Visitors and page views (the number of links on my site they click on) have never been higher.
…another one bites the dust; I’m still standing
This “National Policy Institute” was once a high-flying WN outfit, but now the domain belongs to someone else.
Of course, in all their post Wash. DC conferences they never invited the kook, grifter, con man, fake Marine, wife beater, dog torturer, homosexual, jew, pedophile, and believer in aliens and reincarnation (LOLOLOL) John de Nugent to attend. 😉
But it looks like he is still here, and they are going, or gone.
JdN critics Heimbach, Holappa, and Don Black’s son and Stormfront heir Derek Black have not only dropped out — but gone over completely to the jew enemy.
Mocker Richard Spencer with the gay lilt in his voice is washed up.
Defamer Don Black has not only seen his son repudiate everything he stands for, but now also has experienced visits to his once dominant website Stormfront crash.
This fellow, first name Evan, listened to Black and Duke and turned against me, after saying how wonderful I and Margi were, and “like parents” to him. Now he too is inactive, and instead going to graduate school. I miss him more than almost any of them.
Sly slanderer (a behind-my-back email-using attacker) David Duke is going blind.
His acolyte Mike Mazzone is out of gas.
Onetime defamer John King is zero-profile, posting stuff under a female name on Facebook.
Patrick Little, who wanted to run for president, has retreated to Idaho.
Tony O’Neill, who once was my webmaster, has closed down his Irish WN grouplet.
There are so many others who turned against me and reviled me to everyone who would listen.
And they all are gone.
Why? Because their main motive was hate.
While they were bashing the blacks, jews, muslims, gays, hispanics, etc., etc., etc, etc., they just kept on trucking — and bashed me as well. Why not put a hating on everyone? The reason is that the egoic mind loves to trash others.
But the only thing that lasts is love, and only love attracts really good, psychologically sound people.
I could add, in a way, over in Britain, some really good men also, such as Nick Griffin (on the right; he was once chairman of a robust BNP [British National Party] and a European Union parliament member, and Jack Sen (on the left) who was on two MAJOR tv shows last year, which resulted in 1) zero new support from WNs and 2) being reviled and threatened by non-whites on the streets of Britain, where he is recognized.
But both take a secular, non-religious, same-old, same-old WN approach, and they are running out of gas too despite superb work.
Fearless, fun Mike Delaney, after creating the magnificent 911Missing Links and TruTube, is focused on raising his seven kids.
I remember decades ago reading a column by closet WN Patrick Buchanan in the then very paleo-conservative Manchester Union-Leader newspaper in New Hampshire. (I met and talked with him in 1992, I gave him $250 to run for president, and my father knew him from the Nixon and Reagan White House years.)
His column was about secular versus religious people.
He proved that secular people marry less, divorce more, and have few or NO kids. In contrast, the more a couple is fundamentalist – whether Catholic, Protestant, jew, muslim or buddhist – the more they get married, stay together and have big families.
“The family that prays together, stay together.”
And marriage is indeed a sacrament, ordained by God:
–to express love,
–encourage growth,
–and bring new souls into this world whom we are to nurture and lead by our own example onto the upward path.
Buchanan said that a century from now, as a result of radically different birth rates, most humans will descend from the religious fundamentalists.
Our state senator in the western UP of Michigan, an enemy of the lockdown-fanatic [and jewish] governor Gretchen Esther Whitmer, a fine man whom I have met and talked with, is a devout Christian, a farmer, and is of Scottish and Swedish ancestry.
There is literally no future and no white race without a rebirth of our belief in God and that we are his instruments. We are here to change ourselves, then transform our world, and rule it so very well that the benefit is clear to all races, who suffer as much as we do.
…..Toro, toro toro!
“Toro” in Spanish is the bull, a tenacious, relentless defender of the herd.
The bulls and cows of today descend from wild animals in Europe called aurochs, who died out, but the breed has been more or less re-established. Roman general Julius Caesar encountered them during his seven-year campaign to conquer keltic Gaul.
