As they say in French and German, “until soon”; spiritual reading

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For the last month I have covered exhaustively all kinds of research into this incredibly important Coronavirus issue.

Every country (such as Iran), race (such as whites) or leader (Bolsonaro in Brazil) who is hardest “hit” is a target of the US Deep State jews

But it is time for me to make my own move.

I am tired to death of commenting on the news, and not making the news.

I did a lot of praying and walking last night, until midnight, looking up at the stars, and it was a perfect night. As they twinkled, and with no air pollution up here, I saw the Milky Way galaxy, and the Pleiades, my home.

I heard the breakers crashing on the beach here in Ontonagon on Lake Superior.

So, anyway, this time I really will be gone — for a little while.

Btw, helpful article on the stimulus check:

Final news items that show just how bad things are:

–JewTube ANNOUNCES [this is no joke] that it will remove any and every video which goes against the “advice” of the “WHO.”


–Trump orders US Navy to sink Iranian gunboats. (Iran has done formal naval maneuvers with Russia and China, has a nuclear facility built and somewhat manned by Russians, and it supplies China with much of its oil.)

Chinese-owned Smithfield Foods, with meat-processing plants across the country that employ tens of thousands of Americans, announced last week it had closed multiple locations due to COVID-19 outbreaks among its workforce: in Cudahy, Wisconsin; Martin City, Missouri; and Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Popular meat brands Nathan’s Famous, Farmland, Eckrich, Armour, and Healthy Ones, to name a few, all fall under the umbrella of Smithfield Foods – the largest producer of pork products in the United States.

© Neon Nettle

–the biggest white-nationalist website (by far at this stage) now belongs to a jew, Ron Unz (albeit he is an excellent, brilliant, highly successful man, a scientist, and a publisher whose very well-documented, well-written articles rip the jews to tiny shreds).

(Torquemada, a key man in the Spanish Inquisition who ferreted secret jews in high places out by the hundreds using torture, then burned them alive at the stake, was himself born jewish.)

Still, it is shameful that it has come to this.

I was shocked to see how far both DailyStormer and Stormfront have fallen. I guess people are just giving up. My own very demanding website — LONG articles on reincarnation, Nordic aliens, reptilians, and a writing style at a master’s degree level — has, unsurprisingly, such a tiny, elite, readership that it did not make the list…. kinda like how the brilliant, brave, highly decorated Corporal Hitler never even made sergeant in WWI. What a loser. That guy has no future. 😉

Btw, that tree still stands in Pasewalk under which I made my decision in November 1918 to abandon a life in the arts (which I passionately loved) for uncertain political activity.

I was penniless, gas-blinded, with an also poison-gassed throat, which gave me that voice like a cement mixer. 😉 (This was the raucous sound that  surfaced when I gave rally speeches or rants against the jews, and turned up the decibels. 😉  )

I had no backers whomsoever in November 1918, and everything was collapsing for everyone — except for the communists and jews, then riding high — in the despairing Germany of November 1918.


It is amazing that white nationalism truly is going nowhere, even now with this extreme crisis which should be mobilizing people.

So a jew has to take it over, albeit an Edeljude, as we used to say in Germany, a noble jew. And Unz really is a noble person. He pulls no punches even on racial grounds. It is more than race-free, lefty antizionism.

He is fiercely anti-jew ( and overtly pro-white. God bless him, to leave the Cult for us!



–UK arrests two Englishmen for a hate crime for stickers merely saying “Pubs closed — borders open.”


UK: Two Men Arrested For Posting “Pubs Closed, Borders Open” Stickers

Published 3 hours ago on 21 April, 2020 Paul Joseph Watson


Councillor says message is an affront to diversity.

Two men in the UK were arrested on charges of racially aggravated offenses after they posted stickers related to the coronavirus outbreak which said “pubs closed, borders open.”

The stickers, another of which said “open border, virus disorder,” were posted on lamp posts, bins, bus stop signs and bollards around areas of Sheffield. They are believed to be the work of the Hundred-Handers group, described as “far right” by the BBC.

Police said two men, aged 20 and 22, were held on suspicion of racially aggravated public order offences and have now been released while investigations continue.

Local councillor Miskell said the stickers were an affront to diversity.

“This is absolutely disgusting and comes at a time where our diverse community is busy working together to tackle the virus,” he said. “This sort of behaviour can damage community cohesion and relationships across the city. We’re all working together to try to combat the virus.”

