Greys murdered nine Russian college students, young engineering majors, on a hike in 1959

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This Russian girl was one of nine engineering students murdered, IMO, by malevolent aliens. Judge for yourself.

I read some of the inane comments trying to “explain it away,” and wrote:


There is something called the horror filter which makes us want to deny absolutely terrifying things and want to find “some innocent explanation.” I think that what is kicking in here is understandable denial.


Take the really ghastly things in this video like the gouged-out eyes, the ripped-out tongue, add the radioactivity, then the huge branches that were sheared off, and IMO possibly mind control that sent them like zombies trudging barefoot into the snow and away from their belongings. It seems to me like Greys of the nastiest sort.


Jacques Vallée, PhD from the Sorbonne, a major NASA scientist, has written that some aliens are “transdimensional” and one can only say demonic, evil — just like some people here on earth. Some aliens are seriously bad dudes, and those who go hiking in isolated areas should be cognizant of this. The year-long Mothman horror in West Virginia is similarly malevolent, and very documented. [See below.]


So, no, no “moose” gouged the girl’s eyes out and tore out her tongue.



Btw, the Japanese did this and other things to live, captured Marines in WWII (my father fought in the Marines then, and I was a Marine NCO later on). The HBO miniseries “The Pacific ” shows a scene where Marines are made to file past the body of a dead buddy who had been mutilated while alive.

The Marines took no more prisoners after seeing many such corpses.


Evil is real, my friends. Evil ETs too. [end]


….See also

If you laughed at the idea of Satan before — check out Rihanna and esp. the Mothman of West Virginia…..

…..Tolle insight

I will add that the problem here, once again, is the egoic mind. How can people dismiss reality and say a moose gouged the girl’s eyes out and made all their clothing radioactive??

People have no self-control over their minds. They just believe whatever they wanna. And this is fatal.

This egoic mind is why our race is still dying away without resistance (except for the 1/10th of 1% like me 😉 ), even after it is obvious that someone is out to get us. 😉






  1. It would not surprise me the least if the Dyatlov Pass horror was the work of evil ufonauts.
    There have been several known cases of human mutilation occurring in isolated regions but they were lone individuals.
    What makes Dyatlov extraordinary is that a whole group was victimized.

  2. Human “ufological” mutilations also have occurred in the USA but I don’t know any specific case.

    One specific case that I know was the human mutilation / bloodsucking case of Guarapiranga, Brazil.

    It has to be mentioned that “ufological” human mutilations involve sucking the victim dry of blood in a way analogous of jewish ritual murders which also involve sucking the victim dry of blood.

    Coincidental paralellism — or is there a connection between both horrors?

    Another, better, link to the mutilation case is given below – but the text is in spanish…perhaps better so!

  3. Dear John de Nugent,

    I’m interested in your opinion about the 411 Cases, documented by David Paulides.

    Could it be also connected to activities by Greys or other extraterrestial powers?

    Thank you so much for your work, and my best greetings from an increasingly insane, occupied Germany

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