Derek Chauvin no “white supremacist” (he is married to a Laotian); he knew George Floyd from both working a nightclub security gig; here is the only racial solution

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Half-jew Attorney General Barr vows to get tough on (black) rioters, whom he has correctly accused of being Antifa-led, which means financed by the jew Soros. We shall see what his “investigation” leads to…. since he refuses to investigate demented crook and pervert Joe Biden over blatant Ukraine crimes. 

…..”Ritchie from Boston” has a good question

This Ritchie is an entertaining and smart anti-NWO vlogger on YT who hails from Beantown (with a heavy, classic Bawstin accent — LOL). He made an important observation:




For us old hands, it is obvious:

1) To agitate the blacks to hate whites (even more than already), to riot and then to go and loot, causing whites in turn to despise them even more for looting other peoples’ property, and

2) make all gullible white libtards feel guilty!

Who wins? The jew agenda — once again, get the goyim fighting and hating each other, and not them, the psychopathic puppetmasters, while the Big Jew elite implements:

  1. their lethal high-frequency 5G,
  2. a mandatory, rushed-out vaccine cum biochip, and
  3. a Corona-justified economic depression so Trump loses re-election.

5g now towering over Portage Hospital in Hancock, Michigan. Over time, the Big Jews will crank it up to the max, 60 gH, causing mental dullness and oxygen deprivation similar to altitude sickness, especially in those who have gotten the flu vaccine since 1997, which is full of nano-metal “adjuvants.” 


There are so many questions about this Floyd case now.

The criminal complaint against the now fired ex-cop Chauvin (who bears a French-Canadian name, btw), states clearly Floyd did not die of strangulation/asphixiation, but from a combination of three factors, one of which was the harsh arrest method.

And, like Rodney King, Floyd was a big, black guy, not some little nerd. He stood six feet tall, weighed 200 pounds, and, as a security guard, was doubtless  pretty muscular. (Six feet tall is not especially tall for a big-city nightclub bouncer, so you had better also be quite strongly built.)

And, like King, Floyd was extremely non-compliant. A comrade named K in California sent me this, the actual criminal complaint:

Another sent this along [edited]:

I believe that the whole George Floyd “death by cop” incident was a George Soros-funded Psy-Op – with Soros-funded communist radicals waiting in the wings to riot and loot. I came to this conclusion without even watching a single video or reading a single news article about it, because it has been done numerous times before, with “Dylann Storm Roof” and all the other  shooting incidents.

Floyd’s performance completed, the Soros-funded demonstrations, riots, and looting then began. Yawn.

In my view, the name “Derek Chauvin” (chauvinist?) is a made-up name, which reminds me of the similarly made-up name “Dylann Roof.” This is how the Jews send a message to “those in the know” that the whole event has been staged by them:

From the above Wiki article:

“Nicolas Chauvin (French: [ʃɔvɛ̃]) is a legendary, possibly apocryphal French soldier and patriot who is supposed to have served in the First Army of the French Republic and subsequently in La Grande Armée of Napoleon. His name is the eponym of chauvinism, originally a term for excessive nationalistic fervor, but later used to refer to any form of bigotry or bias (e.g., male chauvinism).”

It’s just another amazing cohencidence that this supposed cop’s surname is Chauvin – nothing to see here, move along.

Here’s another article on “Derek Chauvin” and “George Floyd” working security together at the same obviously small nightclub:

From the above article:

“On Thursday evening it was revealed Floyd had actually worked with Chauvin as security guards at the El Nuevo Rodeo club, the club owner confirmed.

‘Chauvin was our off-duty police for almost the entirety of the 17 years that we were open,’ Maya Santamaria told KSTP-TV.

Santamaria said that she is not sure if the two men knew each other since there were some two dozen security guards, including off-duty officers, working at her club on any given night.

But she revealed there were occasions when they would have been working at the same event.

‘They were working together at the same time, it’s just that Chauvin worked outside and the security guards were inside.’”

Two dozen (24) security guards working security “on any given night” at such an obviously small club as pictured in the article? Total BS – for a small club like that, you would only need, at the most, 2 or 3 security guards inside, and 2 or 3 posted outside at the door. If there were 24 security guards every night in such a small club, they would probably outnumber the customers on many nights, and the bill for their nightly security services would be enormous – imagine having to pay 24 security guards every night. Ridiculous!

Given the fact that there were likely only a few security guards working at El Nuevo Rodeo each night, and that the former owner admitted that “Chauvin” and “Floyd” worked there together at the same time, they would clearly have needed to recognize and know each other, in order to coordinate their actions should a fight break out inside the club and spill outside.

