How’s that jew-love working out fer ya, Donald? Carlson demands you ACT NOW against rioters

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Excellent analysis by Tucker…..


I suspect Trump has people discreetly monitoring WN sites such as mine, and other alternative sites (anti-vaxx, anti-Covid, anti-migrant, anti-muslim, etc.) for the scoop his own Establishment RINO appointees will never give him.

If true, then he may be aware of something HUGE (pardon me, yuge 😉 ) that Carlson is not privy to:

That if Trump sends in federal troops, psychopathic commando elements that the jews have infiltrated into them, including snipers, will massacre demonstrators in a real bloodbath — on prime-time tv, of course, in living color — to trigger Trumps impeachment and removal long before the election. Then Biden wins, and resignes, making way for President Michelle Obama.

Trump surely has people monitoring my site, since Putin used it to warn Trump against assassination by the jews on September 11, 2016.

False flag to end Trump presidency imminent? Two very different sources predict massacre of protesters (to trigger impeachment?)


–26 June 2020 $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois via Amazon gift card

And this Irish-American sent this along, too 😉

–26 June 2020  $335 from ten people for Margi’s MEDICAL FUNDRAISER ON HER NON-POLITICAL FB PAGE


  1. Trump (or anyone else) should never live in constant fear of what the lying media says. If you do everything perfectly, they will still lie. Just do what you know needs to be done.

    • My dad was friends with Nixon, and the same could have been preached to HIS deaf ears, too. Both men (and Kennedy) kept postponing the Day of Reckoning with the Jews until it was the Jews who got THEM first.

      The coiled nake finally struck!

  2. That seems like an incredibly important insight of yours that the Jews might have infiltrated members of the national guard or military massacre protesters if Trump gives the order to send them in. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t think of it to be honest. The worst that i thought was going to happen was that if he sent in the military, they would just never leave, and we’d basically have a police state everywhere since he can’t control the military. But a massacre? It makes total sense they could do it if they’ve infiltrated the national guard and others that badly. Then it would all be on Trump if he gave the order to quell the riots with the military and they then started outright killing protesters.

    But Trump is still doing much less than he could be doing. His hands are tied to an extent with the freedom of individual governors and so on especially when they’re Jews and just order the police to leave their hqs to burn, but he could still have serious influence if he said these people burning down buildings and pulling statues were terrorists. Right now he is saying nothing. If he did, a lot of change could happen, and a lot of the burning and destruction done so far probably would have been stopped. He’s not using his influence. The Attorney General is corrupt and isn’t prosecuting any of these people who are failing to do their jobs and letting these statues be destroyed unpunished, so Trump should have fired him already. The reality is that Trump probably only has to get one arrest to happen for the rest to fall into place through a legal chain reaction once the precedent is set. Trump could order his AG to start prosecuting people or else be fired from the position and replaced, and he’d be fully in his rights to do so. Waiting longer isn’t going to make anything better, it would only make things worse and more normalized.

    It’s a problem in its own right that the Jews have so thoroughly ruined the justice system that presidential intervention is 100% needed to stop the CHOP zone or make sure that statue destroyers and building burners get arrested, but it absolutely is. And there are many things he can do without going beyond his limits or falling into a trap. Why is he not doing anything? Who knows. At the end of the day, all that really matters is that he actually does something. It doesn’t matter that Biden is senile and nobody will vote for him. They already rig the polls and now they want the election to be mail-in.

    Why is a mail-in election easier to hoax? Obviously when you do it in person rather than mailing it in you have to rig the machine that a ton of people will be polling at. Soros may have done so in some places, but it is still a central machine with a lot more oversight than a mail in process. Literally all they have to do for mail-in elections is just have a few jews vote 100x each and have the ones checking the ballots be Jews or paid off by the jews. There is no central place that can be inspected. Voting machines are in no way perfect and can be rigged. In some other countries, as Jim Stone’s site has noted often, you actually get a RECEIPT for your vote that confirms who you voted for. This makes it harder to hoax people although I do not fully understand exactly how that works, but it at least makes sense that people should get a receipt so there is a double checking process in place to make it just that much harder to rig. Even if the receipt lied, people who got a receipt saying they voted the opposite of what they voted for could protest. And if it said they voted Republican but their vote was secretly switched to democrat, the Jews would still have to rig it so those making the receipts don’t find out the discrepancy, and that would probably be significantly harder.

