“Park Avenue” in Utah, a stretch of buttes named after the Manhattan street, and located in Arches National Park. Photo: Zbysiu Rodak
May 5
At a certain point, a pregnancy begins to show. The new life grows large enough that it is revealed to all who look; it can no longer be hidden. Although the mother may have carried it within for months, knowing herself what was growing, she was not in a position to share it with the world.
Now, the new reality which has been gestating inside of you is large enough to be seen. It needs to be nurtured more attentively and its imminent coming shared with the world.
You know what we mean. The old ways are ending and although many hold tight and are fervent in their embrace, there is no stopping the dissolution of that which is no longer viable.
And there are new values, new paths, new hopes and dreams which are slowly emerging to direct and carry you. But even as they are arising for your guidance, you are the mothers who are gestating them. And you are the ones who must bring them into being in your world.
Although this entails a shift so sharp and at times, so painful that you would wish it away, it is happening. And as the creators of an embryonic new world, you need to protect and care for it with great devotion.
If you doubt its reality, if you dismiss it because you cannot imagine it, if you cling to what was, there will be nothing to hold, nothing to believe in and nothing to inspire and motivate.
We tend not to make dire warnings. There is no point. You are ready or you are not.
Your planet will transform or it will self-immolate.
You are invested with heavy responsibilities, those of you whose consciousness allows it, and yet they are responsibilities for which you asked and were deemed ready.
We believe that you are able to move yourself—with the help of many others like you—cause a shift to a higher vibration and a whole new manner of manifestation. This is our clear and strongly held faith.
But it is obvious to us that things are approaching a critical point.
A juncture where that which has been slowly evolving, mostly in the dark, must begin to emerge and take its place in the center.
A moment when the balance must begin to shift if it is going to change the course of events.
And this is in your hands. Or more accurately, this is in your heart.
So today, we encourage you to begin to bring forth that which has been growing within you.
Forget about your troubles on the worldly plane for a day or two—no harm can come from that, and much good in addition. In fact, the more you feed your challenges in the old paradigm, the harder it will be for the new to grow strong.
So move your focus and allow it to rest in that which is new, which is coming, which—if you make it be—is already here.
You may not know all the details, but you have a sense, an inner certainty about what is eternal and what will be left behind.
Live today in alignment with the eternal, with that which has the power of love and light. You’ll probably have to go through the motions of attending to things that don’t matter much; try to do what needs to be done without investing any extra energy.
The old ways have not folded, nor will they collapse completely until other structures are strong enough to hold the energetic space.
Today your job is to build and fortify the new by believing in it, living it and proclaiming it so all can know of it.
We love you, we proclaim our faith in you and bow to your deep and persistent courage.
–E. West [all photos added by me, JdN]
Well, here we go. As I predicted in an earlier comment, (((they))) are already saying that a “new, more contagious” version of the cohenavirus has emerged that will make people susceptible to a second bout of the disease:
Conveniently, a new model has also appeared (although rightly rejected by the Trump administration) saying that cohenavirus deaths will double in states that have lifted the economic shutdown (no mitigation):
(((They))) are clearly going to ride this hoax horse to the very end, rather than letting it go in the face of its obvious falsity. Instead, they are doubling down on it, in a drive to inflict as much economic damage as possible. There are already over 30 million people unemployed in the U.S. since the economic shutdowns began 6 weeks ago, and that number increases by 3-4 million every week.
They have also used this virus hoax as an excuse to shut down meat production:
At what point does mass rioting and total anarchy begin? But that will only give ZOG an excuse to declare martial law and remove all freedoms. We’re all basically locked inside, so we’re already halfway there.
As for Trump, he was a fool to go along with this hoax, and now he’s stuck in the Jews’ narrative that it’s real. Trump is clearly being blackmailed, and (((Jared Kushner))) is his handler, who tells him what to do. Kushner is unfortunately our real president, and Trump is merely his talking sock-puppet. Expect no real solution to these problems from Trump – he will go along with whatever Kushner tells him to do.
I agree…which is why my time to act has come..and conditions could not be more favorable. The misery index is off the scale.