Adrenochrome stories are fake; adrenaline torture is true

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Let us be clear: certain jews and satanists do abduct, rape, torture and kill white adults and children.

I know this to be true from my own personal experience as a survivor.

A comrade sent me this today, and I found it convincing.

The Adrenochrome Deception: Adrenochrome is just a normal and disappointing little chemical you can get from any lab — and it neither  makes anyone “high” nor does it prolong their life.

The Adrenochrome Deception

I think one huge issue remains — actual adrenaline (not adrenochrome) in the blood.
Why would a tortured child NOT secrete lots of regular adrenaline from being terrified and actually stabbed?
Why would this adrenaline not still be in its blood for harvesting by satanists, unless it somehow chemically broke down?
Inline image

…….Ritual murder is very real

I was there and I saw it myself. And the son of the Grand Rabbi of Rome confirmed it. He was a tenured professor at Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv, Israel.
It has been many years since I had any flashbacks, because spirituality and, I am convinced, my own guardian angels, have helped me immensely to process it and put it behind me.
But maybe the angels wanted to give me a little kick into action, a little spurring, a little righteous wrath, and it all re-happened quite recently.
I got it when I saw a video about macerators. (These are machines used on poultry farms that chop male chicks up alive. There is little use for roosters, mainly just for hens. Roosters after puberty start to fight and kill each other, and become a huge nuisance.)
As the chicks fell into the blades, I saw sparkles before my eyes and got that well-known swooning feeling that I had not experienced in decades.
I barely made it to a couch to avoid passing out, knwong what to expect. Losing consciousness had happened to me years ago, very vividly, twice and instantly on seeing visual triggers at Georgetown University lectures on biology. It also occurred once while watching an innocuous infomercial on prostate health for men… and once more at the Alexandria, Virginia Health Department, then located on St. Asaph Street.
In the Alexandria incident, I came to, bathed in sweat, and saw a pile of six or eight torn-open paper tubes of smelling salts lying before me on the waxed floor. Two white EMTs were staring at me in worry, then relief, a compassionate blonde gal and a young man with long sideburns.
I had been out for three minutes.
The medical doctor, an Indian, had been unable to revive me, and in his concern had himself summoned the EMTs from the Alexandria firehouse on 900 2nd Street.

Do demons incarnate as humans? Are jews like any other humans you know?

Never think that jewish ritual abuse of white children is a myth. Or that they do not use their blood.

MK-ULTRA and “Unshackled — A Survivor’s Story of Mind Control” by Kathleen Sullivan




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