Similar stickers have also been posted in other northern cities, including Leeds, York and Hull.

The stickers were deemed “racist” despite the fact that early border controls are what saved some countries from the worst of the coronavirus.


That suffices.

The problem is the truth does not matter.

Nor imminent, looming danger to life and limb:


–disease-triggered death,

–a total police state,

–gun confiscation,

–economic crash, and

–a biochipped, cashless society where Big Brother can crush you like a gnat in a second. By that I mean a chip where they can hit you with a special 5G beam and literally torture you, knock you off your feet, or kill you remotely using the chip under your skin.

I tried to warn you all in my last life.

Now I am going to finish what I started in 1984 when I resigned from Dr. William Pierce — an Aryan spiritual religion that transforms the angrier of the goy slaves into relentless, ruthless, logical yet fired-up, fear-surmounting heroes, men and women who are mentally ready to give all to take these jews down at the golden opportunity, and the LAST opportunity, which we now have.

This time is like the misery year of 1932 in Germany, when 1) the Great Depression really hit home and 2) the communists were everywhere.

Hunger and fear pushed the masses to a movement which was ready to receive them. Though we only got 2.6% in May 1928, we were highly organized, obedient, fierce and fanatic — and we never lost our infinite patience and love for our misled people.

We achieved our spectacular breakthrough in that misery year of 1932, and then in 1933 we came to absolute power.

Please pray for me, and keep the donations coming, or start donating now. The life you save might be your own.







……Spiritual reading

April 22

Your life in form is like an exquisite string of pearls reaching from right where you are at this time, far off, farther than you can see and farther than you can fathom. Each pearl is a moment, an extraordinary orb comprising layer upon luminescent layer.

Today, we want to encourage you to again be conscious of each breath, every moment of your amazing life.

This is not something that most people can do for five minutes on end, much less for a day or a lifetime. But any increase in awareness that you can bring to your being—no matter how small– will have effects beyond the effort expended. In other words, a relatively minor expansion of your moment-to-moment awareness will yield relatively major gains in understanding, consciousness and joy. It is definitely worth a try!

Today, if you are able, allow yourself not just to be aware of your awareness, but of the different layers of your being. Try to notice the mind thinking, the body sensing and moving, the heart feeling, the consciousness watching. And anything else you find.

You are many things at once, and to hold them all at the same time is a rare form of mastery.

Even if you do it for a second—fantastic! We want you to begin to feel, to sense the wholeness refracted which is the essence of what is present within and all around you. When you are able to know this — within yourself — you will be better able to know it, and see it as it is in the world. To know and see both the One and the Many gives you incomparable compassion, and a clarity that will bring you great peace.

Keep in mind the image of the pearls. Each breath holding so much and yet simply a breath. Your lives in form are unbearably rich; we hope that you will be able to bear just a little more of the wealth that is yours today than you did yesterday.

We love you and send all blessings.

–E. West


  1. I’ve noticed something profoundly simple – that people who do moderate to large amounts of research have almost universally good characteristics. One could find honesty, compassion, intelligence, knowledge, competitiveness, openmindedness, etc – just by finding researchers. There’s a caveat I won’t mention.

    I write this, because it has never been more easy to find the intelligent, than at this point. Since life amongst the unintelligent is so untenable – why not begin the process of forming communities? I know this is my calling, but I wanted to know how you felt about this.

    • I agree — conscientious truth seekers are a cut above the rest.

      I tsk-tsked a comrade the other day for citing a website that made utterly wild claims, without proof and against the evidence, that all sorts of white people were jews.

      Communities? They will not succeed as long as white people are semi-animals.

      But soon — yes.

      “People are crazy” — a common phrase and how true. Just try awakening them with truth and leading them.

  2. Dear John de Nugent,

    A lot of power for your project! You are right, it is now really important to make the essence of the knowledge gained available in book form. Good literature survives the ravages of time, you really shouldn’t get bogged down with daily events and let your energy fizzle out, the time left is too precious!

    All essential areas of life have been discussed on, from a holistic perspective, illuminated from every conceivable angle. You were open to criticism and suggestions and have responded to them in detail. Your site contains many basic articles, which will remain more or less timeless, the articles have print quality. Readers can use the search function for all imaginable topics. But the essence must be available in condensed (book)form.

