Andrew Kaufman, MD has been saying a ton of truth about the Cohenavirus. See below.
…..Israelis protest Satanyahu’s new project — microchipping all Israeli children
This after the drastic lockdown.
This shows that “Bibi” views jews as tools, whereas the Israeli people themselves, of course, do not:
The Israeli newspapers got angry when I ran this graphic below, maybe because it did not show jews as the lords of creation they think they are. 😉
In fact, in military terms, the jews are not generals (reptilians are that), or captains (that is Greys), or even lieutenants (Illuminati). They are sergeants, with the goyim as the privates. 😉
As silly as it seems, this cartoon IMO really says exactly what is going on:
A major Israeli newspaper that comes out in English (and to which I subscribe online for $10 a month, and so thank you to my donors for those funds) complained about this cartoon, and then pointed the finger at me: 😉
Like most memes, it is impossible to determine who originally created it. In one instance, it was posted by a white supremacist named John de Nugent with the title “Illuminatus Jew Dumb American Burger” in its URL.
In the original version of the meme, the first figure in the “food chain” is an obese walrus in an American flag T-shirt tempted by a hamburger dangled in front of him. Behind the man is an Orthodox Jew motivated by money, controlled by the same Illuminati figure featured in the cartoon that Netanyahu posted, with the same giant lizard looming over them all.
The Southern Poverty Law Center describes de Nugent as “a prolific writer who has worked with numerous hate groups including the neo-Nazi National Alliance and the Holocaust-denying Barnes Review. De Nugent has run for elected office, and has even vowed to one day become president. While maintaining racist views about numerous racial and ethnic groups, de Nugent is particularly anti-Semitic, believing that the Jews are, along with nefarious space aliens, intent on exterminating the Aryan race.”
…..Superb video with jew Brian Rose and jew Andrew Kaufman, MD exposing the Coronahoax
I do not exclude, but embrace, the possibility that these two Khazars are gatekeepers, whether consciously or unconsciously.
They both may figure :
It had better be jews who are exposing this scam — so all jews do not get the blame in a vast new wave of intense antisemitism — if this Cohenavirus hoax blows up in jewry’s faces.
In any case, Kaufman is an MD (not some naturopath or chiropractor), who has a four-year degree in microbiology from MIT (a top, top school worldwide) and another from Duke (also an ultra-elite school from which my elder daughter Ingrid obtained her master’s degree).
Dr. Andrew R. Kaufman is a psychiatrist in Fayetteville, New York. He has been in practice for over 11 years.
Being a shrink (and they go through four years of medical school like all other medical doctors) means familiarity with medications and bodily ailments, not just psychotherapy.
And this specialty has its advantages for a whistleblower. A shrink does not have huge overhead, like a million-dollar MRI machine to pay off, and three nurses. You just need an office in the burbs, some chairs and a desk, and a medical clerk-receptionist. Badabing, badaboom. 😉
Clearly, in an case, these two jews seem not to be okay with slavery and genocide — and are putting out fabulous info against the Cohenavirus.
Kaufman’s disillusioning depiction of medical school was most revealing to me, and he blames it directly on the Rockefeller family, which backed the AMA, its remaking of medical schools, and the crushing, a full century ago, of any humane and non-atheistic approach to medicine.
For the jew-run AMA, you and I are just meat bags full of chemicals that need more chemicals. Hopefully expensive ones under patent. 😉
I myself did almost all the pre-med courses at Georgetown, and saw the same thing that Kaufman describes:
–endless pounding in of tons of facts, but
–NO reasoning skills
As he says, after the brain-stuffing in med school, then you graduate.
–you end up with $100,000 to $200,00 in student debt.
Then you become a doctor, technically, but must do four more years — internship and residency at a very low salary at some hospital, working 100 hours a week.
Finally, you are a full doctor, you are nearly 30, and, being human, you want to start actually enjoying life. 🙂
You buy a luxury car, a big house, get a trophy wife (who may be a grasping, rich-bitch, gold-digger who really is after your money), and suddenly you need tons of steady income to pay for all that.
End result: you are just another employee, albeit well-paid, trotting six days a week on a hamster wheel of paying huge monthly bills.
BUT if you step out of line, you can lose your job, career, and your medical license.
