Crypto-jew Dr Craig Spencer. Look at that nose in the pic on the right. Note also the fakey WASP name “Craig Spencer.” … LOL, he’s as Anglo-Saxon as “Woody Allen” or “Kirk Douglas.”
No nurses or doctors ever truly “caught Ebola” in Africa – there is no proof of that happening. No American has died from Ebola and look how crazy everyone went back then. This was a CIA mind-control test to see how much Americans would panic and how much of their freedom they would give up if they thought there was a real pandemic. We the People got beaten badly in this psy-op.
Listen to the Dr. Coldwell interview below and look at the facts presented in the article, especially the part about the unreliable PCR tests, the same exact ones being used now to hype Corona by creating false positives.
EBOLA HOAX EXPOSED: The Reality Behind America’s Dreadful Campaign Of Fear
This article is from the leftist, anti-Trump rag “Mother Jones,” and is typical anti-Trump garbage, but it does include a screenshot of Trump’s Twitter criticism of “Spencer.”
The Yahoo article at the top also says that Spencer is “the director of global health in Emergency Medicine at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center.” In other words, he’s the boss of the entire ER system at that hospital, so none of his ER doctors or nurses are going to call him out on his blatant lies about Coronavirus — unless they want to lose their jobs.
Bill Gates (with the often-jewish, weirdly high-pitched voice) pushed global warming and vaccines to depopulate the world even back in 2010:
Wow. I wonder if it was all a put-on by “Spencer.” So many seem to be in collusion with this. So many celebrities are announcing they were tested positive for “Coronavirus”. The news this morning said Prince Charles announced he tested positive. Then the news lady said they have 6600 cases there in all. Not 6700 or 6500 but “6600.” None of these celebrities died yet from it — not surprising. 😉