Spiritual reading — feeling alone (wrongly so)

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April 12

Sometimes waves of grief wash over your world. The sorrowing can be very, very deep. This is not a bad thing, although it may be challenging when you encounter a day replete with these grieving energies.

It will be helpful to be prepared. The reasons for grief are myriad, and you will find many in your own experience, in your own life.

But the underlying causes are simpler and have absolutely nothing to do with stories or events or their absence.

Pushing this sadness forward, pouring it down on you, is the loneliness and loss you all feel at being separated, one from another and all from the whole. Over and over and over.

Up until this moment in time, the very nature of being in a body has generated this grief. People invented religion to ease the pain of it.

People medicate themselves in numerous ways in order to numb the almost unbearable sense of being truly alone. Wars are fought and crusades undertaken to find common ground and to create superficial unity. The means humans have devised to obscure or ameliorate this reality are impossible to count.

But in this time, the possibility begins to present itself: the separation may not be real. In fact, it is illusion, and yet it is an illusion so powerful that no matter how hard one works to pierce it, it returns, again and again.

Still, we are telling you today that because the energies in your world are shifting so dramatically, evolution offers the opportunity to perceive the nearly infinite number of connections you all share. You are not alone, nor have you ever been.

*** JdN

In every positive NDE (Near-Death Experience, and if you are a decent person, you likely will have this experience), you feel an overwhelming love from a Higher Being that has always watched over you, and also that you chose to come here, to this very challenging place, this earth, in order to rapidly grow.

In fact, the interlife is like being a weightlifter without a gym. The challenges are not there. All you can do is read Muscle and Fitness. 😉 Nothing heavy to lift. Just review your life. It is God’s place, and God is a kind of loving German. Everything is perfectly organized — to the max. 😉

There are however no choices, temptations or decisions — just obey — until you decide to reincarnate and go back. And you do, because you just cannot rapidly grow in that temporary heaven.

Btw, it feels far more real there  than on this earth. It is earth that, afterwards, feels like a movie on a cheap 1970s big-screen tv with big pixels. 😉


To see this in an ongoing manner may end up being one of the most transformative changes to occur in tens of thousands of years.

Knowing this, we ask you to let yourself grieve today if it feels right to you.

To open your heart to any sadness you feel or encounter. To experience the tragedy and loss of so many lives spent in isolation and fear.


(English) You can be terribly lonely in a big city if surrounded by sheeple and libtards, and people who are “friendly” but never become real friends, and only think of themselves. (Deutsch) Man kann schrecklich an Einsamkeit leiden, auch wenn man in einer Großstadt lebt, wo aber Schlafschafe und Gutmenschen dominieren, aber auch “freundliche” Menschen, die nie zu echten Freunden werden und nur an sich denken.


There will be much for you to do  to allow this to pass through consciously. If you can hold the pain you will begin to transmute it. This is not yours per se, and it is important to remember that.

Resist the urge to identify [ = “I am like that”].

Yes, you have been alone or thought you were, at any rate. And this has caused you much suffering. But the pain which washes over the earth at certain times is collective, it is universal and arises from the common experience of spirit in form.

As such a one (a spirit in form), you are uniquely qualified to move and clear it. If you are able to do that, through awareness and the courage to hold it (rather than seeking relief), you will open doorways within yourself and within the collective through which consciousness of oneness can flow. And what a glorious thing that will be!

*** Eckhart Tolle says this as well

Acknowledge your loneliness or whatever emotion you are feeling. Then observe it. Without judgment, neither approving nor disapproving. Just let it be out there and experience it as an observer, as an eyeball. Gradually it gets weaker and weaker, from being observed and not succumbed to.


It would not be surprising if this sadness feels initially like despair, or the sort of rage that wants to smash everything in sight.

But if you stay alert and go deeper you will find, bubbling up beneath the rage or the irritation or the despair a great keening, a grief so pure and so strong that it may seem as if it can’t be borne.

If you cannot bear it, don’t try. Just do your best to avoid jamming the channels. Step aside from the pain if it is too much for you. Do something to distract yourself if you need to, but don’t try to bludgeon it into silence or retreat.

*** JdN

Never repress your emotions. See them, observe them; admit they are there. THEN focus on something else, after paying respect to the reality of the feeling.

What makes MK-ULTRA so toxic and gave me violent nightmares was that it represents a  violent repression of horrible memories. Not acknowledged, they lurk and corrode and gnaw at your soul.


This grief is making itself known because the time has come to release the false beliefs which underpin it. In other words, its presence is very deliberate, and through understanding that, you can take the stance which feels right to you.


What the author is referring to is the myth of duality, that the universe is us versus them, or me against the world, or, as Madonna put it in “Lik a Prayer”:

“Life is a mystery; everyone must stand alone.”  Nothing is more of a lie than that. Life is not a mystery if you want enlightenment about it, nor are you ever, ever alone for even one second.