In the parent language of Spanish, in Latin, this beast is called “Taurus,” and that is also the name of a major constellation, and likewise of a major horoscope sign in astrology.
And the Pleiades star system, with their nordic-ruled planets, is located in this constellation of Taurus.
Taygeta, a binary star system in the Pleiades, is the home, as Gosia claims, to two advanced planets, Erra and Temmer, whose inhabitants refuse to give up on us earthlings.
Others, unfortunately have given up on us. They believe the NWO’s Coronahoax will indeed destroy us because most will go along with 5G, a vaccine, biochipping and labor camps — while knowing full well that our governments do nothing but lie. (Every poll shows the masses view politicians and journalists as liars, but they believe them anyway about the Cohenavirus!!!!)
We are one of nine planets that reptilians have infested, but earth most of all.
…..The horoscope shows the moment when you re-enter this world
For me, that was July 14, 1954.
On this very day (“by amazing coincidence”) the jews did their first major, lethal false-flag attack on Americans, in the Lavon Affair.
Though it flopped, and was exposed, and several jews got hanged for it, the jews’ goal was to plant bombs in Egypt and KILL lots of Americans and Brits there (the same Anglo-Americans who shed 800,000 of their lives in WWII to save said jews from Hitler…..) and then go blame it, using the US/UK jewsmedia, on evil Egyptian muslims.
Their hope was that the the enraged US would then invade Egypt and overthrow the Egyptian president, Gamal Abdel Nasser, a handsome, charismatic nationalist.
He was anti-Jewnited Kingdom, fiercely anti-Israel, HARBORED EVIL GERMAN NAZIS, wanted to unite all the Arab peoples against the jews, and he was also cozy (for military and economic aid) with the Russians.
My zodiac chart:
July 14, 1954, 7:23 pm US East Coast summer time; Providence, Rhode Island
Source (as always, I prove my assertions to those with open minds and hearts):
With everything above the horizon (top half of the chart), it is a very public chart, of a man destined for the limelight, not to be a hermit and go meditate in a cave. 😉
It has the moon in Capricorn, like Napoleon and Hitler, seeking power, the power you must have in order to change things.
Interestingly, the fourth house (see the dot on right) is in Taurus, meaning the previous life was Taurean in nature.
The ruler of Taurus is Venus (left dot), located in a favorable trine (120 degrees aspect) with the moon, meaning a person who radiates love as the path to lasting power.
In the western tropical zodiac, Taurus begins on April 20… elemental energy of endurance and stability….
.…attraction, good food and drink, and beautiful, artistic treasures.
Taurus usually has the Venusian signature of good taste, yet this may appear in a more rugged and earthy aesthetic. Those born under the sign of the Bull adorn themselves with fabrics and accessories that are not only beautiful to the eye, but have some texture or tactile quality that “feels” good to wear, or touch.
… drawn to creating, accumulating, and enjoying these Venusian gifts.
They may also have tremendous patience and dedication that they can apply to their various crafts and relationships.
…an incredible amount of endurance and strength and may use their power methodically, carefully, and often in the service of others.
...As a result of being born under a fixed earth sign, Taurus may take their time to patiently absorb new knowledge or skills.
But with their strong determination and powers of concentration, they rarely forget a lesson learned.
……That lesson is a new national socialism must arise for all races and all peoples
…..uniting us for victory against our external enemy, the jew,
….AND our worst enemy of all, the one inside us —
— our wild, unrestrained, squabbling, feuding, hating, fact-rejecting egos.
It is this egoic mindset that makes higher white civilizations reject helping us, even on our deathbed as a race.
We are viewed as incorrigible, and they refuse to “throw more good money after bad.”
But I disagree, and so do some other Pleiadians. And they fear to watch the horror that could soon unfold, like letting a dog without a leash roam through highway traffic.
The white dog begins to cry at the end….like me.
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