Otherwise, the outside security guards could mistakenly attack the inside security guards in the mêlée, rather than the real troublemakers. Their background of coordinated actions obviously came in handy for their staged “death by cop” event. They both did a fine job of acting – Academy Awards to both of them. 🙁

Here’s a Twitter feed from someone who lives in Charleston, SC (a Masonic stronghold). Just an amazing cohencidence that so much rioting took place in Charleston, which is a relatively small southern town, with an estimated 2019 population of only 137,566, and 70.2% white in the 2010 census:



….Addendum to my conversation with a black professional

He told me that while living in southern Florida he was constantly pulled over as a black man, adding “this harassment was by hispanic cops, not white.”

His crime was driving a nice car while black, which apparently signaled to the cops he just had to be a drug dealer….. It was not fun for him, and it happened constantly.

I had a black friend and ally in 2012-14 who told me he was merely walking home in very white, though depressed Apollo, Pennsylvania from the library with two library books in his bag and had stopped to rest, sitting in the shade on a low stone fence. (The streets are very steep as the town is built along a low mountain.)

Sure enough, a white cop comes along, full of caffeine and/or just p-o-ed “at the blacks,” he jumped out, and started asking Jim aggressively all manner of questions.

“What you doing here? Where you going? What’s in that bag?”

Now Jim was in his fifties (unlike in the photo below, on the right), wore glasses, had been a teacher for years, was a college graduate, and had been a Rotary Club president. He also likes white people (in general), we were friends — yes, he did know exactly who I was —  and we saw eye-to-eye on a number of things.

So, yes, it cannot be easy to be a black professional and get lumped in by cops with the ghetto criminal set.

In fact, it has to be scary to have a white cop in front of you as a black guy:

— with a big .40 pistol on his hip,

–maybe irritable from working swing shifts,

–or maybe his old lady at home is giving him grief and he is all tense from that, and

–likely he is full of coffee or some energy drink,

–plus he has had many unpleasant encounters with authentic black criminals.

I read once that the average cop falls asleep at the wheel once a month at the wheel from disturbed sleep.

–Add to that PTSD from some nightmarish, violent situations they had been in and/or previous military PTSD — since many cops are prior-military and Army or Marine combat veterans.


As I wrote the other day, Thomas Jefferson was certain that blacks and whites would never get along in the same country on any kind of equal basis, and that it could easily end up in a full-on race war, so the two hostile races needed a totally new dispensation or arrangement.


And Abraham Lincoln long felt the same way — that slavery was wrong in many ways, and a danger to the country, but so was racial integration.


However, Lincoln seems to have gone all Christian in a sentimental sense after a lifetime spent in unconcealed agnosticism, so he told his wife he wanted to visit “the Holy Land,” and got into a delusion that the two races could “work it out.” it came over him at the end, which triggered his assassination by hard-core Southerners.

It was one thing to free the black slaves, and slave owners such as Robert E. Lee, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington all felt that slavery was a cruel and horrible thing.

My article on the film and book “Twelve Years a Slave” relates and comments on a true, verified story of how nasty black slavery could be, as a free-born northern black found out who was abducted a few blocks from the White House, drugged, severely beaten, made into a slave, and then taken by wagon to be auctioned off in Richmond, Virginia to a Louisiana plantation by a jew (as the actual book by this black man, but of course not the film, makes clear, and I did read attentively the whole book).

Here is the pdf of that book: twelve-years-a-slave-solomon-northrup

Solomon Northrup, a gifted violinist/fiddler from upstate New York, was lured to Washington DC (a slave territory) with promises of a lucrative musical-performance contract.

Next stop: a harsh Louisiana plantation in swamp country

The film also shows that many whites, North and South, were also compassionate. One white slave owner stayed up all night with his loaded shotgun to protect Northrup from a truly vicious white slave-owner down the road.

Northrup’s white friends in upstate New York never stopped inquiring over a twelve-year period what had happened to him after their friend, a married man with kids, went missing.

And, in the end, it is a white Louisiana sheriff who enforces the law and takes the slave Northrup away from his owner, restores his freedom, sends him back north, and gets him home to his wife and kids.

So the movie is pretty balanced. I recommend it, and the book, which shows the jew role in all this.

I am serious about solving our 400-year racial problem once and for all. I want to avoid a horrible race war that could kill millions, devastate this country, and invite hostile Chinese or others in, taking full advantage of the civil war and maybe deliberately stoking it and worsening it with agitators and weaponry so that overpopulated China can take some or most of our land and/or Mexico, which wants a big chunk of America “back” anyway.

The true enemy of all; some white slaves; the searing, mostly fair, accurate film “Twelve Years a Slave”

But, going back to Lincoln, who had gotten all mushy by 1865, with the Civil War being over and maybe feeling guilty about the 750,000 dead, he got it into his head to make the freed ex-slaves into US citizens, which was a major and controversial step that was at odds with his previous position.

This fateful move cost him his life.


Lincoln had SAID in 1861 (especially to Southerners) that his only goal was to save the Union. Then, later on, he had added “freeing the slaves,” which quite a few whites accepted, slavery being a clear violation of the whole American notion of personal freedom and human dignity.

But going further to make the freed blacks into US citizens — which, btw, American Indians were NOT; they stayed non-citizens until the year 1920 — was NOT what Lincoln had promised to white Americans of North and South.

