Molyneux on fake news

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Molyneux (Norman-French name like mine, so he is also part-Viking) has theater training and it shows, also a degree in history from McGill, the top university in Canada.

Wiki, founded and run by the finance jew Jimmy Wales (always with the WASP-y sounding names)

….has a hate-filled screed against him:

LOL — Wiki deleted the entire article on ME, with an editor, “Hullaballoo Horowitz” by screen name, claiming that I was not important. 😉

And the article has never gone back up, despite major things happening since then, such as me nearly winning a GOP primary for US Congress in 1990; me being interviewed (and it was shown) in 2009 by FOX, CBS, NBS and ABC after the James von Brunn shootout at the Holocaust Museum; the White House directly threatening me on 23 Nov. 2015; Putin promoting my website in 2016 on Russian national television evening news — on September 11 of that year — to warn Trump against assassination by the jews. 😉

As the courageous ex-Jew Jack Bernstein laid it out:

…first, they ignore you.

(Then come ridicule, then slander, then threats [my current status is all four], then physical attacks [but I am always armed and ready to use force to repel attackers], and finally assassination.)

The problem is I have no fear.

Kill me, jew, and I will be back 25 more times. Deep-down, you fear it’s true, and you know it’s true.

Quod erat demonstrandum 😉


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  1. Great comment by Molyneux at 12:22 in that video there about Joseph McCarthy.

    I love the short little entry here. Hullaballoo Horowitz lol . The four stages… first ignored, then ridiculed, then slandered and then threatened. I couldn’t help but chuckle when you said current status is all four.

    Thanks again for your great, courageous and fearless work.

    • I just do it for the BIG bucks and universal acclamation. 😉


      Some more for you:

      Patton tell Bradley he was here, at a North African battlesite, 2,000 years ago.

      ‘The three Roman legions massacred the Carthaginians. Then they were stripped naked by the Arab women.’

      God bless Trump — warts and all: p-ssy-grabber, vainglorious narcissist, and vulgarian that he is.

      I am more convinced than ever (see my website!!!!) that Trump, 6’2″, blondish, blue-eyed, and German heritage, literally is the reincarnation of the swaggering, 6’2″ anti-NWO WWII general George Patton, who realized at the end that the Germans were “the best nation in Europe” and who our REAL enemy was — and IS!

  2. Amen. Trump does have so much in common with Patton. Just the type of life you’d expect Patton to take on after his previous legendary incarnation! He took a different route of course this time with less athletics, focusing on the financial structure and ascending to President. He should still have a lot more to add to his story and legacy. Things are definitely getting tough for him now but I sure hope and expect he pulls out of it.

    I have that movie Patton on Blu-ray and that scene certainly sticks out in my mind. And thanks for that Yeager video!

    • Lots of good info there and thanks.

      For me, Molyneux is like Alex Jones (or, for that matter, Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham on FOX). They know if they go too far, they get banned.

      Both Molyneux and Jones are conveyor belts, moving awakening people gradually from the Establishment view with more and more facts in each episode over to the more extreme one, to our view.

      I did watch Molyneux claiming some jewish blood. Could be he has some, but it could also be, at least in part, fibbing or embellishing just to try to deflect some heat.

      Fact is we all have a smidgen of jewish blood because decent individual jews have been bailing out of judaism in revulsion for 3,000 years. We all admire the late full-jew Benjamin Freedman and also Mordechai Vanunu, who did 11 years in solitar cofninement for exposiogfn the >israel WMDpropggrma and who stil defies the Zuonist monster today. Ino w peioloe who know him.

      ELEVEN YEARS IN SOLITARY. Look at whites like Heimbach and Holappa, who under pressure renounce our Cause!

      As for Aryan blood, Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, is genetically a handsome white

      ….but also a despicable leftist, a gun-grabbing, race-traitor, open-borders, gay-marriage scumbag, just as is pure-white movie star Brad Pitt with the many non-white adopted kids.

      My own elder daughter is very white and nordic but her Twitter feed is just nauseating.

      Liberals think race is nothing.

      American “Nazis” think race is everything.

      Actually, race is in the middle; it is “something.” 🙂 Important — but not a reliable predictor of behavior, not any more at least. 🙁

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