Cigar-shaped UFO over Italy; my own UFO encounter

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….Soccer-loving aliens?



….Canada’s Brian Ruhe and I discussed my July 1989 encounter in McMinnville, Oregon

…in a town which ALSO had the first flying-saucer sightings that were captured on film,

…and was ALSO headquarters of the CIA’s ultra-evil front company for chemtrailing the skies of America with poisons, “Evergreen Aviation.”

When I write about UFOs, it is because I SAW one.


  1. In the late 50’s or 60’s my grandparents, while living in an apartment complex in Pennsylvania, were woken at night to see a round saucer-like craft landing on the grassy area outside their balcony. I think they said it made a fair amount of noise (which was what woke them up, if I remember correctly) and left a round circle of burnt grass there which they noticed in the morning. So certainly some evidence of it’s having been there was left.

    They never really told anyone except their kids. I may have asked them for some details myself but I don’t remember exactly. The story about this that sticks out is from my father.

    Sounds to me like this was probably a secret government craft going out for a spin at night. If it left the grass all burnt. it was probably jet engines of some type. Who knows. Just an interesting story which I thought I’d share.

    • Interesting, possibly indeed an early, relatively crude US Deep-State knockoff of a captured alien craft — an attempt at retro-engineering to make an American UFO. The US has long been shooting down UFOs using a radar-related beaming weapon, then analyzing the crashed spacecrafts for their technology.

      • I got more details on this. Was actually late 60’s. They spoke of it only once and refused to speak about it again even when it was inquired about. They said it ascended slowly at first then suddenly darted away instantly with incredible acceleration.

        The next morning the grass was described as not being burnt but just being completely dead in about a 7 foot diameter circle.

        • That contempt for the environment would suggest:

          1) US Deep State and its Secret Space Program, which NASA hacker Gary McKinnon confirmed;
          2) Greys, or
          3) their masters, the Reptilians.

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