Before birth, you select both your parents and challenging situations that can eradicate your flaws

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Gosia keeps relaying that in our interlife we choose the life we will get here in this earth, and we choose our parents, too.

Our angels show us what parents and situations are available for our specific needs in terms of  personal growth.

The better a person is, the better a soul he is, the more options we get.

Therefore, no one is totally a “victim” when bad things crop up. We literally knew what we were getting into.

Specifically, we knew that America would turn more and more into a hell hole. But we came here anyway.

To be heroes.

Now the James Leininger case is one of the most spectacular, most touching, and most proven reincarnation cases ever. It is about a brave young US Navy pilot, James Huston, who died in WWII for his country. It was during the famous Iwo Jima operation. (My own father fought on the beaches there as a Marine.)

From my essay:

…..Reincarnation facts


…..Maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ President Donald Trump (born June 1946) is literally the reincarnation of the maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ general George Patton (died December 1945)


Then he had severe PTSD as a little boy from being shot down and drowning as he desperately tried to kick open the canopy of his cockpit as the water flooded in.

But the part about him choosing his parents before his rebirth fascinated me especially. More on that below.

In some kids, vivid memories of an earlier life pop up until around age five. Often the person had died young and violently, and felt cheated by having such a short life.

US Navy lieutenant James Huston, shot down during the 1945 Battle of Iwo Jima,  and James Leininger today.

Anyway, there is a whole chapter on this boy and his case in a great book by Dr James Tucker of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

The University of Virginia in Charlottesville, founded by Thomas Jefferson….

(from which, btw, my younger daughter Erika graduated with a double major in nursing and the fine arts, and also in 2017 in Charlottesville there was also the big White Nationalist demonstration there…)

….has an entire department studying the scientific evidence for reincarnation. It got — for this specific purpose — a one-million-dollar bequest ($1 then was like $4 now) in 1965 from the inventor of the photocopy machine and the founder of the Xerox Corporation, Mr. Chester Carlson of Minnesota.



Here are two interesting pages, with James speaking on:

1) God, the interlife, reincarnation, and

2) on how he selected his parents.  🙂


The day after James’ comments about meeting them [his WWII shipmates on the aircraft carrier USS Natoma Bay at a reunion], Andrea [Mrs. Leininger, his mother] brought up the topic [of what he had learned about the afterlife/interlife]  and asked James if there really was a heaven.

When he said yes, she asked where it was.

Andrea Leininger and her son James.

And he spread out his arms and said “It’s right here.” [It is just on another frequency right here, not somewhere far away.]

She asked what it looked like, and he said it was the most beautiful place in the world.

Andrea asked him if there is really a God, and James said yes.

She then asked if God is a man or a woman.

I [Dr. Tucker] would guess that a lot of very young children from Protestant homes would imagine God as a man with a long, white beard, perhaps looking like Charlton Heston, and sitting on a throne.

James’ answer was that God was not a man or a woman; He is whoever you need him to be at the time.

Andrea also asked him if everyone comes back [ = reincarnates]. James said no, that you get to choose. You don’t have to come back. You can but if you don’t want to, you don’t have to.

James Leininger with his sister from his previous life when he was US Navy pilot James Huston, killed in 1945 during action connected to the battle of Iwo Jima

James with an old shipmate from the USS Natoma Bay, whom he recognized by his voice and greeted by his nickname on the carrier.


[Obviously, I wanted to, anticipating unparalleled suffering for whites worldwide as a result of our defeat in WWII, and desirous, this time, to rally all the white nations, and actually all the races, against our common and mortal jewish enemy, thus to win.

General George Patton [a Norman name, btw, like mine], who saw two Demoncrat presidents, Rosenfeld and Truman, hand Europe over to the jews and the bolsheviks, had vowed to his wife via letter to resign from the Army and head back home to America from Germany to wake his fellow Americans up. He wanted to rearm the defeated but battle-experienced Germans and march with them, united, against Stalin to eradicate communism before it could spread further. (It did — to China, Korea, Cuba and Vietnam….)

Patton had also come to highly admire the Germans, both as soldiers and as civilians, and he reincarnated as the German-American Trump.

And he was determined, in becoming the wealthy Trump, to one day be president of the United States — and in this way save white America from the jews.

Patton’s grandfather was Confederate colonel George Patton. Wiki: At the Battle of Opequon, also known as the Third Battle of Winchester, he was mortally wounded and died September 25, 1864. He is interred at the Stonewall Cemetery in Winchester.[3] The Confederate Congress had promoted Colonel Patton to brigadier general; however, at the time, he had already died of battle wounds, so that promotion was never official. He had several brothers who also fought for the Confederacy, and one, Lt. Col. Waller T. Patton, another VMI graduate, was mortally wounded at Gettysburg on July 3, 1863.[2]

But clearly the Donald has underestimated the enmity of jewry and the task of “draining the swamp” that is 100 miles wide and five miles deep.]


James also had an interesting story to tell about coming back.

When he was four and a half, he was “helping” [his father] Bruce rake leaves one day.

Bruce hugged him and told him how happy he was to have him as a son.

James responded that when he picked Bruce he knew he would be a good daddy. Bruce asked what he meant, and James said that when he found Bruce and Andrea, he knew they would be good for him.

Bruce asked James where he had “found” them, and James said “in Hawaii.”

The three of them had gone to Hawaii that summer, so Bruce told James that he had not “found” them [the young couple] there because they were all there together.

James said,  no, it wasn’t that time; it was when only Bruce and Andrea were there. Bruce asked James where he had found them, and James said it was “at the pink hotel.”

He added that he had found them on the beach when they were eating dinner.