    I’m sure there is probably a better way of setting up voting than using mere receipts alone, and that extra precaution layers against election stealing could be added. I’m just saying a ‘riggable’ election is not an inevitability of life, and that if anyone had bothered to put in effort in foolproofing the system earlier on we could have had unriggable elections for a long time by now. I know that is a side topic to this rioting point, but inevitably, it is important. He will need to make sure the coronavirus isn’t used to rig the election, and he will also to make sure he actually maintains his support and shows he is an actual ‘law and order’ president who can do anything about this.

    The last point about Trump’s voting numbers that i think needs to be mentioned is how well he is doing vs Biden in reality compared to what the Democrats and Jews say. Because of the virus, people hesitate to gather in public places and this indirectly makes his support base seem smaller than it is. In reality Trump has always had these giant rallies in stadiums with hundreds of thousands of people in them just packing the stadium. Biden basically has nothing like that at all, there is nobody excited about Biden whatsoever and there never has been. I don’t think Hillary ever got even close to the same level of turnout for rallies and such either. Bernie would be able to pull a lot more support than Biden, but he’s not going to be the candidate. These poll numbers of ‘50% for Biden’ are basically just a hoax in my opinion.

    • The creepy, corrupt, demented Biden makes sense only as a place-holder — for Michelle Obama!

      The Maidan 2014 massacres by Ukrainian-Israeli snipers were what turned a peaceful and justified protest against corruption by the (pro-Russian) Vanukovich government into a violent revolution that moved Ukraine firmly away from Russia and into the “western” (US/NATO/EU/jewish) orbit — with a jew president, a chocolate billionaire; a jew prime minister; and jew mayor of the capital, Kiev (a jew whose qualification was as a professional boxer!).

      After the first jew president Poroshenko (whose father had done prison time under the Soviets for swindles), then next and current president has also been a jew, whose qualification for office was that he was a stand-up comedian! You cannot make this stuff up…. Astounding in a very antisemitic country still haunted by the Holodomor, the deliberate starvation of millions of innocent Ukrainians by jew commissars.

      RT ran a great documentary on how mysterious forces began massacring the peaceful demonstrators, with an interview of Vanukovich. Striking is that Vanukovich had already agreed to step down over genuine corruption issues, and to hold new elections for his successor.

      There was no need whatsoever to overthrow him! Putin (and others) had told him he had to go!

      Footage of snipers shootiing demonstrators:

      Ukrainian Interior Ministry ( has released new footage of riot police snipers in Kiev shooting at Euromaidan protesters on February 20. According to Ukraine’s security chief, more than 100 people were gunned down by the Berkut riot police on that day. A spokesman for Ukraine’s general prosecutor said 12 members of the disbanded ‘Berkut’ force have now been detained on suspicion of shooting peaceful participants in the protests.

      BBC Newsnight
      574K subscribers
      A day of bloodshed on Kiev’s main square, nearly a year ago, marked the end of a winter of protest against the government of president Viktor Yanukovych, who soon afterwards fled the country. More than 50 protesters and three policemen died. But how did the shooting begin? Protest organisers have always denied any involvement – but one man told the BBC a different story. Gabriel Gatehouse reports.

      Russia Insight
      809K subscribers

      Italian Film Blows Lid on False Flag Snipers in Ukraine 2014 Coup Georgian Mercenaries Admit False Flag Mass Shooting of “Heavenly Hundred” Protesters in Kiev

      President Trump, Carlson is right. You must indeed suppress Antifa and BLM, and the statue destruction. BUT FIRST you must announce that you have had reports that federal troops have been infiltrated by the Deep State, and so any snipers sniping, or other massacres, such as bombs going off — as in the jarring, seemingly prophetic dream about which one of my readers told me — will be THEIR fault!

      This shocking announcement — the Deep State wanting to kill Americans to take down Trump — will prevent them from doing these massacres which the anti-Trump media want to happen, to film and to hype 24/7 so as to overthrow the Donald and bring in Biden-Michelle O!

      And it will make Trump the hero of law and order and defending the American people!

      What chutzpah also for the U.S. jewsmedia to accuse Russian of interference in the 2016 election when the jews directly overthrew with blood and massacres the democratically elected government of Ukraine themselves two years before!

  3. I’ve been doing some thinking about these riots and disorder that have engulfed the United States . There is no doubt that George Soros is financing this chaos but what is his end game. Well the overthrow of trump and Biden in the White House , but what comes after that I think I know . the creation of the North American union , do my American friends remember this evil plan that hasn’t been mentioned for quite a few years . The sinister plan was to merge the United States Canada and Mexico into a super state similar to the European Union , if this plan ever occurred you will be out voted by tens of millions of Mexican voters this would be the end of all your ancestors dreams of a better future and a gigantic third world one party slave state stretching from the arctic circle to the Panama Canal would crush white And black Americans out of existence Something to think about

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