    As a physical representative of your inner self you have gained many basic insights, for the inner world (classic term for “inner self”: personal guardian angel). It is said that ideas can not only be tried out theoretically, that they have to be tried out in the physical; people also generate new knowledge for the inner world.

    It will be your very own book, but your guardian angel can help you with the practical work. In the Seth material from Jane Roberts the following was written: You can instruct your inner self to do certain creative work in the background at certain times of the day, while you yourself do other work in everyday life. Giving these instructions immediately before going to bed and in the early morning hours (before sunrise) is said to be particularly effective.

    This certainly also applies to writing certain book sections and chapters: You have a wealth of accumulated knowledge, insights and experience. When reviewing and editing, the Inner Self can do valuable work in the background, if it is specifically instructed to do so, even when editing the text (für die Textaufbereitung). As a physical representative you embody the very own intentions of your Inner Self.

    To write a normal text book is challenging enough, how difficult it may be to write a spiritual and philosophical practical life-help book that mobilizes all inner forces, that is demanding and detailed, but at the same time remains readable for non-academics.

    Maybe you could publish your work in different PDF versions in addition to the printed book version, for printing out by yourself: Once in US-Letter and in A4, as .epub version, and once in paper-saving form, with smaller font.

    Your life from childhood on, with all its struggles and challenges, was a hard one, with extensive preparation, training and study, which enabled you to write truly holistic spiritual and philosophical literature with the greatest possible practical relevance. It was foreseeable that your greatest successes would come late: Holistic literature requires a truly comprehensive accumulation of knowledge in many areas of life.

    Now the phase of worldwide upheavals will take place, in which the established thought systems will collapse and mankind will be on the search for a new philosophical starting point (eine neue philosophische Ausgangsgrundlage), for a new self-understanding. The need for a directional and meaningful spiritual literature is greater than ever before.

    Furthermore a lot of success!

    • Thank you, comrade, and especially for that tip from the Seth books about asking your creative self to keep working on things in the background while, in the foreground, one is busy with the mundane tasks of life.

      “You gotta take care of business,” we say in America.

      My religion will be for this world, like its enemies, Judaism and Islam. We do not long for heaven except as a short vacation!


    Questo è un Segno..

    Tu sei la Soluzione a questo problema, il Riscatto degli Ariani. I rettili non potevano arrivare al Vertice senza il Consenso, l’appoggio di questi Traditori.

    Perché una fazione di Pleiadiani Nordici mente ancora? Vuol prendere Potere sui terrestri e metterti da parte!! Noi sappiamo bene che sei tu la VOCE di questo Pianeta!

  4. Devo dire che sono stata fortunata a trovare “contattiste” che mi hanno parlato bene di te, per questo le ho “ascoltate” con tutta me stessa, anche se con tante difficoltà esterne.

    La verità è dentro di noi (Eckart Tolle). Tutto sei quel “Nodo” da sciogliere per tanti uomini e i nemici ti temono a quanto pare. “Matriarcato”, “Cabala”…non servono a nulla se poi l’Uomo Hitler viene presentato come “Marionetta” di alcuni rettili. E’ la tattica spietata per deviare le persone,allontanarle dalla Verità.

    Questo mi rende “furiosa”..una Bestia.

    Mi fa pensare a tutte quelle persone che “speculavano” su certe tematiche importanti..

    • Transl:

      I have to say that I was lucky to find “contact women” who spoke well to me about you. That’s why I “listened” to them with all of myself, even if with many external difficulties.

      The truth is within us (Eckart Tolle). What you are is that “node” to be dissolved, for many men and the enemies fear you apparently. “Matriarchy”, the “Cabal” … they present the man Hitler Man as the marionette of some reptiles. It is the ruthless tactic to deflect people, remove them from the Truth.

      This makes me “furious” .. a Beast.

      It makes me think of all those people who “speculated” on certain important issues ..

    Questo video mi serve per la mia tranquillità e per ricaricarmi tutte le volte.
    Ho sempre visto il Fuhrer così;riusciva a scatenare,a risvegliare l’archetipo o Dio nascosto dentro di noi.Ci stavo cascando pure io con le chiacchiere “ultraterrene”.La tua Religione è questa,è sempre stata questa a prescindere degli Errori che sono Umani.
    Ora Spada e Cuore,un binomio perfetto.
    L’umanità ha bisogno di questo.
    L’umanità ha bisogno di te.
    Così sia.

