Spiritual reading — your freedom

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German National Socialism 1920-present (this included the Disengagement Movement, which is a whole society located since 1944 in the Antarctic, the Andes and elsewhere and run by the Wehrmacht, with unchanged uniforms to this day) was the necessary evil of dictatorship to end the utter chaos, partisan bickering, wheel-spinning, poverty and misery of the Weimar Republic “democracy” years – and the marxist menace.

But of course the goal of an Aryan life is not just to learn to obey orders, though the military, specifically, will always need that, since a general may have to send you off to your death and you just have to obey. All great military organizations in history had iron discipline: Sparta, Rome, Napoleon’s troops, the Germans and the Red Army.

The goal is to get control of your mind and soul, and then you can make your own good decisions. The new national socialism, social nationism, is about giving yourself orders — and instantly obeying yourself. 😉

You don’t need “willpower,” do you, unless, deep down, you are really of two minds about something? Once you have decided, really decided, then you will do as you decided — without delay, procrastination, or wavering. And your whole aura will be DECISIVENESS, and trigger confidence in others to trust and follow you.

….just like I decided, deep within, that it is my lot to care for Margi AND at the same time start this new religion, and I have to live what I teach: duty, patience, and eliminating now all that is non-essential. So it was a blessing in disguise that Facebook and VK both closed my accounts, though I miss many friends there.

Making a meat cream in an excellent Vitamix blender with many carefully chosen added ingredients. Margi’s weight fell to 81.2 lbs. (36.8 kg) today.  She can neither drink nor eat with her mouth, her throat having closed up. Silly me to think the jews would leave us alone, two potentially very “dangerous” national socialists, after she beat her cancer in March. It may take two months to recover from the pneumonia, the pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium, and even the antibiotic as well, “anti-/bio” meaning “against life.”

May 28

Think about freedom today. What does it mean to you, to be free? It is a good thing to contemplate and to know—for yourself—because there are myriad energies at work right now that conspire to set you free. 🙂

Your liberation is within reach, but it is only through an act of your own will (or willingness) that you do in fact become free.

Some deliberate life changes figure into this movement. To an extent, the simple turning from bad old habits is an instigator and a harbinger of what might be.

So again, we urge you to follow any shifts, especially those that take you by surprise, and see where they might lead you.

Allow yourself to consider other beings, other forms which can teach you about freedom. Because you have lived your lives in the context of rather unyielding expectation, there are many limits and boundaries, walls and fences which keep you from your freedom.

And those fences are so much a part of your expectation that you often fail to see them at all. Where are your blind spots? Where do you accept your own limitation and imprisonment? Think on these questions today and watch what arises.


I learned as a stormtrooper with the NSWPP that Americans really hate “Nazis.” And all inconvenient truth. And the same goes for all humans.

It was hard to face that our love as Germans for all whites was totally unrequited.

And that we could not go backwards to what worked back then, back in a 99% white Germany that had Prussian discipline.

And that our brothers believe lying jews over us who love them — idealists for whom this was a sacred thing. 


It is different for everyone. A prison for one is the realization of a dream to another. But be careful that you are not realizing someone else’s dreams. If you find that you cannot turn around, that you are confined and attempting to adapt, then in all likelihood, you have purchased someone else’s dream. Go back to the map and see where it is that you would actually like to live. Again, we will remind you that you must look with great attention to detail if you are to notice all the limits you now take for granted.

Here is the truth: you are free and you can live in whatever way you choose to live. You have the capacity, the opportunity and if you have the willingness as well, then you can fulfill your purpose in this incarnation.

There is nothing that beckons you that will be worse than what you have now; it will simply be different. And compromise that is unnecessary places a drag on your energy. Giving up or giving in when it actually makes no difference whatsoever is just a wasting of your life and life force.

There is nothing for you to do today save for giving your attention to the matter of your liberation. Please take the moments you have, the time that you can steal from your other obligations, to see what you can learn about being free. It gets easier and easier to achieve, but you must know what it is and where you want to go with it.

Let yourself dream big and wild. Don’t censor and don’t limit. Consider all the possibilities that your consciousness can encompass. These are times for what might be called “larger-than-life” lives. Let yours become as big as it was meant to be.

We love you and send many blessings. — E. West


This great reincarnation song a huge hit, with Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings and Kris Kristofferson, is about a guy who makes minimal progress in each life. Many earthlings need one hundred or more lives to achieve enlightenment, and mostly through experiencing horrors and then finally taking stock.


What Americans totally do not “get” is that you are not “free” just because you can cast a meaningless vote for a sell-out politician, or have a choice between Burger King and McDonalds, or FOX and MSNBC. 😉

Vanilla or French vanilla 😉

You are free when you are master of yourself, and do with pride what you know you should. When you obey your highest self!


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