can afford bodyguards, food-tasters, private doctors, and secure locations, and 5) secretly loathes Jewry.

      On a deeper level, the top-most, kabbalistic Jews understand that reincarnation is real (not a theory)…..

      ….AND that Trump is literally the reincarnation of the fanatic antisemite, General George Patton.

      Yes, the maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ President Donald Trump (born in June of 1946) is literally the reincarnation of the maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ general George Patton (died in December of 1945), who was a fierce antisemite.

      I might finally recommend, comrade, that you go through the articles at this link, to see that I see things differently from everyone else,and it is all based on 1) wide-ranging life experience and 2) grinding massive amounts of hard facts 🙂

      And now it is time for me to proclaim a militant new Aryan racial religion — so we can stop fearing death, know with certainty that our souls are indeed immortal, and then go out there like the men we are,k and defeat our race & religion-motivated enemies:

      ….Jews, Muslims and Masons

      before they genocide all whites.

  1. Great article, and I agree, but please also consider that the Jewish cabal of international banksters (Rothschilds, etc.) control China and Russia behind the scenes, and of course, openly control Israel as well. All of these are nuclear powers, and if Trump were to declare war on the Jewish banksters, they would have China, Russia and Israel, and possibly other European countries, declare war on the United States – a war which we would likely lose.

    Trump probably knows this, which is why he has been reluctant to take any actions against the Jews, despite their obvious hatred of him, and their obvious attempts to remove him from office. Trump probably also knows that the entire U.S. Deep State (CIA, FBI, etc.) is Jewish-controlled at the top levels, and that they assassinated JFK in 1963 for opposing Israel’s secret nuclear weapons program at Dimona. And like JFK, Trump currently has a treacherous Zionist POS as his VP, who, like the crypto-Jew LBJ, would gladly assume the presidency if Trump were assassinated.

    So, I don’t see a way out for Trump – he’s surrounded on all sides by enemies who want him out of office, one way or another. Let’s hope that what you say about Trump being the reincarnation of Patton is true, and that he has learned well from his previous life when the Jews assassinated him in Germany, because he will need to be a master strategist and tactician in order to defeat such formidable and ruthless enemies.

    • Actually, I do not see Putin or Xi – as individuals – as being Zionist-controlled at all — not as agents, but nationalists who are very afraid of the Jews, rightly so, and “play ball” with them.

      This article with worth reading:

      …and especially this sentence in it:

      The Chinese mind is somewhat insectlike, practical and clear, assessing all issues in strictly utilitarian terms.

      So the Chinese are not naive, and see through the jews like an x-ray. 😉

      Also, the Chinese have a psychopathic side to them, and thus they also see through other psychopaths such as the jews.

      And, to the extent that the Russians are part-mongol, and thus part-East Asian as well, they also see a crook a mile away. They don’t love the jews (not like an Alabama Baptist Born-Again with blue eyes who just loves his Izreeul), but they deal with them pragmatically.

      As China just saw, and here I agree with this Gosia, the US Deep State, run by Jews, inflicted this awful virus on them, though it has reverted now to being normal SARS. Their economy and image have meanwhile taken a huge hit. And I just read an article saying that Mexico will more and more supplant China as a low-wage product supplier that America prefers because it is a neighbor, it is closer, and it has no huge military ambitions, and no nukes, unlike China. (Mexico already makes cars for US and German companies and many electronic items. Every morning I grind coffee beans in a Krups machine — German, yes, but Hecho en Mexico.)

      As for Trump, Gosia says he belongs to a cabal, too, but not the reptilian one [in which the Jews are the main tools].

      This other cabal does not want to exterminate all humans, as reptilians do, just reduce their numbers and exploit them. Literally, they do not want Jews or reptilians killing the goose, humans, who lays their golden eggs.

      So Trump is no angel, but no devil either.

      As when he was Patton, he also simply loves a good fight. You can see it. 😉

      Famous Patton poem:

      Through A Glass, Darkly (1918)

      Through the travail of the ages,
      Midst the pomp and toil of war,
      Have I fought and strove and perished
      Countless times upon this star.
      So as through a glass, and darkly
      The age long strife I see
      Where I fought in many guises,
      Many names, but always me.
      So forever in the future,
      Shall I battle as of yore,
      Dying to be born a fighter,
      But to die again, once more.
      Through the travail of the ages,
      Midst the pomp and toil of war,
      Have I fought and strove and perished
      Countless times upon this star.
      In the form of many people
      In all panoplies of time
      Have I seen the luring vision
      Of the Victory Maid, sublime.
      I have sinned and I have suffered,
      Played the hero and the knave;
      Fought for belly, shame, or country,
      And for each have found a grave.
      I cannot name my battles
      For the visions are not clear,
      Yet, I see the twisted faces
      And I feel the rending spear.
      I have fought with gun and cutlass
      On the red and slippery deck
      With all Hell aflame within me
      And a rope around my neck.
      So as through a glass, and darkly
      The age-long strife I see
      Where I fought in many guises,
      Many names, but always me.
      And I see not in my blindness
      What the objects were I wrought,
      But as God rules o’er our bickerings
      It was through His will I fought.
      So forever in the future,
      Shall I battle as of yore,
      Dying to be born a fighter,
      But to die again, once more.


      So Trump, like Patton, is no secret saint with a rough exterior. No great idealist. Mostly, it is “Make Trump Great Again.” 😉

      This is why I have to step forward, to either help him, or, as in 1941-45, battle him.

      Because he is firmly on track to leading us into WWIII.

      1) China will not take US abuse or Corona blame lying down

      2) Regarding Russia, Pompeo is trying everything to move Belarus from the Russian orbit into the US empire. Now Belarus is 200 miles from Moscow.

      This is extremely serious, like Russia taking over Canada and putting Russian troops and tanks on the US border. Also Putin is furious with Lukashenko for breaking promise after promise of a union of the two Slavic countries, going back to 2009, between two brother nations whose languages are very close and history even closer.

      The Van Rensburg prophecy even foretells a white male US president who succeeds a “black boy,” looks gruff all the time, and has hair like a wig. Turkey is induced to betray Russia, it comes to a regional war that goes global, then nuclear.

      So Trump, by caving to the Jewish and russophobic Deep State, could ironically be the man who destroys this country, not saves it as he intends..

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