Breaking with Cohenavirus-mania, muslim migrant murders of innocent whites ARE continuing!

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Emily Bolton, murdered at age seven out of sheer hatred for the white race by a Somali female using a huge knife in Queen’s Park, Heaton, England.

Hazlitt Pond – no place in England is now safe for English whites.

Thanks, jews.

And thanks, paedophile “Conservative” British PM Edward Heath, for destroying the political career of his fellow Tory, Enoch Powell, the man who clearly warned the entire British nation in big headlines against this non-white immigration in his famous “Rivers of Blood.”

On April 20 [interesting day choice], 1968:



Parents, I am truly sorry for your loss, but unless you voted and donated to the BNP of Nick Griffin,

or supported younger activists like the fearless Jack Sen,

…really, you should spare us your blubbering. It’s all cause-and-effect.

YOU deliberately shut your eyes to reality.

YOU put those tears in your eyes.

YOU put that knife into your little girl’s belly.

What did you THINK some African muslim would eventually do???? Ah, but you hoped it would not be YOUR daughter, but another’s.

Well, it was yours. Karma’s a bitch, eh?



….. Rivers of Blood

In the speech Powell recounted a conversation with one of his constituents, a middle-aged working man, a few weeks earlier. Powell said that the man told him: “If I had the money to go, I wouldn’t stay in this country… I have three children, all of them been through grammar school and two of them married now, with family. I shan’t be satisfied till I have seen them all settled overseas.”

The man finished by saying to Powell:

“In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man”.[6]

Powell went on:

Here is a decent, ordinary fellow Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that the country will not be worth living in for his children. I simply do not have the right to shrug my shoulders and think about something else. What he is saying, thousands and hundreds of thousands are saying and thinking – not throughout Great Britain, perhaps, but in the areas that are already undergoing the total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand years of English history.

We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population.

It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.

So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancées whom they have never seen.[6][7]

Powell quoted a letter he received from a woman in Northumberland, about an elderly woman living on a Wolverhampton street where she was the only white resident. The woman’s husband and two sons had died in World War II and she had rented out the rooms in her house. Once immigrants had moved into the street in which she lived, her white lodgers left.

Two black men had knocked on her door at 7:00 am to use her telephone to call their employers, but she refused, as she would have done to any other stranger knocking at her door at such an hour, and was subsequently verbally abused.

The woman had asked her local authority for a rates reduction, but was told by a council officer to let out the rooms of her house. When the woman said the only tenants would be black, the council officer replied:

“Racial prejudice won’t get you anywhere in this country.”

……Karma: though warned, you killed your German friends to save your jew enemies

Enoch Powell said: “We must be literally mad.”

Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, who then ruled also over that very land that is now England, said it also:

My quest now is to end the madness forever. To fix what is wrong in the human brain on this ever more miserable planet…. because British writer and novelist (“Brave New World”) Aldous Huxley was right:


  1. In the Hindu religion, Hell is not a place, but rather a time period which repeats. According to these hindus (mind you – most ancient of Aryan Religions), this time period we are in, is the worst period to be alive, in 24,000 years.

    The period is called the Kali Yuga, and according to the Saptarsi Calendar, this period ends in five years. The calendar is extremely accurate. What comes next is the mother of all “transition periods” – the big one.

    During transition periods, the entire world’s civilizations simultaneously collapse, and mass death occurs. In the past, this was often caused by gigantic floods (see Biblical floods), which exactly correspond with the start of these transition periods. You can check this by examining ice core temperature of Greenland, or historical records of sea levels.

  2. Now that you are finishing this final, most important project: I wanted to share this information – because it could be invaluable toward a ‘revelation’ like final chapter. It is for you to decide what to do with this, but I would be remiss to not share this with you. It is perhaps the most important thing I have learned.

    This is an MS paint picture I made about 6 months ago. It may be hard to follow, but it aggregates all this information into 1 infographic (if you decide to look into this topic, this comment should make things much easier). The Yuga Cycles predict that (at the start of the Kali) the intelligence and morality of mankind will have descended to 25% of what existed during the Satya Yuga (See Greco-Roman “Golden Age”). By the end of the Kali (2025), the morality and intelligence of mankind will reach its lowest point in 24,000 years – 0 morality, and 0 intelligence. Upon hearing this, I bothered to look into it deeply.

    I have only found 3 solid pieces of evidence which corroborate this Yuga cycle timeline. They include 2 giant rises in temperature (marking the end of the Ice Age, which may have caused biblical flooding), each exactly corresponding with the start of 2 different transition periods (the first one marking the end of the first Satya yuga, and the second marking the end of the final Satya Yuga). The third piece of evidence, is that the start of the first kali yuga, occurs roughly at the start of the first nations (The start of the nations can be viewed as the period of great wars and death) Technically it’s 4 pieces of evidence – if you count our current age, and what many perceive as a coming collapse.

    The saptarsi calendar of the yuga cycles is less widely followed, but is created from a calendar that dates to just before the start of the Kali period. Graham Hancock gave me the idea to look into this, and his work on this can be found here:
    I kept this article in the back of my mind for about 4 years, and then decided to read it about 6 months ago. (Simply because it is so very very long). Following reading this, I made the infographic, and then bought his book, called, “Finger Prints of the Gods”.

    I really wanted to add this as well – I’m sorry for monologuing.
    I learned that the Earth has a 26,000 year cycle (pretty close – might be related). This cycle is called the “Precession of the Equinoxes”, or in modern times, just “Precession”. If you already know what this is, please skip to the next paragraph. Precession involves the axial rotation of the Earth. We have this 27 degree tilt, relative to the Sun’s magnetic N/S pole. This creates the Seasons – Summer Winter etc. Over the next 12-13000 years, the 27 degree tilt will be exactly opposite of where it is now. So, relative to the Sun, the dead of winter, will be the middle of summer (in 12-13,000 years). The video below shows this “Precession”.

    So, I bothered to download google Sky, and look up Exactly where our North AND South axial poles were pointing, by examining which constellational stars our axial poles align with as this precessional cycle takes place.
    The Golden Age happens to occur when our North and South Axial Poles are directly aligned with the Milky Way Galaxy. & during the middle of the Kali, we are roughly the Furthest from being (axially) in line with the Milky Way. That was pretty neat to find out. Whether this is “Precession” is related to the Yuga Cycles, I am Not Sure. Yet I suspect that our alignment with our galaxy is critically important to our civilizational success. & yes, I

    am beginning to learn, that a life lived with doubt, causes fear, and fear causes submission. An honest man who walks in faith of himself and Gd, knows no bounds. Unnecessary addition: In this video by heliophant – he places Kali (Goddess of Death, chaos, and insanity) into the ending of the prophetic video. She is a blue goddess, often depicted wearing a necklace of skulls.
    I hope you find this of interest John. Goodnight.

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