This is exactly what happened to vaccine debunker Andrew Wakefield, MD in England, who previously had been published in the very highly regarded medical journal The Lancet. Then Big Pharma and the jewsmedia mobilized and he was taken down and slandered as a greedy quack.
With all that money gone, there go the big car (repossessed), big house (foreclosed on), private school for your kids, and maybe the materialistic spouse takes off too.
So these medical doctors pour another stiff martini to soothe their bad conscience, and shut up.
Here now is the two-hour interview by Brian Rose of Andrew Kaufman, MD:
….My comments
With Covid-19, the medical establishment NEVER followed German Nobel Laureate Robert Koch’s Postulates.
1) The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms.
2) The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in a pure culture.
3) The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.
4) The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host — and then be identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent.
Koch’s postulates have been one of the foundations of micro-biology including virology. That they have avoided these procedures completely invalidates their claim this SARS-Cov-2 is the cause of COVID-19.
At 43: Rose says that the fastest way to have YT delte our video si to e “5G2 and “Coronavirus” in the same sentence.
The jews are very afraid of this topic, perhaps not so much because of now but because they have big plans for 5g: 1) when set at its highest frequency, around 64 gigaHertz, which is what they are doing in the US and Canada, and let it loose on all who 2) take the coming Gates vaccine.
At 44: Kaufman says that since he denies there is any novel Coronavirus disease, period, 5G is not “causing” something which for him does not exist. But he is very concerned about 5G.
One, the chair of the FCC admitted recently that NO safety studies on this have been carried out.
Two, Kaufman also says he had gotten reports from a person with AT&T that they are rushing the setup of 5G and working 24/7. If non-essential jobs are being eliminated, why is 5G “essential”? Essential for what?
Three, harm. At 47: he cites a declassified 1977 CIA study saying that frequencies around 60 gH caused anemia in mice, destroying bone marrow, thus red blood cells (oxygen and food) and white blood cells (immune system), and reduced by 64% the activity of mitochondria, the main energy factory of the cell (far more than glycolysis, the burning of blood sugar), potentially causing organ failure and death.
At 50: Rose replies with examples that any mention of 5G and Coronavirus in the same sentence results in a ban.
At 58: Kaufman goes into “germ theory,” which claims as gospel, bedrock truth that viruses cause disease. He says that scientific principles which are rigorously applied to studying viruses in plants are never applied to viruses in humans.
Then he cites the case of Stefan Lanka PhD (University of Constance) in Germany, a virologist and molecular biologist. Lanka claimed that there is no measles virus, period, and offered an award of $100,00 to anyone who could prove there is such a virus. Someone sent him papers so claiming, Lanka rejected them, and it went to the German Supreme Court. This highest court in Germany brought in expert witnesses, listened to them all, then ruled in 2017 none of the papers had proved there is evidence for a existence of a measles virus.
Dr. Stefan Lanka: The history of the infection theory. (English transcript)
It’s gone from one 5G pole to ten in the last few months around here. Before the virus I only noticed one. I believe it was an experimental one since it was there for at least a year. I was suspicious and curious about it but didn’t even know it was a 5G antenna pole until later researching it. Then recently they’ve started popping up everywhere…as planned. But indeed it really ramped up since the “quarantine”.
It is doubtful there is any stopping this 5G rollout. So much money and big names are behind it and the bulk of the sheeple are convinced it is the way of the future. People probably will step up to ensure some regulations and regular testing of these poles to ensure its not pushing out unauthorized frequencies and not going past agreed upon energy transmission levels. Maybe. If not there is no way to know the weapon potential and dangers it has.
Crazy times.
Thanks for our comment. Actually, 5G in the right frequencies is okay and does speed the Internet way up. The problem is the jews cranking it up to the toxic range.
I read a website once saying that cell phones are also set deliberately at a dangerous frequency in order to cause more brain cancer.
Another perfect example of joooz stealing, taking full control of, and monopolizing a EUROPEAN INVENTION aka Stephan Lanka popularized this via many court cases.
The joooz control the invention with patents, copyright things even through deception using the mass media, and make it seem like it’s theirs to begin with.
The goys need to man the hell up and take back what’s ours. Imagine if we didn’t share every single thing with the third world! Lol, then there would be no cell phones or computers for anyone but whites, or driving in cars with both heat and AC. If we copywrote and held onto the patents I’d assume the rest of the world would see whites as demi-gods at that point.Let that sink in.