In every positive NDE (Near-Death Experience),and if you are a decent person, you likely will have this experience, people realize — in a way that feels a hundred times more real than this world — that we all are one big weaving, one cloth of many threads, one gigantic tapestry, and every thread belongs to every other one. You then no longer wish to harm anyone (though you might have to defend yourself) because you see you would be hurting another part of yourself.


On the other hand, you may not be affected. If so, please try to look out for others. Many beings—people and pets, too–feel the affects of this sorrow very, very deeply. If you are not overcome yourself, lend a hand to anyone whom you see can bear no more. Remember that sadness may look like many other deep emotions, and be gentle and patient, even if no one else is.

We are always amazed and in awe of your courage and determination to hold the highest of vibrations in the midst of chaos. Today it is more so than ever. We bow to you all and send many blessings.

— E. West


…..That Madonna video again

This is  the same video as above, with the message about life being some unfathomable mystery and how everyone is alone…

But with the visuals, you can see it also pushes race-mixing, giving a black guy a blow-job (“on my knees”) and I guess regular sex (“feeling his power in the midnight hour”) and the poor, oppressed blacks weeping away (under white racism, I guess — they show a white cop).

So if you are feeling all alone and life is a riddle, it is the same as believing in “the poor blacks” — you, the goy, are thinking atheistically, and despairing, thus doing exactly what the satanic jews want.

But very soon whites will become Aryans again and never feel alone at all, or that “life is some kind of mystery.”

The only mystery is when this new faith begins. But I know the date. 😉


….See also

She loved “Miracles from Heaven” — spectacular, incredible yet true NDE

After I put my gun to peoples’ head and force them to watch it, they always thank me profusely. 🙂 🙂

If you truly forgive and really love yourself, you WILL watch it even without my .380, my .40 or  my knife. 😉





Amazon: $3.99


Gut-wrenching —————- but then SUCH a happy ending, and it is all true!



…..WHY do I keep talking about NDEs?

Near Death Experiences prove life goes on after our body is killed.


Umm, yeah, as in “we will not drive out the jews by asking Pretty-Please.” 😉

I am preparing you to be the best and most fearless soldier you can be.

A soldier who does let the fear of death unman him.

Just letting down our loving God.

Every white man and woman must do his duty.

To fight. ….or be slaughtered and die a coward, known AS A COWARD to God.





  1. What a disgusting, horrible and wicked Madonna video! Same old bullshit story about the evil German! You didn’t even mention that at 2:37-3:03 the German-looking guy commits the crime on a woman, then gives Madonna a look, insinuating he set up the poor, innocent, black guy, “Like a Mockingbird” style. SMH.

    Just for you, I subjected myself to five minutes of torture watching that horrible music video, but I wasn’t expecting that storyline. It started off with a glimpse of the handsome German-looking guy but I sure did not expect it to derail like that!

    I always hated that song — and now I know why!

  2. Risposta alla tua domanda:

    Si, sto bene…anche quando mi attaccano![….] Sei consapevole di questa Data per la Vittoria…fantastico!

  3. Dear John de Nugent,

    Thank you for your substantial contributions to the inner reality and to the topic of reincarnation, for the observation from all possible perspectives. The near-death experience is, of course, an extremely vivid initial awareness of the inner level of reality.

    Isn’t it tragicomical? Everyone, including hardcore materialists, goes to the inner reality level every night or every time they change the consciousness frequency mode, among other things during sleep, in order to gather information there, to organize, to communicate, and to create the basic framework for the next day. But the majority is currently neither aware of the transition nor the return phase.

    The “Peanuts” cartoonist Charles M. Schulz knew about the facts. In one of his films, he clearly documented this, in “Snoopy Come Home”, from 1972. Lila, Snoopy’s former owner, is seriously ill and desperate and writes him a (cry for help) letter.[1] Thereupon he sets out for her, together with his friend Woodstock.

    Since they are not allowed to use the railway, they have to walk. One evening they sleep at a crossroads. Great symbolism: underbridge/railroad bridge, traffic junction, full moon, swarm of flying geese in formation! (= communication and interaction intersection, interface between the worlds).

    Then they leave their bodies and go on an out-of-body projection. Now, from an inner level of reality, they explore the physical terrain that lies before them. They explore the terrain in front of them and they get exactly the information they need for the next day to find the way to Lila.

    Another film jewel from America that deals with inner reality.[3] Snoopy and Woodstock, however, do not consciously change the frequency of consciousness, even though they then act 100% consciously on an inner level. A clear indication of how most people are (still) doing at the moment, they are not practicing an awake-conscious transition to the inner reality level.

    [1] „Lila’s Theme“, with film scene: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFMB12MqvjY

    [2] Since the English version was not available, here is the excerpt from the Spanish version, „Snoopy vuelve a casa“ (including the jump to 45:40):

    [3] Another reference to the two American (reincarnation) film classics:
    „▶ “One Step Beyond”: Nightmare. (rare episode)“, ,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k-I0K1uUOE;
    „I’ve Lived Before (1956) Jock Mahoney, Leigh Snowden, Ann Harding, John McIntire“,


    A Reader

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