It is possible to wish black people freedom and a good life and enjoy useful collaboration, conversation and even friendship, without wanting them to marry your daughter or be a direct part of your society. Whites simply do not want this and white liberals are in hypocritical denial if they say they are, most of all the jewish faux liberals.

And, sadly, white history shows that even the whites do not get along — men of the very same race and religion.

The centuries of British-Irish bloodshed, the German-Polish wars and bloody expulsions, the Serbs versus the Croats, the Ukrainians versus the Russians, etc., , all prove that it is folly to integrate peoples who are physically and/or psychologically very different. (I know many Chinese and Japanese, and they have very different mindsets and values in addition to radically different languages. There is a visceral hatred between the Chinese and the Japanese, both of the same “yellow” race…..)

Visit other races, sure. 🙂 Learn from each other, yes — try out their technology, music, cooking, and clothes.

And help each other, of course!

But live permanently under the exact same roof? No. Never works. Never has.

“Diversity is not our strength,” whatever Obama claimed, and race relations got much worse under him, with the Baltimore riots (under a black mayor and black police chief and a 50% black police force!) exemplifying that under Obama no healing took place. What is ominous is that he was smooth, nice-looking, charming, educated and intelligent, not some ghetto thug, and so he COULD have done more. He got the majority of the white vote in 2008, btw, so the white good will was there, and yet the divide was unhealable, then, 2009-2017, and now as well.

With Lincoln, the “racist” who became a liberal, the assassination of this supposed saintly leader, of the “Great Emancipator” who also was revered for “saving the Union,” inflamed the North against the South all over again, and this wound persists also.

The only solution, my friends of all races, is a radically new dispensation.

I am creating a new white movement that paternalistically cares for other races — in their own residential areas — under overt, no-apology white management.

The original apartheid plan of South Africa (not what came later) was like this, and it worked brilliantly until President Verwoerd until was assassinated by jewish instigation.


(Much of the big white area in the western half is simply unarable desert land.) 

The different races and tribes had their own homelands, and if they did live in areas belonging to another race, they still resided in their own areas at night.

Each homeland had its own legislature, elections and local police, but all was financed and supervised by honest, skilled white administrators. The economy boomed for the various different black tribes, crime was low, and other black Africans swam as illegals past the crocodiles to get INTO apartheid South Africa for work, peace, law and order.  

And this somewhat similar dispensation which I envision for the future America does not mean management by the morally average whites of today, but by conscientious social nationists who see administering the lives of all people as a sacred duty, not a means to exploit others as cheap labor.

These white administrators also understand that good, fair treatment, justice, efficiency and competence, and prosperity for all races under white administrators — and zero police brutality, and no one being pulled over for “driving while black”  — will enhance white security and prosperity as well.

Thus, a truly enlightened white rule must be a permanent policy for imperative moral and practical reasons both. With China and Mexico breathing down our neck, and wanting or craving our land, America needs racial peace, not violent divisions and hatreds which enemies can exploit.

(The colonial legislatures of both Virginia and Georgia banned the slave trade for both moral reasons and also the reason of security, stating that Spain or France could call on the black slaves to rise up at night, slit their white masters’ throats, and join their invading armies in order to gain their freedom. Sadly, the greedy kings of England, who made money hand-over-fist on the slave trade using sephardic jews, ordered these duly enacted laws which banned further importation of black slaves to be revoked.)

Dontell Jackson is a brave crusader for the truth about the African slave trade — and just who originated and ran it.


Many a times as a New England boy I passed by this Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island, whose wealthy members ran the brutal slave trade, tossed sick slaves overboard, and destroyed the southern white working class via slavery. (Plantation owners fired white men — who had families to feed — to get the free slave labor; in fact they HAD to fire them and replace them with slaves — or go out of business themselves. The jews knew all this, that slavery would spread like wildfire due to sheer economic necessity, whatever qualms plantation owners had of a moral or security nature.)

The new White America, united with White Canada, is not about expulsion or exploitation, but about areas that are either 1) pure-white, or 2) multiracial  but under overt, highly ethical white rule.

My friend Jim said it once, and I never forgot it:


“I don’t want any ‘black self-rule.’ John, I don’t trust most blacks.

I told the Nation of Islam when they came around with their newspaper, the “Final Call”:

‘Don’t tell me about ‘the blue-eyed devils.’ I know enough black devils. I want the blacks and whites to cooperate. There are plenty of good people on both sides.”

Who really runs this country?

And so let us all heed what Malcolm X said before the FBI, under the crypto-jew Hoover, had him murdered:

1 Comment

  1. 1) To agitate the blacks to hate whites (JdN)
    2) make all gullible white libtards feel guilty!(JdN)
    ..Add to this
    3) Turn the focus of attention away from themselves and moreover make themselves be loved. Lying demo street signs such as “we jews are against racism”, “we jews are with black struggle” etc.


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