  6. Perché WHW? È questo il suo Significato? Sostegno morbido per l’Inverno?(Correggimi).


    WWG1WGA (Dove va “Uno” vanno tutti) del Q-Anon.

    Ad un certo punto ho pensato..Forse Trump ha trovato questa “Idea” dal WHW della Germania??? Lui sa troppe cose che a me sfuggono,ovviamente sa di te!Sta preparando il Terreno? Me la conservo come risposta finale.
    Mi piacciono i quesiti, i codici criptati, tattica “Leonardesca”.

    • Transl:

      Why WHW? Is this its meaning? Soft support for Winter? (Correct me).


      WWG1WGA (Where “One” All Goes) from Q-Anon.

      At one point I thought .. Maybe Trump found this “Idea” from the WHW of Germany ??? He knows too many things that escape me, obviously he knows about you! Is he preparing the Ground? I keep it as a final answer.

      I like questions, encrypted codes, and “Leonardo-esque” tactics. [end]


      Actually, it is Winter Help Work [“Werk” in German]. It was the annual wintertime fundraiser for needy families. 🙂

      No one shall go hungry! No one shall freeze!

      Pins which donors and volunteers received:


    • Transl:

      True Vikings want to die with this Ancestral Music.

      Where are you all? Where are these Wolves hiding? Nature is already awake.

      I feel the air of “Battle” and “Victory”.

      Your Religion of Freedom! It is a dream for me.

      Odin, god of the Aesir


      Thank you, comrade, for powerful music and the great image of Odin!

  7. Dear Mister John de Nugent,

    Your theory about Neanderthals and Aryans seems to be right. This picture is very convincing!

    The aryans are probably from somewhere else. Even Plato writes this, in his dialog about Atlantis (and compared to the Genesis in the bible):

    Here is an excerpt from Thor Heyerdahl about the White Gods in South America:

    More about this:

    Best regards

    • Transl:

      Odin with his ravens, Hugin and Munin

      Thomas Bergersen:

      Thomas Bergersen is a Norwegian composer. His compositions are very particular and beautiful, his record covers the end of the world! The Nordics have a very “powerful” task here .. I believe in the artists, a source of Truth. [end]

      Thank you very much, comrade. I was unaware of this composer, since I have not gone to see any movies in an actual cinema for 10 years — too much garbage in most of them to be enjoyable.

  8. Sinceramente nei film ascoltiamo sempre bellissime colonne sonore,ma questi grandi compositori sono al Servizio dei Rettili(Steven Spielberg e Company).Thomas Bergersen non è l’unico “Nordico” con queste grandi qualità,è qualcosa che hanno nel “Sangue” e mi viene in mente la frase di Savitri:”Conoscenza e sapere si acquisiscono ma solo il Sangue è Dono degli Dei!”..e che Sangue!!

    • Translated:

      Honestly, in major movies we always hear beautiful soundtracks, but these skilled composers are at the service of reptiles (Steven Spielberg and Company [among them Hans Zimmer, an open jew from Germany]). Thomas Bergersen is not the only “Nordic” with these great qualities. It is something they have in their “blood” and, in Savitri’s phrase, which comes to mind:

      “Knowledge and facts are acquired, but blood is the gift of the gods!” .. and what blood it is!!

    Altro Compositore statunitense.
    Facci caso..”Arrivo sulla Terra”.
    In questo film un chiaro messaggio Alieno.
    Sono Due Autobot dello stesso Pianeta ma con “intenzioni diverse”.
    Optimus Prime..(Enki-Odino),vuol aiutare l’umanità ad Evolvere,Il suo Rivale invece diventa “Alleato”(Enlil)di altri Esseri malvagi(I Rettili?).Questo film è di Michael Bay e Steven Spielberg.
    Nell’ultimo film ci sono anche i Nazisti,però sinceramente non l’ho visto per non irritarmi nuovamente.

  10. John de Nugent, this is literally you, in a very good way:

    You tried to warn our race about this:

    In the end we will win!

    • Thank you, comrade.

      Yes, we will win, but this time not by a futile military revolt against the overwhelming force of the jews’ Orcs.

      This time, we conquer and change souls.

      Do I not destroy an enemy much better if if I change him into a friend? 🙂

      This was the lesson I learned in WWII — embrace all whites as our brothers.

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