Did Archive.org let some jew sabotage my major audiobook “The Nameless War?

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The heroic Charlotte Corday assassinated the murderous French Revolution fanatic Marat in his bathtub. In The Nameless War, we learn who ran all these famous and horrible revolutions and how they did it.
A comrade emailed me:
I downloaded the audio book of Captain Ramsay’s The Nameless War from Archive.org with your narration.
But it seems to have been possibly tampered with or corrupted by (((we know who))). It seems to have gaps, or pages missing, or something is “off” about it. I am listening intently, then the next words make no segue or logical flow. As if, someone ‘removed’ a section and ‘pasted’ another section of your reading voice.
I really want to hear this book. And I have no written book to compare it with.
Can I get a written copy somewhere of ‘The Nameless War?’
Can you direct me where to download a known good copy of your narration?
Kind Regards,
I replied:

Dear comrade G,

Thanks for writing me, and sorry to hear about this apparent sabotage by, it would seem, some jewish insider at Archive.org. That would be a new and negative development, though I was told already that some Dr. Pierce items had been deleted by Archive.org.
I will look into this and see about uploading to my own site. I wonder, however, if maybe it is just your own download, being of a huge file, that was somehow technically glitchy?
Meanwhile, as per your request, here is the written text as vastly amplified and enriched with photos and explanations by yours truly:

…..my 2016 article — very proud of it!

IT IS DONE! ”The Nameless War” by Captain Ramsay [How Zionists use revolutions to destroy the Gentiles] – John de Nugent’s audio and online versions of the 1952 masterpiece by a British WWI hero, Member of Parliament — and Churchill’s irate political prisoner for 4.5 years in Brixton Prison!

Reviews on Archive.org:


Reviewer: manhattansunrise – favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – December 23, 2016
Subject: The Nameless War Is Lost History Found Again
Great job bringing this old book — The Nameless War by Archibald Ramsey, lost to history — back to life for present and future generations.
Reviewer: atlasrfc – favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – September 23, 2015
Subject: A great book, and a great job doing the audio book.
This is one of the most important books I have ever read in my life. I have read about many things in my life. It’s a short but powerful book. It has truth about the history of Europe, and the many revolutions in the history of Europe. Captain Ramsay tells who was behind many of these war and revolutions.
I’d like to thank the reader of the book for doing a wonderful job with this audio book. I love the many comments and how the reader, John de Nugent, explains some thing I did not know nor understand in this book.

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