This is another couple. I have been here, and surfed myself on Waikiki Beach.

It is the easiest  place on earth to learn to surf. The waves come in like a gentle conveyor belt. 😉

Bruce and Andrea had indeed gone to Hawaii before James as born. They stayed at the Royal Hawaiian, a large, pink hotel on Waikiki Beach, a different section of Honolulu than where they visited with James.

The Royal Hawaiian on the right

That was their first week of trying to get pregnant, and Andrea had just gone off birth-control pills. Bruce and Andrea finished their time there with a nighttime dinner on the beach.

Though James was not conceived in Hawaii, Andrea was pregnant within a couple of months.





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  1. Two informative and very disturbing videos below:

    The Constitution has been quietly abolished, and Trump has relinquished his authority to FEMA:

    Snitching is now encouraged in America:

    America as we’ve known it is gone. If I had the money, I think I’d leave this country and never come back, because nothing good is going to happen here in the future – only bad things.

    Lui ci sta benissimo (Dio Shiva) contro quel “Rettile” alle sue spalle.
    Il Segno del Cancro e il simbolo della Luna e dell’acqua,”memoria atavica”.

    Il segno di Saturno ricorda invece Odino.

    Ecco perché la Chiesa di Pietro e Paolo hanno perseguitato i Catari, Giovanniti.

    Erano Giudei abramitici fino al midollo!!

    • Transl:

      He looks great (God Shiva) against that “Reptile” behind him.

      The Sign of Cancer is the symbol of the Moon and water, “atavistic memory”.

      The sign of Saturn instead recalls Odin.

      That is why the Church of Peter and Paul persecuted the Cathars, Giovanniti.

      They were Abrahamic Jews to the core !!

  3. A slightly unrelated question:How does this work with Jews? I know they’re the most extreme example, so i’m mentioning them instead of other groups like 70 IQ Africans, even though it is worth asking whether or not they can really make any good changes in their afterlives/interlives before being incarnated again. If a sizable chunk of them did that, you’d think their societies would be less horrible, but it seems not. So that’s an important question which i would be fine to talk about, but i figured i would stick to the most extreme case as the main point.

    But back on topic. The Jews, do they do anything like that between lives and ever actually get better for their next life? Are they literally all reincarnated ‘demons’, or in other words, extremely corrupted souls? I just wonder what they get around to doing in their afterlives, and how any of their actions in there even make sense. From what i’ve read of all the afterlife nde accounts, it seems pretty darn near universal that the afterlife is supposed to be a great place for those who try to experience good things. So how come the Jews, rather than reincarnating to be criminals over and over again, don’t take more time to sit in the afterlife and recover before reincarnating? If all you say about the pedophilia scandals and incest surrounding the Jewish community is true, and much of it seems to be, wouldn’t a whole ton of them not want to even think about reincarnating anytime soon? It all just seems hard to explain.

    I’m not saying any of it is not true, like the past of them being reincarnated criminals or etc, but i just wonder why, when presented with an afterlife that could offer untold happiness and bliss if they put in the effort to be good people in it again, they don’t just take that option rather than go once more into misery and psychopathy. I could get it if some are so far gone that they don’t even realize the possibility and hardly understand such emotions or desires in the afterlife, but it just seems kind of sad to think about.

    Really, when you roll the problem all the way back, it seems the fundamental argument is that their managers, the Reptillians, evolved as a fundamentally evil race due to being K selected reptile humanoids with no concept of family, empathy, love, or anything of the sort. Did they commit some horrific series of atrocities to become the way they are now, were the Mammalians meant to evolve on their homeworld wiped out when they should’ve lived and been the humanoid race in the Reptillians’ place, or was it a ‘meaningless evolutionary accident’ where just ‘evolved that way’ and started evil from the get go?

    It’s just hard for me to understand how it all happened. Again, not that I don’t believe there is an alien evil reptillian race, but i just don’t understand how this was even allowed to happen to begin with. Maybe they were a genetic experiment created by corrupted humanoids who turned evil instead of a natural race? I just don’t get how the system of the afterlife, good and evil, maybe even God, etc, allowed all this to happen. At least in the Bible, the villain has some reason for falling from grace that can be understood, but i have never seen a UFO-logist explanation of just why the Reptillians became the evil scum they are today. I probably have not investigated UFO-logy enough, but i really want to know just why you think this might be.

    I know you have often said the Jews are a Satanic force and, by that logic, perhaps you think the Reptillians are too. But if you don’t believe in the Old Testament’s 6000yr old young earth creationism weirdness, which i know you don’t, then i don’t understand how it works. Where did the villainous/Satanic/evil force come from? And for that matter, if Satan exists and is the origin of all the evil or a major influence, where did Satan come from?

    Which has been around longer:The Nordics and similarily good aligned races, or the Reptillians? I’ve never really seen an explanation on that either. Again, i would fully consider any such explanation and take seriously the possibility of it being true, but i don’t know what the narrative is supposed to be. I’m also not asking you to have an explanation for everything you believe, but if you could just put out your most plausible guess/hypothesis framework for it all, it would help a lot in making your ideas understandable.

    I know this speech derailed, but to summarize:
    1:Most important:What’s the origin of both the Reptillians and Nordics, who came first, why is the galaxy/universe the way it is with the Reptillians/Greys being a threat?
    2:How does the afterlife work with Jews, who seem to mostly never get better after new reincarnations despite visiting the afterlife? Also, do the Greys even have an afterlife, and if they do, why in the world would a Grey ever reincarnate as a Grey in the borg matrix who will be a robot slave its whole life?
    3:Anything else you want to talk about. I’m open to ideas.

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